July 4, 2019 Letter To Governor DeSantis

Dear Governor DeSantis,

Hello, my name is Bill Detzner. Since December 2018, I have sent you 4-5 certified letters detailing the serious violations of Federal laws, (such as alleged physical abuse of severely mentally handicapped children by Dr. Tracy Roos.) I have received two responses to my letters, both of which give the appearance of being an attempt by you (Governor DeSantis) to avoid carrying out your Constitutionally MANDATED responsibility to protect Profoundly Mentally Handicapped (PMH) children from being physically abused by the school principal, or dying a violent and easily preventable death of choking to death on the food they eat at school. (I’ll discuss that later on in this letter.)

Before I go any further, I want to wish you and your family a happy Fourth of July. As I am a military veteran, this is a special day for me.

Secondly, I want to apologize for the fact that this is a hand written letter. I am currently traveling and I do not have access to computer. If you have trouble reading my handwriting, this letter will be posted on my blog (mdcpsallegations.com) as soon as I return home.

On June 17, 2019, I received a very disappointing email from Randy Kosec (Fl. Dept of Ed.) Governor’s Assignment Case # 687,906 EOG 000457196 Corrflow#1292694. (I will discuss that email later on in this letter.) As I feel the crisis at Neva King Cooper (NKC) School is extremely serious, I do not wish to wait until I return home and have access to a computer to respond to Mr. Kosec’s email.

Governor DeSantis, here is how I believe you would have responded if I had been one of the top contributors to your election campaign as Florida’s governor. I am guessing that either yourself or the Education Commissioner would have promptly phoned or emailed Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) superintendent Alberto Carvalho and told him that if he did not remove NKC principal Dr. Tracy Roos and assistant principal Alicia Fernandez (Screamer) from their posts during the 2 month summer break before the start of the new school year, the governor would have no choice but to relieve Supt. Carvalho of his duties for failing to provide a safe school environment for PMH students. (At this point, myself and the NKC stakeholders are only asking for the removal of the 2 NKC administrators, even though we believe the termination of Superintendent Carvalho is RICHLY deserved, and long overdue. ) Governor, As You Already Know (A.Y.A.K.) the governor has a DUTY to remove Florida government employees who are derelict in their duties. (More on that later.) You would cite the following reasons for your demand that the 2 present NKC administrators be immediately terminated. All of the following reasons have been fully explained both in my numerous previous letters to you and in my blog. 1) Dr. Roos has allegedly physically assaulted BOTH an African American PMH student and a staff member of NKC. 2) BOTH Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez have allegedly cheated on the yearly high stakes achievement test (the Florida Alternate Assessment – FAA) that is given to PMH children. This offense is punishable by termination of employment, loss of pension, and permanent revocation of Florida teaching licenses. 3) BOTH Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez have allegedly violated Federal laws that prevent discrimination against African American staff. Dr. Roos has allegedly forbidden para-professionals, who are largely African American, from participating in the MANDATORY annual staff satisfaction survey that is to be filled out by ALL employees. Dr. Roos has allegedly carried out her threat to file allegedly deliberately false charges against one or more African American parents when those parents went to the authorities to complain that Dr. Roos had allegedly physically abused their PMH child. Other African American staff (detailed in my blog) who have been allegedly discriminated against by either Dr. Roos or Mrs. Fernandez include LaTanya Stephenson, Ray Morrison, Mrs. Green, Aaron Jackson, and Jerry Terry. Additionally, Mrs. Fernandez allegedly knowingly and willfully filed false charges against Mr. Rick Massa for cheating on the FAA. As I said in my blog, a teacher who is still an employee of MDCPS observed this happening, but is too terrified of being terminated if he/she reports the incident, as this teacher will never have tenure. IF the Governor had the political courage to offer this teacher protection from retaliation he/she would be willing to testify. Mrs. Fernandez then allegedly perjured herself in her deposition made under oath in the resulting lawsuit Mr. Massa filed. AS You Already Know (AYAK) Mrs. Fernandez allegedly screams at staff when she becomes upset with them. In my case, Mrs. Fernandez screamed at me nonstop for 20 minutes. It was far longer and far more vicious and degrading than any dressing down I ever got from a drill sergeant during boot camp in the army. AYAK, Mrs. Fernandez is allegedly FAR more vicious and humiliating when her screaming jag is directed at an African American staff member. (i.e. Ray Morrison on at least 2 occasions) As I am Caucasion, Mrs. Fernandez screaming jag was limited to a mere 20 minutes. African Americans endure far longer and far more hateful tirades at the hands of Mrs. Fernandez. (Allegedly, of course.)

