November 2, 2018 letter

2 November 2018

Hello 9 School Board Members, Ms. Hernandez Mats and Mr. Carvalho.

My name is Bill Detzner. I have sent many unanswered certified letters to all of you. I sent 7 of those letters to Ms. Hernandez Mats, 6 to Mr. Carvalho, 5 to Mr. Feldman, 3 to Mr. Gallon, and 1 to every other school board member. The only change in behavior I have seen from Neva King Cooper School (NKC) principal Dr. Roos and assistant principal Alicia Fernandez as a result of those letters is a dramatic change for the WORSE in the treatment of both NKC staff and students. I am sending you this latest letter ONLY so you will not be able to bleat that you didn’t know of the terrible things that continue to happen at NKC.

The latest catastrophe at NKC is that principal Dr. Roos allegedly physically assaulted a Severely Mentally Retarded (SMR) African American boy about a week and a half ago. I discussed this at great length in my blog: You will find a description in my 10/31/2018 entry (“Fourth Email To PTA President For MDCPS Nancy Lawther.”) As usual, the MDCPS investigative people gave the appearance of wanting solely to intimidate witnesses into silence and covering this up. For example, the mother of the alleged physically abused child was LIVID and threatened to get a lawyer and go to the NAACP. She very quickly went completely silent. Is it possible that Dr. Roos and/or MDCPS phoned this woman and threatened to have the child removed from his home and put into a foster home unless the woman agreed to stop advertising uncomfortable facts about NKC? If so, this would not be the first time Dr. Roos has allegedly used this threat to silence a parent who had incriminating evidence against her. For the record, there is a 30- year MDCPS employee at NKC (he/she has also been a UTD member for over 30 years) who witnessed Dr. Roos allegedly physically abusing this SMR child. This person is too frightened to tell what he/she observed. The allegedly dirty/corrupt MDCPS police officer who conducted the sham “investigation” of this latest incident is partly responsible for the fear of this witness. This witness is also intimidated by the fact that Dr. Roos, despite being accused of physically abusing a SMR child, remains on campus as the NKC principal.

During the 2011-2012 school year, NKC attempted to exercise its (supposedly) legally protected right to explore converting from a public school to a charter school. The law stipulates that the superintendent cannot interfere with this process. Godfather Al Carvalho was desperate. He needed an excuse to very quickly smash this attempt, lest many other MDCPS schools follow NKC’s lead and also convert to charter schools. The allure would have been difficult to resist. As a result of no longer having to support the obscenely overstaffed downtown bureaucracy, NKC would no longer have its step raises denied, year after year. We would have been able to grant ourselves handsome raises every year and have MUCH greater freedom in choosing our own curriculum, plus we would have had enormous cash surpluses at the end of every school year. The Godfather rightly feared that these three enormous benefits would cause a stampede of schools converting to charter schools, putting the Godfather (and the school board, and the UTD president) out of a job.   The Godfather’s excuse for smashing the conversion attempt was that he feared the 2 NKC administrators were attempting to INTIMIDATE staff into supporting the conversion process. Yet after the 2 administrators were illegally permanently removed from the NKC campus, and staff (knowing these 2 administrators would never again return to NKC) were asked how many of them felt intimidated by the previous NKC administrators, NOT A SINGLE STAFF PERSON SAID THEY HAD BEEN INTIMIDATED BY THE TWO EXILED ADMINISTRATORS. Given the HORRENDOUS amount of what appears to be retaliation the NKC staff have suffered in the ensuing 6 years, it seems very hypocritical of MDCPS to say they were concerned about alleged intimidation of the NKC staff by the school site administrators. (Later in this letter, I will give examples of how the illegal 6- year retaliation against the NKC staff violates MDCPS (supposed) “zero tolerance for bullying.” Godfather Carvalho realized that it was not enough to smash the NKC conversion attempt. His goal (which he has achieved) was to make the retaliation against NKC so brutal and so prolonged that no school in MDCPS would ever again even consider converting to a charter school

