Are Dr. Dotres and the MDCPS School Board Recklessly Exposing Children To Unnecessary Danger?

May 30, 2024

Hello. My name is Bill Detzner. My blog is Dr. Roos, the former principal of Neva King Cooper School (NKC) was allegedly removed from her post, and recommended for termination of employment. I assume this was done in response to the investigation of her allegedly physically assaulting an African American custodian, and then allegedly causing fraudulent paperwork to be filed for workman’s compensation for the in- juries the custodian allegedly suffered as a result of this alleged physical assault.

My blog also detailed many, many other very serious allegations against Dr. Roos, including an alleged physical assault of a severely mentally retarded African American child, and another alleged physical assault of a Hispanic social worker.

While the parents and staff of NKC are DEEPLY grateful that Dr. Roos is no longer the NKC principal, many stakeholders, myself included, are apalled and DEEPLY alarmed that despite THREE alleged physical assaults against minotities, and despite the fact that many people, myself included, have the impression that Dr. Roos gives the impression of being DEEPLY prejudiced against both African American and Hispanic people, this WHITE principal has been assigned to be the principal of Redondo Elementary School (RES) This school has a large minority student/staff population. Many people, myself included, are wondering why Dr. Roos has been deemed fit to be the principal of RES?

I have heard that after only THREE DAYS of being reassigned to RES, Dr. Roos was allegedly involved in a heated dispute with a staff member of that school that was so serious that United Teachers of Dade (UTD) was called in to mediate the situation. Is this story true?

If so, given the fact that Dr. Roos, knowing she needed to avoid further lapses of leadership, and avoid further dissention from her staff, was unable to maintain order, only THREE DAYS after becoming the principal at another school. That seems to very clearly indicate that Dr. Roos seems to lack the skill set needed to be an effective school principal.

While I am not a psychologist, I worked under Dr. Roos for three years. Myself and many other NKC staff members felt thar Dr. Roos gave the appearance of being a deeply troubled, angry, and impulsive person, who makes very poor choices and has very poor impulse control. Many NKC staff and parents felt she was and is a bully.

I am asking that for the protection of the minority elementary school children and the minority staff of RERS, that Dr. Roos be IMMEDIATELY removed from her post as the principal of that school. I am also asking that for the remainder of her employment at MDCPS, that Dr. Roos be assigned to a position where she will have NO contact or exposure to children.

Quite frankly, if MDCPS wants to send an unmistakable message that it has zero tolerance for either racism or bullying, terminating Dr. Roos employment immediately would be a good way to show MDCPS’ commitment to these principles.

As I stated in a previous email, Dr. Roos gives the impression of being capable of very great violence. During the time I spent at NKC, Dr. Roos gave the appearance of feeling that she was being unfairly treated by MDCPS administrators. She also gave the appearance of feeing that any action she took was justified, as “the ends justify the means.” Finally, she gave the appearance of craving the limelight, and she gave the appearance of not caring whether she became well known due to commendable actions, or despicable actions.

I wish to be crystal clear that I do NOT have definitive information that Dr. Roos intends to end her career by harming one or more children or staff members.

Having said that, some deeply troubled individuals, facing imminent job dismissal, harm or even kill one or more coworkers. It is possible that Dr. Roos will very quietly retire, and harm nobody. Regrettably, that outcome cannot be guaranteed.

MDCPS likes to boast that it has “Zero Tolerance For Bullying.” Given the fact that Dr. Roos was found to be so deeply in violation of MDCPS policies in October 2023 that the investigators recommended she be terminated as an employee, and given the fact that in June 2024 this WHITE principal is still the principal of an elementary school with a high percentage of minority children and staff, perhaps that slogan should be changed to MDCPS has “A Nearly LIMITLESS Tolerance For Bullying By A WHITE Principal Against Minority Children and Staff.”

Dr. Dotres, I am asking you to IMMEDIATELY remove Dr. Roos from RES , and that she have NO contact or access to children during the remainder of her tenure as a MDCPS employee.

Ms. Luisa Santos, as the school board member who represents RES, if Dr. Dotres declines to take this action, I am asking you to contact Governor DeSantis and ask him to remove Dr, Dotres for failure to execute his duties, and also to remove Dr. Roos as the principal of RES.

If both Dr. Dotres and Ms. Santos fail to execute their duties to protect minority children and minority staff, I am asking all other school board members to contact the Governor, and ask that Dr. Dotres, Dr. Roos, and Ms. Santos be removed from their posts.

Is the welfare of a WHITE principal who has allegedly physically assaulted THREE minority students/staff more important than the welfare of minority elementary children and minority staff???

If (may God forbid it) Dr. Roos decides to “end her career with a bang,” my hope is that many of the recipients of this email will be terminated from their jobs, and serve lengthy prison terms for criminal negligence.

My guess is that if an entirely preventable tragedy is allowed to occur, Governor DeSantis will VIGOROUSLY pursue justice for these innocent children.

Is Dr. Dotres Needlessly Exposing Severely Mentally Retarded Children To Harm Or Death?

December7, 2023

This email was sent to MDCPS Superintendent Dr. Dotres, Florida Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz, and the nine MDCPS School Board Members

Good morning to everyone this email is addressed to. My name is Bill Detzner. My blog is

Yesterday, a professor who applied unsuccessfully for a teaching position at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, used a gun to kill three people, and seriously wound a fourth person.

While the gunman’s motive may never be known, perhaps this person felt the school was to blame for his/her lack of employment, and felt he/she had nothing to lose by killing innocent people.

For three years, Dr. Tracy Roos, (the principal of Neva King Cooper School) was my boss. For this reason, I feel it is safe to say that I know Dr. Roos to a much greater extent than any of the recipients of this email. Having said that, I am also putting in the disclaimer that I am not a mental health expert, and I am not qualified to issue an opinion as to the mental health of Dr. Roos.

My blog cites THREE incidents where Dr. Roos, the WHITE principal allegedly PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED THREE MINORITY STUDENTS/STAFF ON THE NKC CAMPUS.

Again, one of those alleged victims was an African American severely mentally retarded child.

My fear is that Dr. Roos may feel that she has been unjustly treated by the MDCPS authorities, may feel she has northing left to lose, and may feel she is justified in exacting a HORRIBLE revenge against the severely mentally retarded children, the parents of those children, and the staff of Neva King Cooper School.

I am asking the recipients of this email to try to feel what it must be like to be the parents of one of these children. These children are the most fragile and vulnerable children of all. Most of them lack even the ability to communicate. What kind of agony are the recipients of this email exposing these parents to on a daily basis? Every day, these parents are exposed to the lose/lose situation of sending their (largely minority) children to NKC, or having their children involuntarily removed from their homes and placed into foster care for failure to send them to NKC. These parents of mostly minority children do not have the option of sending their children to another school.

In previous emails, I have accused the recipients of this email of giving the appearance of being racists for allowing this travesty of justice to continue, while doing very little to prevent what appears to be racist actions by Dr. Roos. I am repeating that accusation in this email.

I would like to repeat some previously asked questions in this email. If the recipients of this email were the parents of a severely mentally retarded minority child, how comfortable would YOU feel about sending your child to the “care” of WHITE principal Dr. Roos on a daily basis? What would your feelings be towards the recipients of this email, knowing they have been fully appraised of the over TEN YEAR on-going crisis at NKC, knowing they have the power to end this travesty, and knowing they have done almost nothing to protect these children?

Would it be fair and accurate to accuse the recipients of this email of giving the appearance of being not only racists, but terrorists as well?

On bended knee,I am literally BEGGING, BEGGING, BEGGING the recipients of this email to IMMEDIATELY remove Dr. Roos from the NKC campus, until such time as a mental health expert has been able to certify her fitness to continue as the NKC principal.