At this time, I want to address the 2 very disappointing and very dishonest replies I have received in response to my numerous letters to the governor. The first response said that the ONLY issue the state was willing to investigate was the alleged cheating on the FAA. As you already know, for many years PRIOR to Dr. Roos, the FAA had been given to our students and a baseline existed of their very poor performance, year after year. When Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez became the NKC administrators, student performance DRAMATICALLY increased to the point where for the first time ever, staff for 2 years were awarded financial bonuses for the outstanding performance of our PMH students. AYAK, I BEGGED you NOT to allow MDCPS to conduct the investigation, as they are allegedly a very corrupt school district with a conflict of interest, as they would be sanctioned if they found the NKC administrators guilty of cheating on the FAA test. AYAK, the MDCPS district WAS allegedly allowed to conduct that investigation without supervision, and (surprise, surprise) they found that no cheating had occurred. Although I submitted a list of 6 people to interview for this investigation, only 2 of these people were questioned. Furthermore, the MDCPS investigators were very careful to ask questions that would exonerate them. For example, the two people who were questioned were asked if they observed STAFF cheating on the FAA. My accusation was that the ADMINISTRATORS had at the conclusion of the test allegedly erased some of the incorrect penciled in answers on the answer sheets and then penciled in the correct answers. AYAK, when I brought my concerns about the investigation to the authorities, I was curtly told that the investigation was closed and would not be reopened. Governor DeSantis, a reasonable person might come to the conclusion that not only is MDCPS openly and illegally turning a blind eye to cheating on the statewide yearly achievement tests, but that YOU as Governor, and the Florida education bureaucrats are also turning a blind eye to this cheating, perhaps to fool the public into believing that Florida public schools are performing at a higher level than they actually are.

The other disappointing and dishonest response I received was an email from Randy Kosec. (I will include that email in its entirety in my blog.) I want to include 3 incredibly dishonest sentences from that email. 1) “Florida statute gives public school districts the authority to operate with local control on matters related to employment. Concerns like yours are typically handled best at the district level.” AYAK, although MDCPS rules state that if a district employee is accused of physically or sexually abusing a student, for the protection of the child, it is MANDATORY that A) the accused person be removed from the campus B) an investigation be done to determine the validity of the accusation. In the case of Dr. Roos, although 2 witnesses filed a formal complaint of child abuse against Dr. Roos, ( a third witness of this abuse is allegedly too fearful of retaliation to report what he/she observed.) Dr. Roos was NOT removed from campus, and NO investigation was done. AYAK, Dr. Roos allegedly told me (Bill Detzner) that she suffers from an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. AYAK, in my previous letters to you I have said Dr. Roos also seems to suffer from an inability to suppress her destructive impulses (such as allegedly physically assaulting BOTH a PMH student and an NKC staff member.) AYAK, for 4 (FOUR) years now, the PMH children of NKC appear to be at risk for choking to death on their food due to Dr. Roos allegedly making the decision to use choking incidents as a weapon to file potentially career ending charges against staff she appears to dislike.

Governor DeSantis, are you saying that if MDCPS knowingly and willfully abdicates its responsibility to provide a safe school environment for the most vulnerable and at risk students (i.e. PMH students), you as Florida’s governor cannot intervene to protect children who literally cannot speak for themselves? ARE YOU SERIOUS??? ARE YOU SERIOUS??? ARE YOU SERIOUS???

This flies in the face of 2 recent actions you took. A) You relieved Broward Sheriff Scot Israel (an elected official) from his post for nonperformance of his duties WHICH PUT BROWARD SCHOOL CHILDREN AT RISK FOR HARM OR EVEN DEATH. B) Recently, the mayor of a Florida city allegedly fired a gun at Florida law enforcement officers. The mayor was of couse an elected official . You used the power granted to you as the governor of Florida to remove this man from his post. I suspect that your reason for taking this action was that you feared this out of control mayor posed a danger to harm or even kill the residents of that city. Governor DeSantis, can you please explain to the readers of my blog how you can have the power to take these 2 actions, but NOT have the power to protect the most vulnerable Florida citizens of all??? (i.e. PMH children)

2) “You have taken the appropriate steps by sharing your concerns with Superintendent Carvalho and the members of the Miami Dade County School Board.” Governor DeSantis, does this statement sound as patronizing and as pathetic to you as it does to me? AYAK, I have sent 10 unanswered certified letters to Superintendent Carvalho, 9 unanswered certified letters to Larry Feldman, the school board member who represents NKC, 9 unanswered certified letters to United Teachers of Dade union president Karla Hernandez Mats, and at least 2 unanswered certified letters to every other MDCPS school board member. Even after all of these letters, the abuse of BOTH students and staff by BOTH Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez got WORSE, not better. After all these letters were sent, MDCPS saw fit to nominate Dr. Roos for the most prestigious award available to a school principal. (the Principal of the Year Award)!!!