On many occasions I have referred to MDCPS not as a school district, but as a criminal enterprise, with Al Carvalho as the Godfather, (and Ms. Hernandez Mats as one of the Godfathers most senior and trusted lieutenants, thug, and henchwoman.) A criminal enterprise cannot work without a climate of intense fear. Victims will not submit to the Godfather’s rule unless they fear the consequences of not doing so. Intimidation cannot be accomplished without breaking numerous laws. The Godfather does not want to go to prison for breaking laws, so he has his thugs do the dirty work for him. The understanding is that if the thugs get caught, they take sole responsibility and let the Godfather off the hook. If they are prosecuted, the Godfather will do everything in his power to intimidate witnesses, cover up the crime, obtain either no media coverage or favorable media coverage, and provide the finest legal help to try to beat the charges. If the thugs go to jail, their families will want for nothing during the entire jail sentence, provided the thugs keeps their mouths shut and continue to protect the Godfather. Once released from prison, the thugs are guaranteed a job with a generous salary. Once a thug has performed a certain number of dirty deeds for the Godfather, he becomes a “made” man, which means the Godfather will do ANYTHING in his power to protect his “made” men. The Godfather does this not out of gratitude, but out of necessity. The Godfather knows that nothing will dilute his power as quickly as an inability of the Godfather to protect his “made” men. If the Godfather’s thugs cannot depend on the Godfather to protect them from the consequences of their illegal activities, they will become risk averse. If the Godfather tells them to “whack” (i.e. murder) someone, the thugs, fearing a long prison sentence, may merely threaten the victim, putting the Godfather at risk. Readers of this letter, would it be fair and accurate to surmise that NKC principal Dr. Roos and NKC assistant principal Mrs. Alicia Fernandez are Godfather Al Carvalho’s “made” women at NKC? I am guessing that neither myself or any person reading this letter thinks the fact that these two thugs (I mean administrators) were assigned to NKC was a random event. I suspect that superintendents throughout the country assign certain thugs/administrators to a school that has caused them problems, with instructions to do ANYTHING (legal or otherwise) to rid those schools of employees the superintendent doesn’t like. The tacit understanding is that the superintendent will look the other way when the thug/administrator deliberately lies and/or frames a “problem” employee or does other things that are clearly illegal to get rid of “problem” employees. The tacit understanding is that if the rogue administrator gets caught, the administrator will take the fall and the superintendent will deny all knowledge and involvement. The superintendent will do everything in his/her power to protect the thug/administrator should he/she get caught. Even if the thug/administrator is found guilty, the thug/administrator will merely be shuffled off to a new post, often with both a promotion and a raise. The idea is to make the choice to be a thug/administrator as appealing as possible by minimizing the risk, minimizing the penalties if caught, and offering enormous rewards if the thug is successful in his/her dirty work. If the administrator gets rid of the employees the superintendent doesn’t like, he/she will get glowing evaluations, and fast tracked to positions and salaries the thug/administrator could never have dreamed of had he/she remained an honest administrator. Consider some of the illegal things “made” women Dr. Roos and Alicia Fernandez have done while cleaning house for Godfather Carvalho. 1) On the recommendation of Dr. Roos, Luz Morales was illegally terminated as a teacher (DOAH 145-2439). Ms. Morales was reinstated as a teacher and awarded 50% of the salary she was denied during the time she was illegally terminated. The case against Ms. Morales was so weak that MDCPS called NOT A SINGLE WITNESS to defend its inexcusable action. This cost the school district a great deal of money, but since it is the taxpayers money and not Godfather Carvalho’s money, it is of no concern to the Godfather. 2) Dr. Roos and Alicia Fernandez charged Mr. Massa with 7 potentially career ending charges. Mr. Massa’s lawsuit was settled out of court. Although I will never know the terms under which that lawsuit was settled, my guess is that this lawsuit cost MDCPS a great deal of taxpayer money. Alicia Fernandez allegedly knowingly and willfully falsely charged Mr. Massa with cheating on the Florida Alternate Assessment (FAA). In her deposition in the resulting lawsuit, Mrs. Fernandez allegedly perjured herself. If an investigative body independent of MDCPS investigates this, I can provide the name of a person who can shed some light on this. 3) This crime was committed by Godfather Al Carvalho. In DOAH 13-1492, MDCPS illegally removed Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Henny Cristobol from their posts as NKC administrators after they exercised their (supposedly) legal right to explore conversion to a charter school. This crime (of Godfather Carvalho) cost the taxpayers $250,000. 4) Dr. Roos allegedly physically assaulted an NKC staff member. She (Dr. Roos) was not prosecuted for this 5) Dr, Roos allegedly recently physically assaulted a Severely Mentally Retarded child. MDCPS gives the appearance of doing everything in its power to sweep this under the carpet.

6) Just days after the murder of the daughter of an African American NKC employee, Dr. Roos allegedly ordered an African American custodian to deliver Dr. Roos threat to have this woman involuntarily transferred to another school. When it looked like Dr. Roos might suffer adverse consequences for this action, Dr. Roos allegedly threatened the African American custodian with immediate job termination unless he immediately recanted his story. In a REAL school district, these two HORRENDOUS actions would have cost Dr. Roos her job. However, in “The People’s Republic” of MDCPS, a grateful Godfather Carvalho (or perhaps someone acting on orders from the Godfather) shortly afterward rewarded his faithful thug/administrator with the highest award an administrator can achieve. Dr. Roos became a candidate for the prestigious Principal of the Year Award. 7) Although it is MANDATORY that all staff participate in the annual staff satisfaction survey, Dr. Roos (possibly in a vain effort to boost the abysmally low approval ratings she gets year after year) forbade almost all African Americans from taking this survey. Um, Godfather and school board members, it is possible that you may not yet be aware of this, but the Voting Act of 1965 gave ALL people the right to vote (Yep, African Americans too). I know that this may be a difficult concept for you to grasp, but when you forbid people to vote based on their race, it is called discrimination, and believe it or not, it is illegal. Astonishingly, Federal laws apply everywhere, even in The People’s Republic of MDCPS! Of course, as this law was passed in 1965, it is possible that the Godfather and the school board are not yet aware of this “recent” legislation. 8) It is possible that the ASTONISHINGLY high results Severely Mentally Retarded children have achieved for several years at NKC since Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez became the administrators were achieved by cheating. Should an investigative body INDEPENDENT of MDCPS investigate this, I know 2 people who may be able to shed some light on this matter

Godfather Carvalho knows that there are other schools with staff who may displease him, and he wants to be sure he has a ready force of thugs/administrators to brutally crush any dissent, however mild. To do this, potential thugs must retain their confidence in Godfather Carvalho’s ability to protect them, no matter how egregious their law breaking is. Thus, the Godfather will fight like a tiger to keep both thug/administrators at NKC NO MATTER HOW SERIOUS THEIR LAWBREAKING IS. If he cannot keep them at NKC, his next goal will be to merely shuffle them off to a new post, with both a promotion and a raise. If an equilibrium between staff and administrators is ever to be reestablished in MDCPS, this absolutely MUST NOT happen. The ONLY way rogue administrators (gosh, I hope I didn’t just repeat myself) and rogue superintendents will ever be brought back under control is if they begin to suffer penalties (up to and including imprisonment) commensurate with the crimes they commit. Another concern is that even if Godfather Carvalho is forced to remove one or even both of the two thugs currently in charge of NKC, he will merely replace them with two new thugs, as bad or worse than the thugs presently there. For this reason, the NKC staff is asking that Dr. Fernandez be reappointed to his post as the NKC principal, and Henny Cristobol be reappointed to his post as the NKC assistant principal.

