Are Dr. Dotres and the MDCPS School Board Recklessly Exposing Children To Unnecessary Danger?

May 30, 2024

Hello. My name is Bill Detzner. My blog is Dr. Roos, the former principal of Neva King Cooper School (NKC) was allegedly removed from her post, and recommended for termination of employment. I assume this was done in response to the investigation of her allegedly physically assaulting an African American custodian, and then allegedly causing fraudulent paperwork to be filed for workman’s compensation for the in- juries the custodian allegedly suffered as a result of this alleged physical assault.

My blog also detailed many, many other very serious allegations against Dr. Roos, including an alleged physical assault of a severely mentally retarded African American child, and another alleged physical assault of a Hispanic social worker.

While the parents and staff of NKC are DEEPLY grateful that Dr. Roos is no longer the NKC principal, many stakeholders, myself included, are apalled and DEEPLY alarmed that despite THREE alleged physical assaults against minotities, and despite the fact that many people, myself included, have the impression that Dr. Roos gives the impression of being DEEPLY prejudiced against both African American and Hispanic people, this WHITE principal has been assigned to be the principal of Redondo Elementary School (RES) This school has a large minority student/staff population. Many people, myself included, are wondering why Dr. Roos has been deemed fit to be the principal of RES?

I have heard that after only THREE DAYS of being reassigned to RES, Dr. Roos was allegedly involved in a heated dispute with a staff member of that school that was so serious that United Teachers of Dade (UTD) was called in to mediate the situation. Is this story true?

If so, given the fact that Dr. Roos, knowing she needed to avoid further lapses of leadership, and avoid further dissention from her staff, was unable to maintain order, only THREE DAYS after becoming the principal at another school. That seems to very clearly indicate that Dr. Roos seems to lack the skill set needed to be an effective school principal.

While I am not a psychologist, I worked under Dr. Roos for three years. Myself and many other NKC staff members felt thar Dr. Roos gave the appearance of being a deeply troubled, angry, and impulsive person, who makes very poor choices and has very poor impulse control. Many NKC staff and parents felt she was and is a bully.

I am asking that for the protection of the minority elementary school children and the minority staff of RERS, that Dr. Roos be IMMEDIATELY removed from her post as the principal of that school. I am also asking that for the remainder of her employment at MDCPS, that Dr. Roos be assigned to a position where she will have NO contact or exposure to children.

Quite frankly, if MDCPS wants to send an unmistakable message that it has zero tolerance for either racism or bullying, terminating Dr. Roos employment immediately would be a good way to show MDCPS’ commitment to these principles.

As I stated in a previous email, Dr. Roos gives the impression of being capable of very great violence. During the time I spent at NKC, Dr. Roos gave the appearance of feeling that she was being unfairly treated by MDCPS administrators. She also gave the appearance of feeing that any action she took was justified, as “the ends justify the means.” Finally, she gave the appearance of craving the limelight, and she gave the appearance of not caring whether she became well known due to commendable actions, or despicable actions.

I wish to be crystal clear that I do NOT have definitive information that Dr. Roos intends to end her career by harming one or more children or staff members.

Having said that, some deeply troubled individuals, facing imminent job dismissal, harm or even kill one or more coworkers. It is possible that Dr. Roos will very quietly retire, and harm nobody. Regrettably, that outcome cannot be guaranteed.

MDCPS likes to boast that it has “Zero Tolerance For Bullying.” Given the fact that Dr. Roos was found to be so deeply in violation of MDCPS policies in October 2023 that the investigators recommended she be terminated as an employee, and given the fact that in June 2024 this WHITE principal is still the principal of an elementary school with a high percentage of minority children and staff, perhaps that slogan should be changed to MDCPS has “A Nearly LIMITLESS Tolerance For Bullying By A WHITE Principal Against Minority Children and Staff.”

Dr. Dotres, I am asking you to IMMEDIATELY remove Dr. Roos from RES , and that she have NO contact or access to children during the remainder of her tenure as a MDCPS employee.

Ms. Luisa Santos, as the school board member who represents RES, if Dr. Dotres declines to take this action, I am asking you to contact Governor DeSantis and ask him to remove Dr, Dotres for failure to execute his duties, and also to remove Dr. Roos as the principal of RES.

If both Dr. Dotres and Ms. Santos fail to execute their duties to protect minority children and minority staff, I am asking all other school board members to contact the Governor, and ask that Dr. Dotres, Dr. Roos, and Ms. Santos be removed from their posts.

Is the welfare of a WHITE principal who has allegedly physically assaulted THREE minority students/staff more important than the welfare of minority elementary children and minority staff???

If (may God forbid it) Dr. Roos decides to “end her career with a bang,” my hope is that many of the recipients of this email will be terminated from their jobs, and serve lengthy prison terms for criminal negligence.

My guess is that if an entirely preventable tragedy is allowed to occur, Governor DeSantis will VIGOROUSLY pursue justice for these innocent children.