Is Dr. Dotres Needlessly Exposing Severely Mentally Retarded Children To Harm Or Death?

December7, 2023

This email was sent to MDCPS Superintendent Dr. Dotres, Florida Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz, and the nine MDCPS School Board Members

Good morning to everyone this email is addressed to. My name is Bill Detzner. My blog is

Yesterday, a professor who applied unsuccessfully for a teaching position at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, used a gun to kill three people, and seriously wound a fourth person.

While the gunman’s motive may never be known, perhaps this person felt the school was to blame for his/her lack of employment, and felt he/she had nothing to lose by killing innocent people.

For three years, Dr. Tracy Roos, (the principal of Neva King Cooper School) was my boss. For this reason, I feel it is safe to say that I know Dr. Roos to a much greater extent than any of the recipients of this email. Having said that, I am also putting in the disclaimer that I am not a mental health expert, and I am not qualified to issue an opinion as to the mental health of Dr. Roos.

My blog cites THREE incidents where Dr. Roos, the WHITE principal allegedly PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED THREE MINORITY STUDENTS/STAFF ON THE NKC CAMPUS.

Again, one of those alleged victims was an African American severely mentally retarded child.

My fear is that Dr. Roos may feel that she has been unjustly treated by the MDCPS authorities, may feel she has northing left to lose, and may feel she is justified in exacting a HORRIBLE revenge against the severely mentally retarded children, the parents of those children, and the staff of Neva King Cooper School.

I am asking the recipients of this email to try to feel what it must be like to be the parents of one of these children. These children are the most fragile and vulnerable children of all. Most of them lack even the ability to communicate. What kind of agony are the recipients of this email exposing these parents to on a daily basis? Every day, these parents are exposed to the lose/lose situation of sending their (largely minority) children to NKC, or having their children involuntarily removed from their homes and placed into foster care for failure to send them to NKC. These parents of mostly minority children do not have the option of sending their children to another school.

In previous emails, I have accused the recipients of this email of giving the appearance of being racists for allowing this travesty of justice to continue, while doing very little to prevent what appears to be racist actions by Dr. Roos. I am repeating that accusation in this email.

I would like to repeat some previously asked questions in this email. If the recipients of this email were the parents of a severely mentally retarded minority child, how comfortable would YOU feel about sending your child to the “care” of WHITE principal Dr. Roos on a daily basis? What would your feelings be towards the recipients of this email, knowing they have been fully appraised of the over TEN YEAR on-going crisis at NKC, knowing they have the power to end this travesty, and knowing they have done almost nothing to protect these children?

Would it be fair and accurate to accuse the recipients of this email of giving the appearance of being not only racists, but terrorists as well?

On bended knee,I am literally BEGGING, BEGGING, BEGGING the recipients of this email to IMMEDIATELY remove Dr. Roos from the NKC campus, until such time as a mental health expert has been able to certify her fitness to continue as the NKC principal.

Ms. Santos, as the school board member who represents NKC, I am asking you to forward a copy of this email to Dr. Dotres, to file a request for a superintendent’s investigation into the matter, and to ask Governor Ron DeSantis to relieve both Superintendent Dotres and NKC principal Dr. Roos of their positions if Dr. Dotres fails to IMMEDIATELY remove Dr. Roos from the NKC campus.

If Ms. Santos fails to take these actions, I am asking all other school board members to take these actions.

Dr. Dotres, I am asking that for the safety of NKC students, their parents, and the NKC staff, that Dr. Roos IMMEDIATLY be removed from the NKC campus until such time as she has been examined by a mental health expert.

I am also once again asking that for the first time ever in the many communications I have sent to you, that you acknowledge receipt of this email.
Commissioner Diaz, I am asking that if Dr. Dotres fails to IMMEDIATELY remove Dr. Roos from the NKC campus, that you ask Governor DeSantis to immediately remove both Dr. Dotres and Dr. Roos from their posts.

I am also asking you to suggest to Governor DeSantis that in the next legislative session, a bill be introduced attaching DRACONIAN penalties to any school district that unlawfully smashes a public school that attempts to convert from a publicschool to a private [charter] school.

I am also asking you to forward a copy of this email to Governor DeSantis, and to ask Governor DeSantis to place MDCPS under state control, until such time as MDCPS is found to be in compliance with both Federal and state statutes.