Governor DeSantis, do you REALLY believe all those letters I wrote resulted in even a tiny improvement in the behavior of either Dr. Roos or Mrs. Fernandez? Governor DeSantis, do you REALLY believe that if I send an 11’th certified letter asking Superintendent Carvalho to relieve Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez of their duties that Superintendent Carvalho will take this action?

Governor DeSantis, I want to return to the hypothetical phone call either yourself or Commissioner Corcoran makes on my behalf as a hypothetical top donor to your election fund. After you or Mr. Corcoran insisted that the present 2 NKC administrators be relieved from their posts, you would very strongly encourage Superintendent Carvalho to reinstate Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Henny Cristobol as the NKC administrators. You would cite DOAH 13-1492 as showing that these 2 outstanding administrators were illegally and unlawfully removed from their posts solely for engaging in the (supposedly) legally protected activity of exploring converting NKC from a public school to a charter school. You would cite the fact that year after year, on both parent and staff satisfaction surveys, both of these administrators achieved some of the highest ratings in the entire district. You would cite the fact that at one point Dr. Fernandez was ranked as the most effective administrator in MDCPS. You would also cite the deep ties these 2 administrators have cultivated over the years as evidenced by the yearly golf tournament that raised money to buy physical therapy equipment for our students, and the 6 figure check a Fortune Five Hundred Company (Ryder) wrote to put Smartboards in every classroom in the school. You would also cite the threatening statement Superintendent Carvalho made during the one and only visit he ever made to NKC, shortly after he illegally smashed NKC’s attempt to convert to a charter school. You would conclude that the best way to ease the well founded fears the NKC staff have that Superintendent Carvalho will merely continue his 7 (SEVEN) year punishment of NKC by replacing Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez with administrators who are as bad or even worse than they are is to reinstate Dr. Alberto Fernandez as the NKC principal, and Mr. Henny Cristobol as the NKC assistant principal.

If Superintendent Carvalho is worried that Dr. Alberto Fernandez and/or Mr. Henny Cristobol will resume their efforts to convert NKC to a charter school, you can tell Mr. Carvalho that both of these administrators and the terrified NKC staff understand that this supposedly “protected” activity is merely a very bad joke. The NKC staff understands that any school in MDCPS stupid enough to engage in this suicidal activity (attempting to convert to a charter school) will be stomped into the ground and neither the governor or the Florida Legislature will lift a finger to protect them.

Governor DeSantis, shortly after I sent you my May 22, 2019 letter, I confided in a friend who is an attorney with over 30 years of lobbying the Florida Legislature. When I told this man I was appealing to you as the father of young children to intervene on behalf of PMH children, he threw back his head and roared with laughter. I switched gears and cited the many legal reasons I felt the governor was legally obligated to intervene. This caused him to laugh even harder. He held up his hand to silence me. He then told me I was a well meaning but incredibly naïve man. He said the governor and his staff would ask themselves only one question. That all important question is: How much has this person contributed to the governor’s election fund? If the answer to that question was little or nothing, I would be completely ignored, even if the governor had a mandatory obligation to take action. This man said, “Bill, the Governor’s kids will attend an expensive private school, so if 1, 10, or even 100 of your PMH children choke to death on their food, the Governor will sleep like a baby at night, provided he believes he won’t be blamed for those deaths.”

So Governor DeSantis, which of the two of us did a better job of predicting your response to my pleas for help for PMH children? Was it me, or was it my friend?

Governor DeSantis, in fairness to you, you have never verbally stated that unless I sent a sizable check to your election campaign fund, you would stand by and possibly allow one or more PMH children to die a horrible and entirely preventable death of choking on the food they eat at NKC, or more alleged incidents of physical abuse at the hands of Dr. Roos, the school principal. Having said that, a reasonable person who has read my blog and your astonishingly lack of action to protect PMH children from harm or even death, even though you are legally mandated to provide such protection would come to the conclusion that you are willing to expose PMH children to serious abuse and even death unless you get a sizable financial contribution to your reelection campaign.