The biggest reason that the equilibrium of power sharing between employees and administrators in MDCPS has become so HORRIBLY out of alignment is that there is no longer a REAL teacher’s union. Ms. Hernandez Mats is unashamedly and unabashedly the Godfather’s personal poodle. When the Godfather backed out of his promise to become the New York City education czar. Ms. Hernandez Mats used UTD money to throw a party for a superintendent that many of her membership consider to be the WORST superintendent MDCPS has ever had. Ms. Hernandez Mats, why is NKC a “no-go” zone for UTD? How many other “no-go” schools are there in MDCPS? Why have you answered none of the SEVEN (7) certified letters I have sent you? Why do UTD people almost never visit NKC? Ms. Hernandez Mats, as you know, a thirty- year NKC teacher had a nervous breakdown right on campus last spring, during the school day. That person is a former winner of the teacher of the year award, and an outstanding teacher in every regard. That teacher was and still is a UTD member. Do you know why that teacher had a nervous breakdown on campus? It happened because for over 6 years, the campus that neither you or any other UTD people dare to visit has become a HELLHOLE. At NKC, making sure you completely observe every single rule completely is NOT a guarantee a staff member won’t find himself or herself the victim of potentially career ending charges that have little or no basis in fact filed by these two thugs/administrators. Ms. Hernandez Mats, do you ever wonder why this former teacher of the year, and 30- year employee who is an exemplary teacher in every regard did not reach out to you prior to his/her nervous breakdown? I think you already know the answer to that question. This teacher did not call on UTD for help because this teacher knows that UTD does NOT have his/her back. This teacher correctly surmised that had he/she asked UTD for help, UTD would have pretended to see no problem and then stood back and pretended not to see when the two thugs/administrators of NKC retaliated at the conclusion of the sham UTD “investigation.” Karla, recently, Dr. Roos was accused of physically abusing a Severely Mentally Retarded child. That alleged abuse was allegedly witnessed by an African American NKC employee WHO HAS BEEN A MEMBER OF UTD FOR THIRTY YEARS. That person has a very deep love for Severely Mentally Retarded children. That person DESPERATELY wants to do anything in his/her power to protect these extremely vulnerable children who LITERALLY cannot speak for themselves. Karla, do you know why this UTD member has (very wisely) decided to keep his/her mouth shut? Do you know why this person has decided not to testify about the crime he/she allegedly saw Dr. Roos commit against a helpless and vulnerable Severely Mentally Retarded child? That person is too terrified to step forward because (after being a dues paying member of UTD for THIRTY YEARS) that person correctly surmises that Karla Hernandez Mats does NOT stand up for the rights of dues paying UTD members. Ms. Hernandez Mats, many UTD members believe that not only will you NOT stand up to defend UTD members, but you are in fact one of Godfather Carvalho’s closest and most trusted lieutenants, and that you will do almost ANYTHING to protect your Beloved Godfather, even if it means turning your back on a THIRTY- YEAR dues paying member of UTD. Ms. Hernandez Mats, do you have any idea how tortured this individual who has a DEEP. DEEP love for Severely Mentally Retarded children is feeling? Due to the fact that you simply will NOT exercise your DUTY to protect UTD members, this THIRTY -YEAR dues paying member of UTD is forced to choose between continuing to have a job with MDCPS or standing up for the rights of a Severely Mentally Retarded child. No matter which choice this person makes, he/she is going to be torn apart. Ms. Hernandez Mats, today I listened to the fourth robo-call I have received from you, urging me to vote for UTD candidates and issues. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I listened to your very cheery, chipper voice. While I hope I am wrong, my belief is that you don’t care at all about the welfare of UTD members , just as long as you continue to be paid your SIX FIGURE SALARY, and just as long as you get the chance to continue to help your Beloved Godfather, even if you achieve the Godfather’s goals on the backs of dues paying UTD members. Ms. Hernandez Mats, although the UTD serfs at NKC have gone through HELL for over SIX YEARS, my guess is that you sleep like a baby every night. While I hope I am wrong, I get the feeling that you and the Godfather are soulmates. I say this because both of you give the appearance of not being concerned with anything other than your own well- being. Here is a question for you, Ms. Hernandez Mats. The dues paying members of NKC are aware of the fact that UTD is going to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for them, year after year. Yet year after year, they continue to pay their dues. Why do you suppose this is so? They do so because they see what happened to Mr. Rick Massa. Mr. Massa was NOT a member of UTD, and within a period of a month and a half, the poor man found himself charged with SEVEN (7) potentially career ending charges (all based on slim or nonexistent evidence) by the two thugs/administrators of NKC. Ms. Hernandez Mats, NKC staff belong to UTD NOT because they believe in it, but because they fear the two thugs/administrators who rule NKC will abuse them even more if they don’t belong to UTD. Ms. Hernandez Mats, you remind me of the thugs who charge mom and pop businesses a “protection fee” not to burn the business down. Ms. Hernandez Mats, would it be fair and accurate to say that both yourself and UTD are parasitic, taking from your victims while giving nothing in return? As a final aside, Mr. Massa was at one time a UTD steward. Later he realized what a worse than useless organization UTD is and quit. I was a UTD steward for 10 years. I also now believe that UTD is a worse than useless parasitic organization.