Ms. Santos, as the school board member who represents NKC, I am asking you to forward a copy of this email to Dr. Dotres, to file a request for a superintendent’s investigation into the matter, and to ask Governor Ron DeSantis to relieve both Superintendent Dotres and NKC principal Dr. Roos of their positions if Dr. Dotres fails to IMMEDIATELY remove Dr. Roos from the NKC campus.

If Ms. Santos fails to take these actions, I am asking all other school board members to take these actions.

Dr. Dotres, I am asking that for the safety of NKC students, their parents, and the NKC staff, that Dr. Roos IMMEDIATLY be removed from the NKC campus until such time as she has been examined by a mental health expert.

I am also once again asking that for the first time ever in the many communications I have sent to you, that you acknowledge receipt of this email.
Commissioner Diaz, I am asking that if Dr. Dotres fails to IMMEDIATELY remove Dr. Roos from the NKC campus, that you ask Governor DeSantis to immediately remove both Dr. Dotres and Dr. Roos from their posts.

I am also asking you to suggest to Governor DeSantis that in the next legislative session, a bill be introduced attaching DRACONIAN penalties to any school district that unlawfully smashes a public school that attempts to convert from a publicschool to a private [charter] school.

I am also asking you to forward a copy of this email to Governor DeSantis, and to ask Governor DeSantis to place MDCPS under state control, until such time as MDCPS is found to be in compliance with both Federal and state statutes.

Is Systemic Racism A Prominent Feature Of The Nation’s Fourth Largest School District?

Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) was recently the subject of a grand jury investigation concerning the statistically improbably low incidence of violent incidents that result in investigations, or even reports being submitted.

Dr. Tracy Roos, the principal of Neva King Cooper (NKC) astonishingly remains as the principal of the most fragile and vulnerable students in the county, despite THREE allegations of physical assault by Dr. Roos against minority students/staff of NKC.

It is my hope that Reverend Al Sharpton, attorney Benjamin Crump, and Florida Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz will open a three pronged investigation of MDCPS to determine if 1) Physical assaults and other forms of discrimination by white school administrators against minority students and staff is widespread throughout the district 2) The ratio of incidents of violence reported to the Office of Professional Standards (OPS) that result in investigations and convictions 3) Ways to encourage MDCPS schools that wish to do so to apply for a conversion from a public school to a charter school.

As MDCPS gives the appearance of being a criminal enterprise, it is my hope that Governor DeSantis will relieve Superintendent Dotres of his duties and place MDCPS under state control until such time as the district is in compliance with Federal and state statutes.

I am publishing only two of the recent emails I have sent to interested stakeholders. The first was sent to Superintendent Dotres on July 9, 2023. The second was sent to all 9 school board members on that same date.

Hello. My name is Bill Detzner. MY blog is On June20,2023, I received an email from District 9 School Board member Louisa Santos stating that she has filed a referral with the Superintendent’s Office regarding the allegations that NKC WHITE principal Dr. Tracy Roos has physically assaulted A SEVERELYMENTALLY RETARDED AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILD (Tadarian Williams), a Hispanic social worker, and an African American custodian (Ms. Sabrina Crawley Cross.)

Due to the fact that MDCPS has PRETENDED to investigate Dr. Roos on at least THREE occasions in the past, and absolved her of all guilt, despite several witnesses testimony, the very frightened and very angry parents of NKC severely mentally retarded minority students and staff regard this latest referral as literally not worth the paper it is printed on. The MDCPS investigative bodies exist not to investigate wrongdoing by administrators of the nation’s fourth largest school district, but to cover up that wrongdoing, and then retaliate against the whistleblowers.

Dr. Dotres, my suspician is that if the minority parents of these severely mentally retarded children did not fear retaliatory physical assaults by Dr. Roos against their children (with complete immunity by MDCPS officials), and if these parents did not have a very great fear that MDCPS will ignore any and all complaints they file, your office would be besieged by incredibly angry NKC minority parents.

Dr. Dotres, if Dr Roos is found to be guilty of the things listed below, I am asking that the following penalties be assigned to her: 1) Loss of employment 2) Loss of pension 3) An appropriate prison sentence.

As MDCPS investigative bodies have a well deserved reputation for covering up all wrongdoing by its administrators, I am asking Dr. Dotres to call in an independent investigative body to investigate the alleged physical assault of African American custodian Ms. Sabrina Crawley Cross by WHITE school principal Dr. Tracy Roos.

Please be advised that OVER A YEAR AGO, Ms. Crawley Cross submitted a lengthy report to the Office of Professional Standards (OPS) detailing this alleged physical assault. To the best of my knowledge, OPS did not even pretend to investigate this incident. Is this assumption correct? Please also be advised that Ms. Crawley Cross also went on workman’s compensation as a result of the injuries she sustained from this alleged assault.

A third party, without the knowledge or consent of Ms. Crawley Cross, submitted this workman’s compensation paperwork.

If this is true, it constitutes FRAUD against what I assume is a FEDERAL agency. Can the investigation please determine the name of the person who allegedly submitted or caused to be submitted fraudulent paperwork?

Also, it is alleged that Dr. Roos pressured staff who did not witness this alleged physical assault to submit statements absolving Dr. Roos of all blame for this incident.

Dr. Dotres, as it is my belief that MDCPS has no intention of imposing the APPROPRIATE penalties on Dr. Roos, I have contacted staff who represent Reverend Al Sharpton and attorney Benjamin Crump. Both of these staffs have assured me that they are interested in getting involved when MDCPS once again “blows off” the NKC parents and staff.

I want to discuss “the elephant in the room” before closing this email. As DOAH 13-1492 shows, MDCPS illegally smashed NKC’s attempt to convert from a public school to a charter school A very widely held belief among NKC parents and staff is that the ON-GOING, 11 year persecution of SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED MINORITY CHILDREN, and the minority NKC staff is punishment for NKC pursuing the supposedly legally protected activity of exploring converting from a public school to a charter school.

One of the things I hope will happen as a result of this investigation is that Governor DeSantis introduces legislation imposing SEVERE penalties on school districts that illegally smash school attempts to convert from public schools to charter schools. If that legislation happens, MDCPS will be flooded with applications to make this desperately needed change.

Dr. Dotres, I suspect that EVEN YOU would agree that a school superintendent who turns a blind eye to the physical abuse by a WHITE school principal of AN AFRICAN AMERICAN SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED CHILD, a Hispanic social worker, and an African American custodian is nothing more than a common street thug, a coward, a criminal, a racist, and a child abuser.

As both Reverend Sharpton and Benjamin Crump are polished and eloquent public speakers, I have no doubt they will bring this to the attention of the public in the near future.

I have written to you many, many times without you ever extending the courtesy of acknowledging receipt of my correspondence. I am hoping you will email me to acknowledge receipt of this email. My email address is I am also hoping you will share this email with all 9 members of the school board.

This second email was sent to all 9 members of the MDCPS school board.

Hello. My name is Bill Detzner. My blog is On June 20, 2023, I received an email from District 9 School Board member Luisa Santos stating that she had filed a referral with the Superintendent’s Office, regarding allegations that the WHITE school principal of Neva King Cooper (NKC) School, Dr. Tracy Roos has physically assaulted a Severely Mentally Retarded African American child (Tadarian Williams), a Hispanic social worker, and an African American custodian (Ms. Sabrina Crawley Cross).

If Dr. Roos is allowed to return to the Nev King Cooper campus in the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, I am asking all 9 school board members to contact Governor Ron DeSantis and ask him to remove both school superintendent Dr. Dotres and NKC principal Dr. Tracy Roos from their posts for reckless endangerment of the most fragile and vulnerable children of all, the Severely Mentally Retarded children of NKC.

I have contacted the staff of both Reverend Al Sharpton and attorney Benjamin Crump. Both staffs have expressed an interest in getting involved if Dr. Roos is still a MDCPS employee for the 2023-2024 school year.

If Dr. Roos returns to the NKC campus for the 2023-2024 school year, my guess is that both Reverend Al Sharpton and attorney Benjamin Crump will generate quite a bit of negative publicity for any school board member who fails to phone Governor DeSantis to protect these extremely fragile and vulnerable children.