Governor DeSantis, if you were a Florida voter, would YOU vote for such a person to remain the governor of Florida? When you run for reelection,if you bill yourself as the “Pay if you want to play,” or the “Pass the buck” candidate, I doubt that Fact Check will dispute that claim.

Let’s be honest, Governor. If you are not willing to perform an action you are legally obligated to perform unless you receive a sizable financial contribution from me, is that a “political donation,” or is it a bribe? But wait, it gets even worse than that. AYAK, there are no charter schools available for PMH students. If the parents of NKC children keep their children out of school due to their fear that school principal Dr. Roos may allegedly physically abuse them, or play Russian Roulette with their childrens’ lives by using those children as “bait” to trap teachers when those children begin to choke on their food at school, they already know that Dr. Roos will not hesitate to call child protective services and have those children removed from their homes and put into foster homes [if the parents keep their children out of school at NKC] Some Florida foster homes expose children to both physical and sexual abuse. Under these conditions, are Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez school administrators or terrorists? (as well as bullies and thugs) Under these conditions, aren’t both the parents and children of NKC hostages? If you, Governor DeSantis, will not execute your lawful DUTY to protect these parents and children unless you FIRST receive a sizable “donation” to your reelection fund, is this a “political contribution” or is it a ransom?

Governor DeSantis, if a magic genie were to appear and tell me that I could make just one wish , for anything I wanted and it would be granted, I know what my wish would be. My wish would be that Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Henny Cristobol be reinstated as the NKC administrators effective the first day of the 2019-2020 school year. My lobbyist friend is correct. I am a very naïve man. Had I known that a “political contribution” was needed to gain PMH children the protection they are supposed to be guaranteed by law, I would have gladly made that “donation” many years ago. If I were a single man, I would sell my house and donate 100% of the proceeds of that sale to ransom the lives of the PMH children of NKC. The problem is that I am a married man and my wife and I own the house jointly. Furthermore, my wife has severe scoliosis and is a semi-invalid, and it just is not fair to subject her to this degree of hardship. As I am a teacher [retired] and not a politician, I have no idea what sum of money I need to “donate” in order to motivate you to carry out your legally mandated DUTY to protect Florida’s most fragile and vulnerable citizens. My plan is to run this by your career education bureaucrat, Randy Kosec. Perhaps he can come up with a figure for me.

Governor DeSantis, I recently read that several Florida cities have been victimized by computer hackers who plant malware into city computers. That malware renders the cities’ computers inoperable. The hackers then demand that unless a ransom is quickly paid, the city data will be permanently lost, condemning some hospital patients to horrific and easily preventable deaths. The hackers often settle for a ransom far LESS than their original demand. The hackers do this NOT because they have a small amount of decency or compassion in them. They do this because they realize their victims have limited financial resources and they realize that a smaller ransom is better than no ransom at all. They also demand that the ransom be paid in Bitcoin, as it is hard to trace. I am mentioning this story about these computer hackers for two reasons. First, Governor DeSantis, the readers of my blog (and perhaps a majority of Florida voters) may come to the conclusion that YOU, as the florida Governor, bear a striking resemblance to these computer hackers. Second, when you and your political operatives come up with a financial figure to be donated by myself and several NKC parents, please keep in mind that all of us are of limited financial means and please keep in mind that a more modest donation to your reelection campaign is better than no donation at all. Also, if you would prefer that our “political donation” be made in Bitcoin, please let us know, and we will see what we can do.

Governor DeSantis, you also appear to bear a striking resemblance to Officer Peterson, the cowardly policeman who allowed a lone gunman to allegedly shoot 34 people, 17 of them fatally. Although Officer Peterson is held in nearly universal contempt by Florida citizens, both the U.S. Supreme Court and disgraced former Broward Sheriff Scott Israel maintain that Officer Peterson was within his rights to allegedly stand by idly and do nothing as 34 defenseless people were mowed down by a lone gunman. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the police do NOT have a duty to protect the public from harm. Disgraced and dismissed former Broward Sheriff Scott Israel made it police department policy that police MAY (not shall) intervene if that intervention might result in the police officer being exposed to danger. When Officer Peterson exercised his option to excuse himself from danger, he changed from a police officer to a highly paid costumed character. I say these things NOT to excuse Officer Peterson’s reprehensible lack of action or courage. I say these things because YOU, Governor DeSantis, appear to bear a striking resemblance to disgraced former Officer Peterson. AYAK, the Florida Constitution does NOT say that if the actions or lack of actions of Florida public officials (such as Superintendent Carvalho) place Florida citizens at risk the governor MAY take actions that protect those citizens. Governor DeSantis, if you continue to allow the unsafe conditions at NKC to exist, and harm comes to a PMH student, or an NKC staff member, the public may come to the conclusion that your lack of action was motivated by a lack of a political financial contribution to your reelection campaign. In that event, the public may decide that Officer Peterson’s cowardice was noble in comparison to your lack of action on behalf of PMH students.