At one time, I and most of my NKC colleagues believed that NKC was one of the finest facilities in Florida, or perhaps even the entire USA for Severely Mentally Retarded children. It was an honor to work there, and I looked forward to coming to work every day. Unlike the present, where the thugs/Administrators view staff as adversaries and prey, the staff and administrators viewed each other as colleagues and allies in an effort to improve the quality of life for Severely Mentally Retarded children. All that changed when the Godfather illegally smashed NKC’s attempt to explore conversion to a charter school. The first change was that the 2 highly effective curriculums in use, (the Small Step Curriculum (SSC) and the M.O.V.E. curriculum were discarded (against the nearly unanimous wishes of the NKC staff) in favor of the utterly useless Unique Learning System (ULS), a curriculum that is FAR above the cognitive abilities of Severely Mentally Retarded children. This means that our students may sit in our classrooms for up to 19 years and learn very close to nothing at all. The only explanation I can think of for this disastrous change that the SSC earned nothing for the vendors who sell to MDCPS, while the ULS costs taxpayers a small fortune. Large profits for vendors mean large political contributions for school board members reelection campaigns. My guess is that the fact that students may sit in a classroom for up to 19 years while learning nothing is not nearly as important as school board members being reelected to cushy, well paid positions. The mission statement for MDCPS is “Giving Our Students the World.” Perhaps a more honest mission statement would be “Giving Our Vendors the World.” Many of our students are wheelchair bound. Students who sit in their wheelchairs all day long for several years have their bodies slowly “freeze” into a permanent sitting position. This can cause EXCRUCIATING pain in adulthood. When we used the M.O.V.E. curriculum, we got students out of their wheelchairs and into very expensive physical therapy devices that stretched their muscles and kept those muscles from atrophying. That very expensive physical therapy equipment is now stored away, gathering rust and dust. Under the two thugs/administrators who now terrorize NKC, students remain in their wheelchairs ALL DAY LONG! I once heard Dr. Roos BOAST that NKC wheelchair bound children are no longer removed from their wheelchairs. That is NOT something I would be proud of. Another important component of our curriculum was toilet training. Nothing will more adversely affect a child’s sense of self-esteem than an inability to control his/her bladder and bowels. Conversely, a child who has mastered this skill enjoys an ENORMOUS boost in self- esteem. (Also, students who have not mastered toilet training will NOT be accepted into sheltered workshops.) In prior years, we were able to place our top students into sheltered workshops. Sheltered workshops give special needs people a great boost in self-esteem. As a result of the completely useless ULS curriculum, virtually NONE of our students will qualify for a sheltered workshop after they graduate from NKC. This means that all NKC children, who have committed no crime, are now condemned to a life sentence, without the possibility of parole of being warehoused 24/7 in a group home once they graduate from NKC. Again, I realize that the profits of the MDCPS vendors, and the reelection campaign contributions school board members receive from those vendors FAR outweigh any benefit for Severely Mentally Retarded children. Toilet training used to be an important part of the NKC curriculum. When I left NKC, we were FORBIDDEN to toilet train our students. Again, toilet training does not generate revenue for vendors, and I guess that the humiliation of sitting in wet and soiled clothing is not as important as vendor revenue.

When NKC was FORCED to adopt the completely useless ULS curriculum, (this caused parents to picket our campus with signs) one parent became so disgusted that she no longer sent her son to school, saying he wasn’t learning anything, and NKC was wasting her child’s time. This gave MDCPS two alternatives. It could either present a curriculum helpful to the child, or it could put the hammer down. As MDCPS always does when presented with these two options, the school district put the hammer down. This mother was told to either have her child in attendance every day, or have the child forcibly removed from his home and involuntarily placed into a foster home. Thus, a precedent was established. No matter what, you either send your child to NKC, or the child will be placed into a foster home. Then, ”The Carvalho Tax” was imposed. As Mr. Carvalho and the school board have known for OVER THREE YEARS, NKC students are exposed to an entirely preventable elevated risk of choking to death on their food, because Dr. Roos, Mr. Carvalho, and the 9 members of the school board appear to be willing to use Severely Mentally Retarded children as bait, in an effort to dismiss staff that have fallen out of favor with the two thugs/administrators who rule NKC. (I have discussed this issue at great length in every letter I have sent to Godfather Carvalho and/or school board members. Those many letters can be found on my blog ( So the parents of NKC have a choice to make. The choice is to either keep their child out of school and have a 100% chance of losing the child to a foster home, or playing Russian Roulette with the possibility of the child choking to death on his/her food. As the percentages are lower for playing Russian Roulette, parents send their bait (I mean children) to NKC. However, MDCPS has recently upped the ante. As I described in my 10/31/2018 blog entry, Dr. Roos, who gives the appearance of being in extremely fragile emotional health, recently allegedly physically assaulted a Severely Mentally Retarded child. For reasons known only to God, MDCPS has chosen to leave this seemingly extremely emotionally unstable woman in charge of the students of NKC. (Godfather and school board members, have you noticed that Dr. Roos transgressions seem to be increasing both in severity and frequency? Does this worry you? What happens if Dr. Roos sends a child to the hospital, or worse yet, to the morgue? In that case, not even the extremely compliant Carvalho Herald (I mean the Miami Herald) may be able to keep a lid on the story.) So, in addition to the entirely preventable elevated risk of children choking to death on their food, parents now have to worry about their Severely Mentally Retarded child being attacked by the seemingly emotionally fragile principal of NKC School! MR CARVALHO AND THE 9 SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS, DOES MDCPS HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO PROTECT SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN FROM BEING ATTACKED BY THE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL? If (may God forbid it) one of the readers of this letter has a Severely Mentally Retarded child as a member of the family, would that person be comfortable sending that child to school at NKC? If you were the parent of an NKC child, or an NKC staff member, would you regard the superintendent and the school board as allies or as obstacles? Would it be fair and accurate to say that NKC is being run for the benefit of Mr. Carvalho and the school board, and not the benefit of the Severely Mentally Retarded children who attend that school?