Today, (July9), I sent Superintendent Dotres an email expressing the 11 year, on-going crisis at NKC. If you need further clarification of the issues, perhaps Superintendent Dotres will be kind enough to share that email with you.

An Email from District 9 School Board Member Luisa Santos Sent June 20, 2023

Good afternoon, Mr. Detzner.

Thank you for reaching out to School Board Member Santos. My name is Selin. I am the Constituent Services Coordinator for the office. We appreciate you bringing your concerns to our attention. As a Board Member, Ms. Santos is one of 9 policymakers for the district, whereas the Superintendent has purview over the personnel of our school’s administrations.

I want to assure you that your concerns have been taken seriously. In order to address these matters, our office has filed a referral with the Superintendent’s Office. By doing so, we are requesting that a member of the Superintendent’s Office looks into the concerns you have raised regarding Dr. Roos and the alleged incidents involving minority students and staff at NKC School.

We recognize the importance of a safe and inclusive educational environment for all students and staff. Your input is invaluable in ensuring that the necessary actions are taken to address these allegations appropriately. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.



Addendum to My June 17 Letter to MDCPS School Board

As my June 17 post to the MDCPS school board did not post correctly, I am resubmitting the remainder of that letter that was deleted.

If Dr. Dotres fails to take this action, and if the MDCPS school board fails to recommend to Governor DeSantis that the two above named individuals be relieved of their duties, many people will judge the MDCPS school board to be guilty of criminal negligence in protecting the most vulnerable children of all, PROFOUNDLY MENTALLY HANDICAPPED AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILDREN, and the Hispanic and African American staff of NKC.

Many people will also judge the nine members of the MDCPS school board to be guilty of protecting and condoning what gives the appearance of being racist physical violence by white school principal Dr. Tracy Roos against Hispanic and African American Profoundly Mentally Retarded children and Hispanic and African American staff of NKC.

If Dr. Roos is allowed to remain the principal of that school for the 2023-2024 school year, I will contact both Reverend Al Sharpton and attorney Benjamin Crump and make them aware of what gives the appearance of being the condoning of racist violence against minority students and staff in MDCPS. I will ask these two gentlemen to conduct a county wide audit of MDCPS to determine if racism and violence against minorities is widespread throughout the nation’s fourth largest school district.

I would also ask that MDCPS allow an independent investigative body, such as the FBI to conduct an investigation as to whether or not Dr. Roos illegally and fraudulently filed workman’s compensation paperwork regarding the African American custodian who went on workman’s compensation as a result of Dr. Roos alleged physical assault against this custodian. This custodian is alleging that a person other than herself fraudulently and without her knowledge or consent filed workman’s compensation paperwork on her behalf.

If this allegation is true, whoever fraudulently filed this paperwork, or ordered someone to fraudulently file this paperwork has violated Federal statutes.

If this illegal activity is found to have occurred, I am asking that the proper legal sanctions be applied, including loss of employment, loss of pension, and an appropriate prison sentence.

I am going to post this email on my blog, along with emails I send to other interested stakeholders.

I would also remind the nine members of the MDCPS school board that MDCPS has recently been the target of a grand jury investigation regarding under reporting of wrongdoing by MDCPS.

My Annual Plea To Stop Violence Against Severely Mentally Retarded Children and Their Parents

All of us are familiar with the horror stories of emotionally troubled armed individuals who break into schools, armed with guns and kill and maim students and school staff. In an effort to prevent this, many schools now have one or more armed police assigned to schools.

What do you do when the person allegedly physically assaulting students and staff (including a PROFOUNDLY MENTALYY RETARDED AFRICAN AERICAN CHILD, a Hispanic social worker, and an African American custodian) is the white school principal who is committing these alleged crimes against minority students and staff? What do you do when both the principal (Dr. Tracy Roos) and the assistant principal (Alicia Fernandez) are also allegedly cheating on the annual end of the year student achievement tests given to students and receiving a financial bonus for the high student test scores achieved by virtue of alleged cheating by the two school administrators on those tests? What do you do when in violation of FEDERAL law, the school principal allegedly causes fraudulent workman’s compensation paperwork to be submitted in regards to an African American custodian who was allegedly physically assaulted by the school principal? The textbook remedy for that situation is to bring these matters to the attention of the school board and the superintendent of schools. What do you do when NUMEROUS emails to the school board and the school superintendent go unanswered over a period of several years and the school principal is NOT removed from the campus, and alleged physical assaults against students and staff allegedly continue to happen?

A person facing this situation would probably come to the conclusion that this school district (Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS)) is actually a criminal enterprise, needing to be put under the control of the State of Florida, until such time as a new school board and a new school superintendent who will enforce both state and Federal statutes can take control of the nation’s fourth largest school district.

What do you do when NUMEROUS emails over a period of several years to two Florida Commissioners of Education (Richard Corcoran and Manny Diaz) go unanswered, and the principal of this school (Dr. Tracy Roos) continues to be the principal of Neva King Cooper (NKC) School, a school exclusively for PROFOUNDLY MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN. Most people reading this would come to the conclusion that NOBODY is ultimately in charge of Florida public schools, and that the school principal is free to break as many state and Federal laws as he or she pleases, with no fear of adverse consequence of any sort. This is the conclusion that many of the desperate parents of NKC Profoundly Mentally Retarded students have come to.

Regrettably, the situation is even WORSE than that. NKC is a center school, exclusively for Profoundly Mentally Retarded children, most of whom do not have speech, or any communication skills. This means that every day, the mostly minority parents of the most vulnerable children of all are forced to surrender the custody of their minority children to the “care” of a white principal who has allegedly already physically assaulted a Profoundly Mentall Retarded African American child, and two minority staff.

A few years ago, a Hispanic parent rebelled and refused to continue to send her child to NKC. After the child had been absent a few days, Dr. Roos informed the parent that unless the child was immediately returned to the tender mercies of Dr. Roos “care,” the parent would be stripped of her child and the child placed into a foster home. At no time was this mother offered the opportunity to enroll her child in a different school. Imagine the daily anguish of minority parents of very vulnerable, utterly defenseless children, most of whom cannot communicate, who must make a daily choice to entrust their children to a white principal who is regarded as deeply prejudiced by many minority staff and parents and who already has THREE alleged physical assaults against minority students/staff, or to risk losing custody of their child. What a terrible choice to force a parent to make, on a daily basis. It cannot be comforting for these parents to know that their tax money is being spent to pay the salary of this principal.

the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed racial discrimination. Given the fact that tolerating physical assault by a supervisor is NOT a condition of employment for minorities in the rest of the US, why is it tolerated in MDCPS? In the rest of the US, minority parents enjoy the right to NOT have their children (allegedly) physically assaulted by the white school principal. Why don’t minority parents in MDCPS also enjoy this right? When I was a teacher at NKC for 25 years, I knew that a single incident of physical assault by me against a Profoundly Mentally Retarded child was grounds for immediate termination of my employment. Why has Dr. Roos been allowed THREE incidents of alleged physical assault, with no adverse consequences whatsoever???

The persecution of NKC has been ongoing for eleven years. It started when the parents and staff of NKC made the SUPPOSEDLY “legally protected” decision to convert from a public schooto a charter school. The term “legally protected” meant that supposedly, MDCPS could not retaliate against us for pursuing this option. A reader of the legal case DOAH 13-1492 would be shocked to find that MDCPS broke every rule in the book in illegally smashing NKC’s attempt to convert to a charter school.The school district was able to be this brazen, because the law provides NO PENALTIES WHATSOEVER for school districts that illegally smash a school’s attempt to convert from a public school to a charter school. IT IS THE HOPE OF MANY MDCPS EMPLOYEES THAT GOVERNOR DESANTIS WILL INTRODUCE LEGISLATION PROVIDING FOR DRACONIAN PENALTIES FOR SCHOOL DISTRICTS THAT ILLEGALLY SMASH ATTEMPTS BY PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO CONVERT TO CHARTER SCHOOLS.

