Hello, Dr. Dotres, and welcome to MDCPS. My name is Bill Detzner. My blog is mdcpsallegations.com I am writing to you about Dr. Tracy Roos, the WHITE school principal of Neva King Cooper (NKC) who has allegedly physically assaulted a Severely mentally retarded African American child, and several African American and Hispanic faculty members. Dr. Roos has been “investigated” several times by MDCPS, and has been absolved of guilt, over, and over, and over. even though numerous witnesses have filed detailed descriptions of Dr. Roos many alleged physical assaults.
African American and Hispanic parents DEEPLY dislike Dr. Roos, but they are afraid that if they lodge formal complaints against Dr. Roos with the MDCPS authorities, Dr. Roos will retaliate by physically assaulting their severely mentally retarded child, and the MDCPS authorities will turn a blind eye to this violence. This tolerance of blatant and overt violence against minorities by the MDCPS authorities is very similar to “the bad old days” when African American parents who insisted that their children receive a high quality education were bullied and intimidated into silence with a burning cross on their front lawns. It is a very cruel joke that MDCPS claims it has “a zero tolerance for bullying.”
The NKC stakeholders would like for Dr. Roos to be immediately and permanently removed as the NKC principal. If probable cause is found, the NKC stakeholders are hoping Dr. Roos will be terminated as a MDCPS employee. The NKC stakeholders are hoping that Dr. Alberto Fernandez will be reinstated as the NKC principal. He served as the previous NKC principal with great distinction. At one time, he was rated as the most effective principal in MDCPS.
As the NKC stakeholders have no confidence in MDCPS to put an end to the ten-year on-going RAPE of NKC, we are actively recruiting Black Lives Matter (BLM) to intervene on behalf of the NKC stakeholders.
I am going to post this email on my blog, so I will have proof that you as the MDCPS superintendent have been made aware of the EXPLOSIVE situation that exists at NKC.