Back in the 1950’s a young Nelson Mandela presented a proposition to the evil Apartheid government of South Africa. He said, “Give Blacks one third of the seats in Parliament, and I will permanently disarm the African National Congress (ANC) army. Furthermore, we will write into the Constitution that this one third percentage will NEVER be changed, so the Apartheid majority will be preserved forever.” Mr. Mandela made this offer not because he felt it was fair, but because he felt it was the best deal he could hope to achieve. Although the ANC fighters were tough, brave, and gallant, the South African Army was equipped with the most advanced military hardware the world had at that time. It was truly a fight between an elephant and an ant. The South African government was evil, arrogant, amoral, and respected only might and power. (One might say the South African government is just like Godfather Carvalho and the MDCPS school board is today.) The South African Government basically laughed at Mr. Mandela’s offer and told him to go to hell. Years later, when the Apartheid government was on the verge of collapse, its representatives approached Mr. Mandela and asked him if that deal was still on the table. Mr. Mandela chuckled and told them that unfortunately, that deal had expired just yesterday! (Lest my words be mistaken, I want to state for the record that I am NOT comparing myself to Mr. Mandela. On the worst day of that great man’s life, he was a better man than I will ever be.) The situation between NKC and MDCPS is much the same as it was for Mr. Mandela and the Apartheid government. Just as a once hopeless situation for Mr. Mandela and the ANC eventually turned into a wonderful future, I think things will eventually turn out well for the persecuted staff of NKC. As you recall, the Apartheid government fell due to the economic sanctions imposed against it. Last January, I wrote to every Florida politician who sits on the K-12 education committee. I asked that funding for MDCPS be withheld until the People’s Republic of MDCPS observes Florida and Federal laws. I will continue to send those letters every year when the Florida legislature meets. Also, I will write to the new Florida Governor and ask him to send independent investigators to do a district wide audit of The People’s Republic of MDCPS. Finally, I am actively trolling every national media source I know to get this explosive story of neglect out to the public. I am wondering if any of the readers of this letter are able to understand how explosive my blog will be to the general public?

If the readers of this letter will go back and read the first letter I sent in June 2015, (it’s on my blog you will see that the tone of my letter was very respectful and deferential My sole request was that Dr. Roos be replaced as the NKC principal, and I gave numerous examples of her horrific failures as an administrator. I figured that being the end of the school year, this would be extremely easy for MDCPS to implement. When I got no response whatsoever from ANY of the five people I wrote to, I knew what kind of people I was dealing with. So here we are in 2018. MDCPS has had 4 summers to replace the thugs/administrators who have run NKC into the ground and declined to do so.

Godfather Carvalho, the voters of Miami-Dade County are about to bestow a terrible gift upon you. Although you do not give the appearance of being a decent or moral man, you appear to be a master politician. You have capitalized on the public’s well- founded fear of school shootings to place a measure on the ballot placing a policeman or policewoman in every school. You, of course, will be in charge of those police. The ever generous (and ever gullible) taxpayers will probably approve this measure because of their genuine wish to safeguard children. However, as you and I know, every well- meaning school law can be perverted to increase the power of education bureaucrats. Take the law protecting children against school teachers who are sexual predators. If that law is enforced as it was intended, it is a wonderful law. Having said that, the teachers Of MDCPS (and probably most other school districts in the country) have a bitter riddle. That riddle is: “What do you call an educator who disputes any policies of a school bureaucrat?” The answer, of course, is a child molester. In the same way, the primary function of all those new police at your disposal will NOT be to safeguard children, but to insure educators instantly and completely carry out all edicts from both yourself and school site administrators. Staff who balk at a particularly odious edict may get a warning of a glowering cop, with arms folded across his or her chest. Further reluctance on the part of the educator may result in the police officer observing that educator committing a career ending offense. As with everything else in the People’s Republic of MDCPS, promotion for MDCPS police officers will result not from merit, but from a willingness to instantly and without question carry out the edicts of the bureaucrats. I am very, very happy that I am no longer a MDCPS serf. (I mean employee)

My final thought in this letter is that Godfather Carvalho pretty much runs MDCPS singlehandedly. The school board gives the appearance of being nothing more than the Godfather’s rubber stamp, a fig leaf so that the Godfather can pretend that decisions are made by the educational politburo (Of one person.) If there were only 7 school board members, I guess you people could be thought of as the 7 dwarves. (Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey, Doc, and Bashful.) There is no doubt in my mind as to which one of you is Bashful. Mr. Feldman, you win that contest hands down. The students of NKC are in YOUR district, Mr. Feldman. I have sent you FIVE (5) certified letters and I haven’t heard so much as a peep from you. Mr. Feldman, for goodness sake, are you able for just once in your life to stop being the Godfather’s most reliable “Yes” man? Are you able to gather what little courage you seem to have and get up off your knees and stand up for children in YOUR district who literally cannot speak for themselves??? Mr. Feldman, I am not naïve enough to think that you would stand up for Severely Mentally Retarded children because it is the decent or moral thing to do. I am asking you to do this because if you don’t do this, the public may elect a school board member who really DOES care about the welfare of SEVERELY Mentally Retarded children. Think what that would mean. You would lose that extremely generous salary the taxpayers are giving you. You would also lose the fawning attention you receive by virtue of the fact that you are a school board member. Most frightening of all, you would no longer have your picture taken with people who really ARE movers and shakers in the field of education. Mr. Feldman, as long as you act in the best interests of Severely Mentally Retarded children, I really don’t care what your motivation for those actions is.