It is beyond cowardly and despicable for MDCPS to spend eleven years (and counting) punishing the minority parents AND PROFOUNDLY MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN for the “crime” of pursuing the supposedly legally protected activity of converting from a public school to a charter school.

Here are two letters that I sent on June 16,2023. The first letter is to Superintendent Dotres. The second letter was sent to all 9 MDCPS school board members. Please be advised that there are one or more additional letters to interested stakeholders that I am not posting on this blog at this time.

Hello. My name is Bill Detzner. My blog is As the white school principal of Neva King Cooper School, Dr. Tracy Roos has allegedly physically assaulted THREE minority students/staff (a Hispanic social worker, a PROFOUNDLY MENTALLY RETARDED AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILD, and an African American custodian,) I am asking Superintendent Dotres to permanently remove Dr. Roos from her post as the Neva King Cooper principal PRIOR to the start of the 2023-2024 school year.

If Dr. Dotres fails to take this action, many people will judge him to be guilty of criminal negligence in protecting the most vulnerable children of all, Profoundly Mentally Retarded African American children, and the Hispanic and African American staff of Neva King Cooper.

Many people will also judge Superintendent Dotres to be guilty of condoning and protecting what gives the appearance of being racist physical violence by the white principal against Hispanic and African American Profoundly Mentally Retarded children and staff of Neva King Cooper School.

If Dr. Roos is allowed to remain of the principal of that school during the 2023-2024 school year, I will contact both Reverend Al Sharpton and attorney Benjamin Crump and make them aware of what gives the appearance of being the condoning of racist violence against minority students and staff in MDCPS. I will ask these two gentlemen to conduct a county wide audit of MDCPS to determine if racism and violence against minorities is widespread throughout the nation’s fourth largest school district.

I would also ask that MDCPS allow an independent investigative body, such as the FBI to conduct an investigation as to whether or not Dr. Roos illegally and fraudulently filed workman’s compensation paperwork regarding the African American custodian who went on workman’s compensation as a result of Dr. Roos alleged physical assault against this custodian. This custodian is alleging that a person other than herself fraudulently and without her knowledge or consent filed workman’s compensation on her behalf. If this allegation is true, whoever fraudulently filed this paperwork violated Federal statutes If this illegal activity is found to have occurred, I am asking that the proper legal sanctions be applied, including loss of employment, loss of pension, and an appropriate prison sentence.

I am going to post this email on my blog, along with emails I send to other interested stakeholders.

I would also remind Superintendent Dotres that MDCPS has recently been the target of a grand jury investigation regarding underreporting of wrongdoing by MDCPS.

Hello to the niner members of the Miami Dade Couinty Public Schools (MDCPS)school board. My name is Bill Detzner. My blog is

As the white school principal of Neva King Cooper (NKC) School Dr. Tracy Roos has allegedly physically assaulted THREE minority students/staff (a Hispanic social worker,a PROFOUNDLY MENTALLY RETARDED AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILD, and an African American custodian), I have sent Superintendent Dotres an email asking him to permanently remove Dr. Roos from her post as the NKC principla PRIOR to the start of the 2023-2024 school year. If Dr. Dotres fails to take this action, I am asking that the nine members of the MDCPS school board (especially Ms. Luisa Santos, who represents district 9, where NKC is located) write Governor Ron DeSantis and ask him to permanently relieve both Superintendent Dotres and Dr. Roos of their positions for failure to protect the most vulnerable children of all (Profoundly Mentally Retarded African American children)and the Hispanic and African American staff of NKC from alleged physical assaults by white school principal Dr. Tracy Roos. If Drand if the MDCPS school board fails to recommend to Dr. DeSantis . Dotres fails to take this action,

And the Band Played On, and On, and On, and On…..

Due to the nationwide bad press Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) got as a result of the nine year old girl being savagely beaten on a MDCPS bus, I was able to cobble together a group of both mainstream and independent journalists who are interested in doing a multiday report on the pervasive violence plaguing the nation’s fourth largest school district, and the efforts of Superintendent Dotres to sweep all evidence of that pervasive violence under the carpet, and the inaction of Florida Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz to take any action to protect the Severely Mentally Retarded children (who are mostly minorities, often from economically challenged homes) even though it has become abundantly clear that Superintendent Dotres will take NO action to protect these children from easily avoided danger. That danger comes from the white principal of Neva King Cooper school. The principal, Dr. Tracy Roos has allegedly physically assaulted THREE minority students/staff. Given the fact that Superintendent Dotres and Florida Education Commissioner Diaz now have to choose between either getting very bad press, or protecting the most fragile and vulnerable children in Florida, I believe they will come to the conclusion that it is in their best interests to protect these children. Here is the text of the latest email I sent to all members of the MDCPS school board, Superintendent Dotres, and Florida Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz. I have also sent separate emails to Governor DeSantis, and Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nunez, appraising them of the situation. Here is the text of that email.

February 6, 2023

My name is Bill Detzner. My blog is I am sending separate emails to Governor DeSantis and Lt. Governor Jeanette Nunez.

It is an irony, but I am not addressing the message of this email to any of the people it is being sent to. I am addressing it to the aides of the people it is being sent to. My hope is that those who are screening the emails will decide that this email is important enough to show their boss. If you are the screening person, keep in mind that this is a story circulating nationwide, and that several mainstream and independent journalists are going to see this email and write about your boss’action, or lack of action regarding this email.

I am writing in reference to the nationwide coverage of the recent vicious beating of a nine year old girl on a MDCPS bus. I am asking that the following actions be taken. I am asking that if warranted, Governor DeSantis and Commissioner Diaz terminate from their posts Superintendent Dotres, Neva King Cooper (NKC) principal Dr. Tracy Roos, and District Nine School Board member Luisa Santos for reckless endangerment of both Profoundly Mentally Handicapped children, and nonhandicapped elementary children. I am also asking the Governor to introduce legislation assigning severe penalties to any school administrators who break the law in their efforts to thwart public schools from attempting to convert from public schools to charter schools. Presently, there are NO penalties for this offense. Governor DeSantis, the fear of retaliation is the only thing preventing many MDCPS from seeking to convert from public schools to charter schools. Once this fear is removed, MDCPS may change from the fourth largest school district to a much smaller school district. I am asking the Governor to perform an exhaustive investigation of MDCPS, particularly the Office of Professional Standards (OPS). This “investigative” body gives the appearance of unlawfully hiding wrongdoing by MDCPS and shielding administrators who are in violation of the law from the consequences of those actions. I am also asking the Governor to investigate MDCPS for violating the rights of minority students, parents, and staff. If warranted, I am asking that MDCPS be placed under the authority of the State of Florida until such time as MDCPS is in compliance with both Florida and Federal statutes.

Given the fact TWO incidents of entirely preventable and reckless endangerment of minority staff/students have occurred in District Nine in the last several months, I am asking District Nine School Board member Luisa Santos and all other school board members to request in writing that Governor DeSantis remove Superintendent Dotres from his post for nonperformance of his duties to safeguard both employees and students from entirely preventable harm.

I have been writing emails regarding this ten-year, on-going crisis at Neva King Cooper School for nearly EIGHT YEARS. I have almost never received any response whatsoever. On the extremely rare occasions that I got a response, it was merely to acknowledge receipt of my letter. In the past, MDCPS and Florida Commissioners of Education Corcoran and Diaz could afford to ignore me, as the media were not reporting on the violence. MDCPS violence is now national news. Additionally, I have notified every mainstream and independent media source I know and have received enthusiastic responses from both mainstream and independent media. I believe the MDCPS violence is FINALLY too big to be swept under the carpet. Superintendent Dotres and Commissioner Diaz will now either make some desperately needed changes or face public scrutiny and disapproval.