Bill Detzner

Bill Detzner/7722 S.W. 99 St./Miami, Fl. 33156

Email to FEA President Fed Ingram 11/02/2018

Hello, Fed. Congratulations on being elected President of the Florida Education Association. Fed, I need your help. My name is Bill Detzner. My website is I was the UTD steward for 10 years at Neva King Cooper School (NKC) I was the steward during your tenure as the UTD President. In a nutshell, NKC has been persecuted and under lockdown for over 6 years as a result of NKC attempting to assert its (supposedly) legally protected right to convert from a public school to a charter school. I have sent 7 unanswered certified letters to Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, and another 7 unanswered certified letters to UTD President Karla Hernandez Mats. Among my accusations are an alleged physical attack by the school principal against a Severely Mentally Retarded African American student, illegally forbidding most of the African American staff from participating in the MANDATORY annual staff satisfaction survey,  and the principal threatening an African American woman whose daughter had been murdered just days before with an involuntary transfer to another school. (If you do not have time to read my entire blog, my latest entry, (Fourth Email To PTA President For MDCPS Nancy Lawther 10/31/2018) should give you a bird’s eye view of the situation. Fed, I am sending you this email and posting this email on my blog so that when this story breaks (I am trolling every national media source I know)you will not be able to say you were unaware of the situation. Here is what I am asking of you: 1) If it is within your power, can you remove (or recommend removal) of UTD President Karla Hernandez Mats for non-performance of her duties? 2) If it is within your power as FEA President, can you place the maximum sanction you are capable of against MDCPS Superintendent Alberto Carvalho for abuse of his position? 3) Will you please send me a list of all the actions you intend to take as a result of reading my blog? 4) If it is within your power as FEA President, will you recommend that the National Labor Relations Board and/or the Federal or Federal Bureau of Investigation do an in-depth audit of the entire MDCPS district? 5) Will you forward copies of this email to both Ms. Hernandez Mats and Mr. Carvalho? 6) Will you, as FEA President also recommend that BOTH current NKC administrators (Principal Dr. Tracy Roos and assistant principal Alicia Fernandez) be immediately and permanently removed from their posts? Will you recommend that these two people be replaced by former NKC principal Dr. Alberto Fernandez and assistant principal Henny Cristobol as the new NKC administrators? 7) Will you ask that the two present NKC administrators principal Dr. Tracy Roos and assistant principal Alicia Fernandez be investigated by a body INDEPENDENT of MDCPS for cheating on the Florida Alternate Assessment (FAA) ? (I can provide the names of 2 people who can shed some light on this.) Will you also ask this investigative body to investigate Alicia Fernandez for knowingly and willfully filing false charges against Mr. Rick Massa for cheating on the FAA and then perjuring herself in her deposition in the resulting lawsuit? (I can provide the name of a person who can shed some light on this.) If an independent investigative body find the two present NKC administrators guilty of one or more offenses, will you recommend that they receive a penalty commensurate with their offense(s)? 8) Will you recommend that principal Roos be removed from the NKC campus until a comprehensive investigation is completed by an agency independent of MDCPS for possible child abuse? There is an NKC African American employee who has been both a MDCPS employee and a UTD member for over 30 years. He/She allegedly saw the alleged child abuse occur, but is too terrified to come forward. If an independent agency (perhaps the NAACP) were able to guarantee his/her safety from retaliation by MDCPS, he/she might be willing to testify. Thank You for your help in this matter.

Fourth Email To PTA President For MDCPS Nancy Lawther, Oct. 31, 2018

Hello Nancy, and hello also to your PTA vice president who has also received every email I sent you. I am disappointed that neither one of you have answered my previous 3 requests for help for Severely Mentally Retarded (SMR) children. I am hoping you will respond to this 4’th email and act to protect children so vulnerable that they literally cannot speak for themselves. I want to bring an event to your attention that is so shocking that only a very cold hearted person would fail to respond to it. (My hope is that neither one of you is a very cold hearted person.) About a week and a half ago, at the end of the school day, a bus returned to Neva King Cooper School (NKC), returning a Severely Mentally Retarded child to NKC. The child was returned to NKC because there was no one at the child’s home to receive the child. The child was returned to NKC AFTER 3:05 P.M., so the child’s teacher had already gone home for the day, as staff are dismissed at that time. The contract very clearly states that if a child is returned to school after staff have gone home, the principal (Dr. Tracy Roos) is legally OBLIGATED to accept custody of that child. Nevertheless, Dr. Roos allegedly attempted to refuse to accept custody of this Severely Mentally Retarded child. The bus driver and the bus aide informed Dr. Roos that they (the 2 bus people) had been told by their supervisor to release the severely mentally retarded child to the principal and return the school bus to its parking lot. Allegedly, the 2 bus personnel assisted the Severely Mentally Retarded child off the bus (They said it was them, and NOT Dr. Roos who off-loaded the student.) At that point Dr. Roos (possibly believing nobody was watching) allegedly PHYSICALLY ABUSED the child. This incident was witnessed by THREE individuals. The first two witnesses were the bus driver and the bus aide. The third witness was an African American staff member of NKC who has been an employee of Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) for over 30 years. This person has also been a member of United Teachers of Dade (UTD) for over 30 years. The two bus personnel wrote up and pressed formal charges against Dr. Roos. THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME DR ROOS HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING A PERSON. My blog ( describes in great detail Dr. Roos alleged physical assault of an NKC staff member. This staff member did not report this incident to the MDCPS investigative bodies, probably because he/she feared the incident would be covered up and the employee retaliated against. This person transferred to another school and is still a MDCPS employee should an investigative body want to investigate this. Superintendent Carvalho, UTD president Hernandez Mats, and all 9 school board members are all well aware of this incident. In my blog, I discussed that Dr. Roos allegedly told me that she (Dr. Roos) has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) My blog also discussed Dr. Roos 2 uncontrollable crying jags at faculty meetings (one of which I personally witnessed.) Dr. Roos gives the impression of being an extremely emotionally unstable person. She also gives the appearance of being an extremely vicious and vindictive person who seems to derive extreme pleasure in getting revenge against any person who  has caused Dr. Roos to look bad, even if it is solely the fault of Dr. Roos that she (Dr. Roos) has done something to make herself look bad. I have explained all of this to Mr. Carvalho, the 9 school board members, and Ms. Hernandez Mats in the numerous unanswered letters I have sent them. A MPCPS police officer also participated in the sham “investigation” that was done in regard to this incident. This MDCPS police officer is the spouse of an NKC teacher who is allegedly Dr. Roos best “snitch” on campus. A few years ago, the teacher who is allegedly a “snitch” for Dr. Roos had a dispute with a paraprofessional he/she worked with. (an African American woman) This teacher allegedly talked his/her MDCPS police officer spouse into paying an unauthorized visit to the NKC campus in an attempt to intimidate the African American paraprofessional. The police officer allegedly parked his/her police car illegally on campus, allegedly went onto the grounds of the campus (without announcing his/her presence or purpose to the principal), without signing in, and went to his/her spouse’s classroom  and silently stood in the open classroom door with his/her arms folded across his/her chest for several minutes, glaring at the African American woman who reported this rogue cop to Dr. Alberto Fernandez, (the NKC principal at the time) Dr. Fernandez ordered this rogue cop to leave the campus and never return unless on official business. In another incident, Dr. Roos was attempting to terminate an employee she did not like. Dr. Roos attempted to pressure other NKC employees into saying one or more of us had witnessed this staff member physically abusing a child. NKC staff members are very protective of Severely Mentally Retarded children and we will not tolerate staff who abuse these children. (Of course, if NKC ADMINISTRATORS abuse severely mentally retarded children, staff are too fearful for their jobs to turn in the offending NKC administrator.) I will discuss that later. Anyway, (most but not all) NKC staff are also unwilling to willfully lie and say that they observed a staff member do something illegal if that alleged illegal action did not actually occur. As no staff saw the alleged physical abuse occur, nobody stepped forward to level willfully false charges against the serf who had incurred Dr. Roos wrath. That was the point where Dr. Roos had her first alleged uncontrollable crying jag that I personally witnessed. At that point, Dr. Roos called in this same MDCPS police officer to see if additional pressure would cause staff to level knowingly false charges. This police officer began one-on-one questioning with a staff member who stated SEVERAL TIMES that he had not witnessed any physical abuse at NKC. At this point, the police officer began shouting and banging his/her hand on the table and accusing the staff member of lying! This is the police officer who did the sham “investigation” of Dr. Roos alleged abuse of a Severely Mentally Retarded child. Both members of this husband/wife team of MDCPS employees are widely considered by most NKC employees to be completely under the control of Dr. Roos. The cameras that were in the bus loading area were in the sole custody of Dr. Roos and this police officer. It was not surprising that it was ruled that the cameras did not show evidence of Dr. Roos physically abusing this Severely Mentally Retarded child. One other incident needs to be discussed to show why this 30 year MDCPS employee who is African American was too terrified to step forward and testify as to what he/she saw Dr. Roos do. As I described in my blog, last year, shortly after the daughter of an African American NKC staff member was murdered, Dr. Roos allegedly ordered an African American custodian (who is a very close friend of the woman whose daughter was murdered) to verbally convey Dr. Roos threat to have this African American woman involuntarily transferred to another school. When it looked like Dr. Roos might suffer negative consequences for this action (shortly afterwards, Dr. Roos was nominated as a candidate for the prestigious Principal of the Year Award). Dr. Roos summoned the African American custodian to her office for a closed door meeting and allegedly threatened this man with immediate termination of his job unless he recanted his story that Dr. Roos had ordered him to deliver this threat to his friend. Nancy, are you aware of the fact that last spring, Dr. Roos allegedly illegally forbade most African American staff from participating in the MANDATORY annual staff satisfaction survey? Do the two of you see that in incident after incident Dr. Roos gives the appearance of being very racist and performing harmful hateful actions against African Americans. The Severely Mentally Retarded child Dr. Roos allegedly abused is African American. Given the fact that MDCPS has a policy that MANDATES that an