During the past school year (2021-2022) Dr. Roos allegedly physically assaulted an African American custodian. The custodian’s injuries were so severe, she had to go on workman’s compensation. The custodian submitted a written report to OPS, which was buried, as was every other report submitted to OPS about the alleged previous physical assaults of Dr. Roos. A person other than the injured custodian allegedly submitted paperwork to workman’s compensation, without the permission of, knowledge of, or input from the injured custodian. If this allegation is true, isn’t that fraud against a Federal agency? Can an investigation be conducted by an investigative body independent of MDCPS to determine who caused this paperwork to be submitted? If the paperwork was fraudulently submitted, can the proper penalty be imposed on the person who committed that fraud?

It is alleged that Dr. Roos then pressured other NKC staff who did not witness the alleged physical assault to submit statements exonerating Dr. Roos of all blame. If this allegation is true, that would make THREE very serious crimes committed by Dr. Roos in just this one incident. This is in ADDITION to two previous allegations of alleged physical assault by Dr. Roos. One event involved a Hispanic social worker. THE OTHER EVENT INVOLVED A SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILD!!! (see my blog for more details on these two incidents.)

In view of these THREE allegations of physical assault by Dr. Roos, I sent emails to Dr. Dotres, Luisa Santos, Commissioner Diaz, and the other MDCPS school board members in the spring of 2022, BEGGING that Dr. Roos be terminated as a MDCPS employee. She was only NOT terminated, she returned to Neva King Cooper as the school principal in the fall of 2022. Although MDCPS had the entire summer to find a replacement for Dr. Roos, this was not done.

After it became impossible to hide from the PERVASIVE violence plaguing MDCPS as a result of the bus beating incident, the district bleated that “the safety of our children is our top priority.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

In my spring of 2022 email to all of you included in this email, I mentioned that Dr. Roos once allegedly confided to me that she suffers from an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. (I say allegedly because I don’t want to get sued.) Given the fact that she has allegedly physically assaulted THREE minority students/staff, a reasonable person would come to the conclusion that Dr. Roos suffers from poor impulse control, anger management issues, and gives the appearance of being emotionally unstable. I also stated that there is VERY deep mutual contempt between Dr. Roos and minority parents and minority staff. The fact that Dr. Roos was returned to the NKC campus as the principal in the fall of 2022 spoke volumes to the minority staff and minority parents of NKC. It first gave the appearance that the well-being of the most vulnerable and at-risk students (severely mentally retarded children, many of whom lack speech to report abuse against them) was a very low priority for Superintendent Dotres and the MDCPS school board, especially Luisa Santos.

It also reinforced for the majority of NKC stakeholders (myself included) that MDCPS intends to punish forever severely mentally retarded children, the parents of those children, and the NKC staff in perpetuity for the “crime” of invoking their supposedly legally protected right to explore converting from a public school to a charter school. (See legal case DOAH 13-1492 for an in-depth analysis of how flagrantly MDCPS broke every rule in the book to illegally smash NKC’s attempt to convert from a public school to a charter school. MDCPS did not feel the need to hide their illegal activities, due to the fact that there are no penalties for school districts who violate this law.)

I am also charging Superintendent Dotres (and previous school superintendent Carvalho) and the MDCPS school board with being extremely racist in their practices. I make this charge because an African American paraprofessional (Ms. Green) suffered the tragedy of having her daughter murdered while her five-year old grandson was in the home. Within days of returning from emergency leave, Dr. Roos allegedly ordered African American custodian Aaron Jackson to deliver Dr. Roos’ threat that Ms. Green was in danger of being involuntarily transferred to another school. When Dr. Roos got into hot water as a result of this incident, she allegedly called Mr. Jackson to her office for a closed-door meeting. At that meeting, she allegedly threatened Mr. Jackson with immediate termination of his job if he did not recant his statement. Superintendent Carvalho cannot say he was unaware of this incident, because he personally telephoned Ms. Green to tell her she would not be involuntarily transferred to another school. Mr. Carvalho also promised to send someone from the district to discuss this incident with Ms. Green. He did not honor that promise.

At the time. Dr. Roos was a candidate for the Principal of the Year Award. If Superintendent Carvalho wanted to make a strong statement that racial prejudice would not be tolerated at MDCPS, he would have withdrawn Dr. Roos as a candidate for this award. When Mr. Carvalho failed to take this action, he sent a very strong message that MDCPS not only tolerates racism, but handsomely rewards it.

I have only scratched the surface of the many egregious violations of both Dr. Roos and MDCPS. If readers wish to get a more in-depth view of the situation, that can be found in my blog (

Commissioner Diaz, this paragraph is for you. At one time, you were an assistant principal in MDCPS. My guess is that having personally experienced the deep and pervasive corruption of MDCPS, very little of what I have said in this email will be surprising to you. Keeping in mind that 1) I am sending this email to Governor DeSantis 2) both independent and mainstream media who are aware of the recent MDCPS bus beating incident will be reading this email, I am hoping you will choose to save your job and do the right thing for severely mentally retarded minority children, minority parents of those vulnerable children, and the minority staff of NKC. Please keep in mind that Dr. Roos gives the appearance of being a very angry and emotionally unstable person. Please keep in mind that many NKC parents feel that you, Dr. Dotres, and the MDCPS school board will not so much as lift a finger if (or should I say when) Dr. Roos next alleged physical assault against a minority severely mentally retarded child occurs. Keep in mind that the parents of these children, believing Dr. Roos has a blank check from both you and MDCPS to physically abuse their children, and knowing the punishment they receive for physically assaulting Dr. Roos is the same, whether they throw one punch, or many punches, those angry parents may put Dr. Roos into the hospital, or the morgue the next time there is an alleged physical assault against a severely mentally retarded child.

The ball is in your court, Commissioner Diaz.

Yet Another Plea For Mercy For Severely Mentally Retarded Students

September 6, 2022

Hello Lt. Governor Jeanette Nunez, Commissioner Manny Diaz, Superintendent Dr. Dotres, and school Board Member Luisa Santos. My name is Bill Detzner. My blog is I am writing on behalf of the deeply frightened parents of the students of Neva King Cooper School. As I have said repeatedly in the past, these parents DEEPLY, DEEPLY dislike Dr. Roos. These parents feel that if they complain to MDCPS authorities about Dr. Roos, Dr. Roos might physically assault their Severely Mentally Retarded children and the Gestapo like Office of Professional Standards will then sweep the matter of Dr. Roos TEN YEAR mismanagement of Neva King Cooper School under the carpet, and look the other way if Dr. Roos chooses to physically assault the children of the parental whistleblowers. Superintendent Dotres, there is nothing new in this email that I have not discussed in detail in the two previous emails I sent you during the summer months shortly after the tragedy at the Uvalde elementary school when you had a golden opportunity to replace Dr. Roos as the principal of Neva King Cooper School, a center exclusively for Severely Mentally Retarded students.

The very frightened parents of those Severely Mentally Retarded minority students were confident you would make this DESPERATELY needed change because they assumed (note past tense) that you were a decent human being. I assumed you would make this DESPERATELY needed change because failure to do so could cost you your job as the MDCPS superintendent. I guess both the parents of Neva King Cooper and myself were a bit naive as to how impervious you and the school board of MDCPS are to the needs of Severely Mentally Retarded minority children. As this is my first email to both Lt. Governor Jeanette Nunez and Commissioner Manny Diaz, I will give some background information. As the information in this email is only the tip of the iceberg concerning the horrors that have gone on at Neva King Cooper School (NKC) for TEN YEARS, I strongly urge new readers to read my blog ( to familiarize yourself with things I will only touch on in this email.