administrator accused of physically abusing a child be removed from that campus until the investigation is complete (for the protection of the child) , and given the fact that MDCPS is aware that this is NOT the first time that Dr. Roos has been accused of physical assault, and given the fact that MDCPS is well aware of the fact that Dr. Roos gives the appearance of being in extremely fragile emotional health, and given the fact that Dr. Roos gives the impression that she is unable to control her destructive urges, and given the fact that Dr. Roos has a long history of actions against African Americans that appear to be racist and discriminatory in nature, and given the fact that the child who allegedly suffered this abuse is African American, and given the fact that this child does not have speech and therefore cannot tell anyone if Dr. Roos allegedly physically abused him, doesn’t it seem odd to you and your vice president that MDCPS failed to follow its own policy of  MANDATORY removal of an accused abusive administrator from the campus??? I think there are 2 reasons why MDCPS failed to implement its own MANDATORY guidelines: 1) MDCPS is a criminal enterprise and they do whatever they need to do to sweep their criminal activities under the carpet 2) Keeping Dr. Roos on campus is a very effective way of silencing this terrified African American 30 year employee and 30 year UTD member until the incredibly short deadline for prosecuting offenses of this nature passes. This person is well aware of my blog. This person has personally witnessed the brutal and willful rape of NKC employees for the last 6 years. This person is well aware that although all NKC employees are treated very poorly, African American employees are treated the worst of all. This person knows that although UTD has been fully informed of the rape of its NKC members for 6 years, UTD has done NOTHING to defend those members. This person witnessed the fact that after Dr. Roos committed an offense so serious that it should have resulted in Dr. Roos termination of employment.  (threatening an employee with an involuntary transfer shortly after the murder of that employees daughter) Dr. Roos was not only NOT punished, she was nominated for the highly prestigious Principal of the Year Award. This person saw that the only person who was punished in this incident was the African American custodian who was threatened with immediate job termination. This person knows that if he/she were foolish enough to report Dr. Roos physical abuse, he/she would be reporting that incident to the MDCPS police officer who is widely viewed by NKC staff as being very corrupt and entirely under the control of Dr. Roos. I worked for Dr. Roos for 3 years, and I know what she is capable of. In the time I worked there, Dr. Roos NEVER ONCE failed to achieve revenge against a person who had caused her to look bad, even if it was entirely the fault of Dr. Roos that she looked bad. This Severely Mentally Retarded child does not have any physical speech and cannot tell anyone if Dr. Roos (again) physically abuses him. Given the fact that this child is Severely Mentally Retarded, Dr. Roos cannot inflict mental or emotional abuse against him. The only tool left in her toolbox is physical cruelty. Here is one (of many) options available to Dr. Roos for illegally punishing this child for the “crime” of having nobody at home one day at the end of the school day. Dr. Roos could simply order this child’s teacher to deliver the child to her office. Once the child is behind closed doors, Dr. Roos seems to have a green light from Superintendent Carvalho, the 9 school board members, and Ms. Hernandez Mats to physically abuse this Severely Mentally Retarded child with virtual impunity. Even if staff hear the child’s screams of pain and terror, who will be brave enough to risk their job by reporting an action that will result in no adverse consequences to Dr. Roos??? You see, Nancy, (and your vice president) that child is not the only one who has no voice. The staff of NKC also have no voice. UTD will NOT exercise its MANDATORY duty to protect its members from unlawful actions by MDCPS. I have sent 7 unanswered certified letters each to both Superintendent Carvalho and to Ms. Hernandez Mats. The staff of NKC is asking you (for the 4’th time) to ask Superintendent Carvalho to immediately and permanently remove both NKC principal Tracy Roos and assistant principal Alicia Fernandez from their posts (Mrs. Fernandez allegedly knowingly and willfully filed false charges against an NKC employee for cheating on the Florida Alternate Assessment (FAA) test and then allegedly perjuring herself in her deposition in the resulting lawsuit. (If an independent investigative body investigates this, I can provide a former NKC staff member who can verify this) Both Dr. Roos and Alicia Fernandez allegedly  cheated for many years on the FAA (I can provide the names of 2 people no longer at NKC who can shed some light on this. ) As the NKC staff feel they have been punished for over 6 years for engaging in the (supposedly) legally protected process of exploring converting from a public school to a charter school, and given the fact that the NKC staff are deeply fearful that Superintendent Carvalho intends to punish them in perpetuity, they are asking that former principal Dr. Alberto Fernandez and former assistant principal Henny Cristobol be restored to their positions. Given the fact that the NKC staff is fearful that the MDCPS internal investigative bodies are extremely corrupt, the staff is hoping that an independent body such as the National Labor Relations Board or the Federal or Florida Bureau of Investigation will do a district wide audit of MDCPS. The NKC staff is hoping that the PTA of MDCPS will endorse all of these actions in a written memorandum to Superintendent Carvalho, or whatever part of these requests fall under the PTA jurisdiction. Nancy, a politically ambitious person might be motivated to seek the position of the MDCPS PTA president only to buff up his/her resume in anticipation of a career as an educational bureaucrat. Such a person would do ANYTHING, even overlooking the physical abuse of a Severely Mentally Retarded child in order to remain in the good graces of a powerful political patron  such as Mr. Carvalho. I am hoping you are not that kind of person. When you accepted this post, one of your duties was/is to protect the rights of children, even if carrying out your duties caused you to become unpopular with powerful educational bureaucrats. Nancy, you should know that the explosive allegations in my blog are not going to go unnoticed forever. I an currently trolling every nationwide media source I can. When this story breaks, if you choose to do little or nothing, how will that effect the careers of you and your vice president? Nancy, it is time to put on your big girl pants. Here is the present situation at NKC. Staff are well aware that it is illegal to physically abuse a child, ESPECIALLY a Severely Mentally Retarded child. However, MDCPS says there is an exception to this rule. MDCPS says that (in violation of Federal law) an administrator may abuse one OR MORE? Severely Mentally Retarded children, WITH VIRTUAL IMPUNITY! Think of that. The school principal, who is supposed to be the school leader, stands accused of child abuse, and it seems highly likely that she is indeed guilty of that offense. Not only that. Given Dr. Roos seemingly fragile emotional health, it seems likely that an incident like this (or worse) is likely to happen again, possibly in the near future. DO MDCPS OFFICIALS HAVE A DUTY TO PROTECT EXTREMELY FRAGILE SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN FROM PHYSICAL ABUSE AT THE HANDS OF THE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL? If this is no longer the case, DOES THE PTA STILL HAVE THIS DUTY? It gets worse. Although Superintendent Carvalho and the 9 school board members are COMPLETELY aware of what is going on, they give the appearance of attempting not only to cover this up, but to allow Dr. Roos to potentially physically abuse one or more NKC students in the future. The NKC staff and parents who read my blog are aware of this situation. As you know, I am going to post this email on my blog.