Dr. Roos has allegedly physically assaulted 2 minority staff members and one Severely Mentally Retarded African American child. The name of the student Dr. Roos allegedly physically assaulted is Tadarian Williams. There were school cameras where this alleged assault took place. According to the MDCPS police, what the cameras showed was “inconclusive.” Investigators might want to interview those police officers to determine what the cameras showed. Two African American bus drivers witnessed this alleged physical assault and submitted written statements stating what they had observed. The two bus drivers allegedly experienced extreme pressure by MDCPS to retract their statements. I think this retraction may have happened. The mother of African American student Tadarian Williams threatened legal action against MDCPS. She very rapidly dropped the matter. I am wondering if she dropped this matter in response to threats from MDCPS, Dr. Roos, and the child protective people of Miami Dade County. I know that the Miami Dade County child protective people were aware of this problem, because I spoke to them at great length on the telephone.

Lt. Governor Nunez, I know that MDCPS has become the target of a grand jury investigation regarding safety concerns. Could you please forward a copy of this email to them and ask them to investigate the matters I discuss in this email?

The second alleged physical assault by Dr. Roos occurred against a Hispanic social worker. I discussed this in great detail in my blog. I believe this woman is now retired. If the grand jury would like to question this woman as to why a SOCIAL WORKER was too intimidated to report an alleged PHYSICAL ASSAULT to the Gestapo like Office of Professional Standards, I will be happy to contact this woman and put her in touch with you.

The third alleged physical assault by Dr. Roos was against African American school custodian Ms. Sabrina Crawley Cross. Ms. Crawley Cross submitted a very detailed account of this alleged assault to the Gestapo like Office of Professional Standards. I believe the report was submitted to Ms. Garcia. As usual, nothing was done about this complaint. Perhaps the grand jury would like to do an in-depth investigation of the Office of Professional Standards. (OPS) to see how many reports of wrongdoing submitted resulted in actual disciplinary action being taken. Another thing that might be investigated is to ask how many whistleblowers were retaliated against for reporting alleged abuse to the OPS.

There were only two witnesses to the alleged assault of Ms. Crawley Cross. Their names are bus aide Sandra Welch-Slater, who submitted a statement as to what she observed, and school security person Leon Mitchell. The grand jury might want to ask Mr. Mitchell if Dr. Roos and or MDCPS pressured him not to make a statement. Bus aide Ms. Welch-Slater might be asked if she experienced retaliation, or the threat of retaliation for her written statement.

It is alleged that Dr. Roos pressured Neva King Cooper (NKC) staff who did NOT witness this alleged assault to write statements exonerating Dr. Roos of blame. If such statements exist, the grand jury might wish to interview these people to see if Dr, Roos pressured them into making those exonerating statements.

Ms. Crawley Cross suffered injuries as a result of this alleged physical assault that were so severe that she had to go on workman’s compensation. THE WORKMANS COMPENSATION PAPERWORK WAS ALLEGEDLY SUBMITTED BY A PERSON OTHER THAN MS CRAWLEY CROSS. If this is illegal, the grand jury might wish to ask who submitted this paperwork, and who ordered this person to submit this paperwork WITHOUT THE KNOWLEGE OR CONSENT OF Ms. Crawley Cross. If this is a violation of the law severe enough to merit dismissal of employment, loss of pension, and or incarceration, I ask that this penalty be levied against Dr. Roos. I ask this because there are additional allegations mentioned in my blog that are not mentioned here. (For example, Dr. Roos allegedly cheated on the Florida Alternate Assessment exam, and received a financial award for doing this (see my blog) I asked the State of Florida to investigate this matter, and MDCPS did the investigation, and absolved Dr. Roos of all blame. (Perhaps a different grand jury might wish to investigate the level of cheating by MDCPS on the yearly achievement tests.)

Dr. Dotres, in the days immediately following the Uvalde tragedy, I wrote you TWO emails asking that you use the summer vacation to replace Dr. Roos as the NKC principal. Although there is nothing wrong with having a WHITE principal in a school that is predominantly minority staff and minority students, there is something DEEPLY, DEEPLY troubling about returning a principal who has allegedly PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED THREE minority students and staff.

As you already know, Dr. Roos is DEEPLY, DEEPLY disliked by BOTH the minority parents and minority staff of NKC. I worked at NKC for three years with Dr. Roos as the principal. Dr. Roos is openly hostile and disdainful of both minority parents and minority staff. (A quick glance at the yearly staff and parent satisfaction surveys will bear this out.)

The NKC staff has a very deep level of contempt and lack of respect for a principal who has allegedly physically assaulted a completely helpless Severely Mentally Retarded African American child who does not even have the ability to speak for the “crime” of making Dr. Roos perform her CONTRACTUAL duty of staying late at school with the child, who was NOT to blame for the fact that there was no one waiting for him at his bus stop at the end of the day on ONLY ONE OCCASION (see my blog)

Dr. Dotres, the very frightened parents of NKC assumed (again, past tense) that you were a decent human being, and that the very deep grudge that prior superintendent Alberto Carvalho had for the students, parents, and staff of NKC for the “crime” of attempting to convert from a public school to a charter school (see DOAH 13-1492 and my blog) ended when you replaced Alberto Carvalho as the school superintendent. Many deeply frightened NKC parents feel that you, Dr. Dotres, intend to continue the punishment of NKC in perpetuity for the “crime” of attempting to convert from a public school to a charter school, and that you intend to use the implied threat of physical assault by Dr. Roos against Severely Mentally Retarded minority children both to punish NKC parents for their enthusiastic support of the charter school attempt, and to keep those parents silent and not voicing their deep unhappiness with both Dr. Roos and yourself, as the MDCPS superintendent. For this reason, I am hoping the grand jury will invite parents to submit ANONYMOUS reports about their feelings about MDCPS, Dr. Roos, and Dr. Dotres. Lt. Governor Nunez, I am also asking you to ask Commissioner Manny Diaz to recommend that Dr. Dotres be removed from his post as the MDCPS superintendent for failure to protect Severely Mentally Retarded minority children from physical assault by school principal Dr. Roos.

Ms. Luisa Santos, I am once again asking you as the school board member that represents NKC to author a letter asking Governor DeSantis to relieve Dr. Dotres of his duties as the MDCPS superintendent for failure to protect Severely Mentally Retarded minority students from physical assault by Dr, Roos. I am also asking that Dr. Roos be IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY be removed as the NKC principal. If her offenses merit termination of employment, loss of pension, and incarceration, I am asking that those penalties be imposed.

I worked as a teacher at NKC for twenty-five years. Three of those years were under Dr. Roos, I am not a psychologist, and therefore, I cannot diagnose a person. Having said that, I have a master’s degree in guidance and counseling and an extensive background in psychology. I can say that Dr. Roos gives the appearance of being a very unhappy and angry person with wild mood swings, poor judgement, and poor impulse control. She also gives the appearance of being a bully who seems to take pleasure in intimidating and humiliating people. Dr. Dotres, many NKC parents read my blog, know that you have been fully appraised of the crisis situation at NKC, and give the appearance of giving Dr. Roos a blank check to physically assault both minority Severely Mentally Retarded students and minority staff with virtual impunity. Dr. Dotres, given the EXTREMELY HIGH level of mutual dislike and distrust between WHITE Dr. Roos and minority children and minority staff, and knowing you intend to do little or nothing to rein Dr. Roos in, what do you suppose is going to happen the next time Dr. Roos “loses it” and allegedly physically assaults another Severely Mentally Retarded minority child? Do you suppose an enraged parent, knowing you will do NOTHING to protect the most helpless and vulnerable children of all might resort to a little “street justice?” The enraged parent, knowing that one punch or a hundred punches results in the same punishment may send Dr. Roos to either the hospital or the morgue. At that point, not even the Miami media (which the MDCPS seems to own) will be able to sweep that under the carpet. While I am on the subject, should the MDCPS find itself in a storm of bad publicity, getting a gag order against me will not work. I have given friends (note plural) copies of everything on my blog and permission to publish or release to the press everything on my blog and in other places if I am silenced.

Lt. Governor Nunez, earlier I alluded to DOAH 13-1492. I urge you to bring this to the attention of Governor DeSantis after he has won reelection in November. NKC attempted to convert from a public school to a charter school. MDCPS broke every rule in the book to smash this attempt and made no attempt to hide their illegal activities. This is because Florida laws provide NO penalty for school districts that illegally smash attempts by public schools to convert to charter schools After the election, could you please ask Governor DeSantis to revisit this law, and write in very serious penalties for school districts that violate this law? There are MANY MDCPS that will stampede for the exits once they know Dr. Dotres can no longer illegally crush and punish schools who avail themselves of this option.

Commissioner Diaz, the very frightened NKC parents feel MDCPS intends to punish them in perpetuity for the “crime” of attempting to pursue the supposedly legally protected option of converting from a public school to a charter school. They fear that if Dr. Roos is replaced as the NKC principal, MDCPS will install a principal as bad or even worse than Dr. Roos. For this reason, many NKC parents are hoping you will recommend that MDCPS reinstate Dr, Alberto Fernandez as the NKC principal. He had some of the highest parent AND staff yearly approval ratings in the entire district during his 14 year tenure as the NKC principal. At one point, MDCPS rated Dr. Alberto Fernandez as the most effective administrator in the county.

I am also hoping that the grand jury will invite Mr. Javier Ruiz Lopez to testify about the abuses of Dr. Roos. As I described in my blog, Mr. Ruiz Lopez was injured at NKC in the performance of his duties. Although he was in great pain, Dr. Roos allegedly refused Mr. Ruiz Lopez permission to see a Workmans compensation doctor. Mr. Ruiz Lopez then went over Dr. Roos head and phoned Dr. Roos boss, who gave Mr. Ruiz Lopez permission to see a workman’s compensation doctor. When Dr. Roos discovered what Mr. Ruiz Lopez had done, she became very abusive and insulting, and began shouting at Mr. Ruiz Lopez. Dr. Roos then submitted a letter of reprimand to Mr. Ruiz Lopez personnel file for insubordination. I am hoping the proper authorities will invalidate this letter of reprimand.

Pepe, as the superintendent of MDCPS, I am going to end this letter with an observation about you. As this is the most important sentence of the entire letter, I am hoping you will read it as many times as you need to understand what I am saying. PEPE, YOU AND SUPERINTENDENTS OF YOUR ILK MAKE THE SCHOOL MASS SHOOTINGS OF SANDY HOOK, PARKLAND, AND UVALDE NOT ONLY POSSIBLE BUT INEVITABLE. Pepe, if you want to vastly improve the quality of education at MDCPS, you can do so by resigning immediately. This will allow a man or a woman with courage and vision to assume the helm of the nation’s fourth largest school district.

I deeply abhor violence and will do everything I can to prevent violence anywhere, especially in schools. MDCPS says it has “A ZERO TOLERANCE FOR BULLYING.” It is hard to reconcile that statement to a WHITE principal who remains at the helm despite THREE alleged PHYSICAL ASSAULTS against A SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILD AND TWO MINORITY STAFF.

Dr Dotres, I will not be silenced, and I will not go away until the Severely Mentally Retarded minority students and minority staff of NKC are safe from physical assault by the WHITE principal of that school.


Bill Detzner

Yet Another Appeal On Behalf Of The Frightened Neva King Cooper Stakeholders

July 15, 2022

I am writing this letter on behalf of the students, parents and staff of Neva King Cooper School because as a retired Miami Dade County Public Schools employee, I cannot be retaliated against. As I have repeatedly stated in the past, the very frightened parents of the Severely Mentally Retarded (SMR) students of Neva King Cooper (NKC) DEEPLY, DEEPLY dislike NKC principal Dr. Tracy Roos . Their fear is that if they bring their concerns to the Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) officials, their complaints will be ignored, and Dr. Roos may then retaliate by physically assaulting those SMR minority children whose parents complained about Dr. Roos.

NKC parents have this fear because in the past, Dr. Roos allegedly physically assaulted African American NKC student Tadarian Williams (who is SMR) and even though myself, Tadarian’s mother, and two African American bus drivers provided written statements to both MDCPS officials and to Protective Child Services, both of these bureaucratic organizations worked very hard and successfully to sweep this offense under the carpet

As a result, Dr. Roos suffered NO ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES WHATSOEVER from this egregious breaking of the law. The Gestapo like Office of Professional Standards (OPS) has a very long history of sweeping charges against MDCPS officials under the carpet and then retaliating against those MDCPS employees foolish enough to trust the OPS.

The nation’s fourth largest school district bears a distinct likeness to the Ku Klux Klan, who put a burning cross on the lawns of African American parents who had the temerity to insist that their children receive a high quality education. MDCPS has a slogan that says it has “A ZERO TOLERANCE FOR BULLYING.” How can this be true, when a WHITE principal has retained her job after 1) allegedly physically assaulting SMR student Tadarian Williams? 2) allegedly physically assaulting African American custodian Sabrina Crawley Cross so severely she had to go on workman’s compensation (then someone other than Ms. Sabrina Crawley Cross illegally filled out workman’s comp forms without permission or input from Ms. Crawley Cross. It is also alleged that Dr. Roos pressured NKC employees who did not witness this alleged physical assault against Ms. Crawley Cross to fill out statements exonerating Dr. Roos of blame for this event.) 3) allegedly physically assaulting a Hispanic social worker (see my blog 4) allegedly denying Hispanic employee Mr. Javier Ruiz Lopez permission to see a workman’s compensation doctor after Mr. Ruiz Lopez was injured in the performance of his duties, and then writing a letter of reprimand placed in Mr. Ruiz Lopez personnel file after Mr. Ruiz Lopez insisted that his contractual rights be observed. (Again, my blog mdcpsallegations .com describes this in great detail.)

Ms. Santos, as the school board member who represents NKC, if Dr. Roos is returned to her post as the NKC principal for the 2022-2023 school year, I am asking you to author a letter and present it to the other school board members for their approval asking Governor DeSantis to relieve Dr. Dotres of his job as the MDCPS superintendent for failure to protect NKC Severely Mentally Retarded African American and Hispanic students, their parents, and staff from physical assault at the hands of WHITE school principal Dr. Tracy Roos. Ms. Santos, if you fail to take this action, it could well cost you the remainder of your political career.

Dr. Dotres, on behalf of the NKC stakeholders, I am asking you to IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY RETIRE Dr. Roos as a MDCPS employee. Many NKC stakeholders, myself included, believe it is NOT enough to merely shuffle Dr. Roos off to another post, even if that post involves no contact with students, parents, or staff.

Many NKC stakeholders, myself included, have the belief that MDCPS intends to punish the parents of NKC students (who VERY strongly supported NKC’s supposedly legally protected attempt to convert from a public school to a charter school) in perpetuity for the “crime” of pursuing this supposedly legally protected activity. If this is the case, NKC stakeholders fear that you as the MDCPS superintendent will replace Dr. Roos with a different administrator as bad, or even worse than Dr. Roos. To relieve NKC stakeholders of this fear, the NKC stakeholders are hoping you will replace Dr. Roos with Dr. Alberto Fernandez, (the previous NKC principal who was rated by MDCPS as the most effective administrator in the district.) This gesture would go a long way to assuring the very frightened minority parents and staff of NKC that the TEN YEAR on-going persecution and RAPE of NKC for attempting to convert from a public school to a charter school is FINALLY over.

Dr. Dotres, although I am not optimistic, my hope is that the practice of intimidating minority parents into silence by allowing a WHITE principal to physically assault their minority Severely Mentally Retarded children with virtual impunity is so morally repugnant that NOT EVEN YOU can stomach it. (As you already know, I am going to post this email on my blog.)

Mr. Corcoran, as Dr. Dotres gives the appearance of being bereft of even the rudiments of a moral conscience, I am hoping you will contact Dr. Dotres and express the urgency of Dr. Dotres IMMEDIATELY taking the actions that have been suggested in this email on behalf of the very frightened minority parents of Severely Mentally Retarded students.

As I have very little faith that the 3 people I have sent this email to will even SEE this email, I am in the process of sending very generous contributions to the governor’s reelection campaign. (My belief is that Governor DeSantis is the finest governor in the US. This travesty of justice is the fault NOT of Governor DeSantis, but of the Florida Commissioner of Education. That’s YOU, Dick.

As I have stated in the past, I am prepared to contribute as much money as it takes to secure a private or semi private meeting with the Governor. At that time, I am going to ask him to have one of his aides read my blog and present him with a summary of its contents. Dick, what my blog will reveal is that I have been writing to you for FOUR YEARS without so much as a whisper of a reply from you. NOT. A. SINGLE. WORD. Dick, how do you think the Governor is going to respond to that, considering this involves the alleged physical assaults (note plural) of Severely Mentally Retarded African American children and minority staff at the hands of a WHITE principal?

Pepe, I am going to suggest that after he is reelected, the Governor sponsor legislation imposing DRACONIAN penalties for school districts that illegally impede public schools from converting from public schools to charter schools. Pepe, the reason the idea of doing this was so WILDLY popular among both NKC staff and parents was because we crunched the numbers and found that by becoming a charter school, we could give ourselves very generous raises, escape many of the senseless rules and bureaucracy of MDCPS, and still end up with an OBSCENE surplus at the end of the school year.

Pepe, as I am sure you are keenly aware, the ONLY thing that prevents droves of MDCPS from converting to charter schools is the fear that they will suffer the same fate as NKC, if they pursue this supposedly legally protected avenue. Once this fear is removed, NKC may soon become the only school left under your direct control. Pepe, if that happens, your bosses (school vendors) are going to be so angry with you that you will soon be out of a job.

As it is very clearly in the best interest of all three readers of this email to follow the suggestions of this email, the very frightened minority stakeholders of NKC hope these things will be done PRIOR to the start of the 2022-2023 school year.


Bill Detzner


The TEN YEAR On-Going RAPE Of Neva King Cooper School

May 27,2022

Hello Dr. Dotres, Commissioner Corcoran, and school board member Luisa Santos. My name is Bill Detzner. My blog is I trust that by now, even the three of you are now aware of the tragic Texas school shooting that has so far claimed 21 lives.

In view of this tragedy, on behalf of the very frightened minority African American and Hispanic SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED students of NKC, the parents of those students, and the African American and Hispanic staff of Neva King Cooper School, I am asking that two actions be taken. Many of the minority parents of these SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED students DEEPLY, DEEPLY dislike NKC principal Dr. Tracy Roos and have lost confidence in Dr. Roos ability to offer a SAFE learning environment for their children. Indeed, they view Dr. Roos as the fox in the chicken coop, and the greatest OBSTACLE to achieving a SAFE learning environment for their children.

The minority parents of NKC students have expressed a fear that if they bring their concerns about Dr. Roos to the MDCPS authorities, Dr. Roos will retaliate by physically assaulting their children and that the Gestapo-like Office of Professional Standards (OPS) will then cover up the crimes of Dr. Roos and then further retaliate against those parental whistleblowers.

This tactic varies only slightly from the days when African American parents who had the temerity to insist that their children receive a high quality education were intimidated into silence with a burning cross on their lawns. Is it possible that 67 years after the Brown vs. Board of Education decision a WHITE principal in the nation’s fourth largest school district is free to PHYSICALLY ASSAULT A SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILD, a Hispanic social worker, and an African American custodian (see my blog) and still remain a MDCPS employee?

On behalf of the very frightened NKC stakeholders, I am asking that these two steps be taken. 1) Dr. Roos needs to IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY be removed from the NKC campus. She also needs to be terminated as a MDCPS employee. 2) It would GREATLY enhance a DESPERATELY needed healing process for the NKC stakeholders if Dr. Alberto Fernandez is reinstated as the NKC principal.

Ms. Santos, as the school board member that represents NKC, if Dr. Dotres fails to IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY remove Dr. Roos from the NKC campus, I am asking you and the other school board members to draft a letter to both Governor DeSantis and Commissioner Corcoran asking that Dr. Dotres be relieved of his position as the MDCPS school superintendent for failure to protect SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN from the danger of physical assault by WHITE school principal Dr. Tracy Roos. Ms. Santos, if you are reluctant to take this action, think of the negative things attorney Benjamin Crump (the attorney who represented both the Travon Martin and George Floyd cases) may say about you in the media. Think about what this may do to any future political ambitions you may have.

The NKC stakeholders fear that MDCPS intends to punish them in perpetuity for the “crime” of pursuing the supposedly legally protected activity of exploring converting from a public school to a charter school. Reinstating Dr. Alberto Fernandez as the NKC principal would send a clear signal to the NKC stakeholders that MDCPS is not intent on furthering this TEN YEAR punishment of NKC by replacing Dr. Roos with a principal as bad or worse than Dr. Roos. Also, MDCPS rated Dr. Fernandez as THE MOST EFFECTIVE ADMINISTRATOR IN MDCPS. Dr. Fernandez has cultivated deep ties to business/stakeholder people in the community ( as evidenced by the golf tournament he held annually for many years to raise funds for the purchase of expensive physical therapy equipment for our students.) Finally, for many years, the yearly NKC staff and parent satisfaction surveys gave Dr. Fernandez some of the highest scores in MDCPS. I want to assure the readers of this letter that if Dr. Fernandez is reinstated as the NKC principal, it is extremely unlikely that NKC will ever again seek to convert to a charter school. No school knows better than NKC what happens to schools in MDCPS that pursue this supposedly legally protected activity.

If MDCPS chooses to fulfill both of the above mentioned requests, myself and the other NKC stakeholders will consider the matter as resolved, and take no further action. I am not naive enough to think that the three readers of this email will take these actions because it is the decent and moral thing to do. Therefore, I am asking the three readers of this email to consider how the quality of your personal lives will deteriorate if you lose the very large salaries you are currently receiving.

As I anticipate that the three morally bankrupt readers of this email see nothing wrong with offering the minority parents of SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN the option of either turning those UTTERLY DEFENSELESS AND EXTREMELY VULNERABLE CHILDREN over to the custody of a WHITE principal who has allegedly PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED THREE minority student or staff members, or having their children involuntarily being placed into foster homes due to school absences, I will pursue my plans to secure a face-to-face meeting with Governor DeSantis to address my grievances with MDCPS (my blog explains how I am going to use a highly connected attorney /lobbyist to do this.)

Here are some of the actions I will ask Governor DeSantis to take. First, I will ask him to introduce legislation to attach severe penalties for school districts that retaliate against schools that attempt to convert from public schools to charter schools. Once MDCPS realize that they will no longer be punished for taking this action, the stampede for the exits will be swift. Within a few years, Neva King Cooper School may be the only school still under the control of MDCPS!

I will also ask Governor DeSantis to conduct an in-depth investigation of MDCPS, especially the Gestapo-like Office of Professional Standards. Some other matters that may come under investigation include interviewing the now retired social worker as to how Dr. Roos allegedly physically assaulted her, interviewing the parent of the severely mentally retarded African American student who was allegedly physically assaulted by Dr. Roos to see if MDCPS threatened her with the loss of her child if she pursued her legal action against the school district, interviewing the two bus drivers who witnessed this alleged physical assault as to both what they saw, and what (if any) actions MDCPS took to intimidate them into dropping their complaint against Dr. Roos. Still other matters for investigation might include interviewing Ms. Sabrina Crawley Cross, the African American custodian who was allegedly physically assaulted by Dr. Roos , and finding out who ordered that someone other than Ms. Crawley Cross fill out the paperwork for Ms. Crawley Cross to pursue workman’s compensation for her injuries. If Dr. Roos pressured people who did NOT witness the alleged physical assault to write statements absolving Dr. Roos of blame for this incident, this action needs to receive the appropriate penalties. This list is only the tip of the iceberg that could be investigated concerning MDCPS. I intend to post this email on my blog.