Will Rogers once quipped that “America has the finest politicians that money can buy.”Another astute person has observed that “It’s not an election, it’s an auction.” Governor, myself, several NKC parents, and other NKC stakeholders have come up with a way to possibly raise a very large sum of money for your reelection campaign. We are going to open an account on the internet entity “Go Fund Me.” My blog address will be given and we will explain that we are trying to raise enough money to motivate Governor DeSantis to take action to insure the safety of the PMH children of NKC. As we are hoping the site will go viral, I am going to contact the Florida Democratic Party in the hopes they will give this fundraising page as much publicity as possible. If a gag order is issued against me, several NKC stakeholders have stepped forward to keep both my blog and the fundraising page active and on-going.

When NKc parents become visibly active in this campaign, there is a possibility that Dr. Roos and/or Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) may contact child protective services and have the children of these parents involuntarily placed inrto foster homes. I am telling you this so that (May God Forbid It) if this happens you will not be able to bray to the press that you did not know this was going to happen. In the bad old days, when “Uppity African Americans” became vocal in insisting that their Constitutional rights be respected, the Ku Klux Klan would terrify them into silence with a burning cross on their lawn. Thankfully, the KKK has lost most of its power but Child Protective Services has been a very handy replacement for Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) AYAK, many African American NKC staff refer to that unhappy place as a “Plantation,” and AYAK, the racial discontent among both African American NKC staff and NKC African American parents has been at a very high boil for a long time. AYAK, Dr. Roos appears to greatly enjoy bullying her staff and she appears to have both very poor judgement and impulse control. GOVERNOR, WHAT DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN IF DR. ROOS MAKES THE MISTAKE OF ALLEGEDLY PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING ANOTHER AFRICAN AMERTICAN STUDENT OR AN AFRICAN AMERICAN STAFF MEMBER? (Hint: Some African Americans suffer a significant amount of loss of esteem among their peers if they fail to physically respond to a physical assault. This loss of esteem is especially acute if the alleged attacker is a white female.)

Governor, AYAK, Ray Morrison has already been warned that if Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) engages in another “Screamathon” against him, the only response that he has to prevent a very dangerous escalation (i.e. walking away from Mrs. Fernandez until she is able to address him in a non-screaming, professional manner) will not be tolerated. WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN THE NEXT TIME MRS FERNANDEZ LOSES IT?

Governor DeSantis, everyone knows that when the 2019 legislative session ended, you had a great deal of free time on your hands. You had so much free time that you went on a several day junket to Israel. How do you think the voters are going to react if they discover that you had plenty of time to take a [possibly all expenses paid] junket to Israel, but you did not have enough time to insure the safety of Florida’s most fragile and vulnerable citizens, even though you had a 2 month long golden opportunity to return Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Henny Cristobol to their posts as the NKC administrators at the break between the end of the 2018-2019 school year and the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year?

Governor DeSantis, here are a few questions I hope you will consider. 1) Do the PMH children of NKC have a right to be safe from an entirely preventable choking death and physical abuse at the hands of the present NKC administrators? 2) Do the AfricanAmerican NKC staff have the right to expect that the Federal laws that protect them from discrimination at the hands of the present 2 NKC administrators will be enforced? 3) Will the laws that define the punishment given to administrators who cheat on the yearly achievement test be enforced? 4) Do the NKC staff have the right to expect that the Federal laws that protect them from physical abuse at the hands of their employer will be enforced? 5) Do NKC staff have the right to expect that the Federal laws that protect them from being allegedly shouted at by Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer) will be enforced? 6) Do the parents of NKC children have the right to expect that the Federal laws that protect their children from alleged physical assault by Dr. Roos will be enforced? 7) If the MDCPS district violates state and/or Federal laws, will that result in a partial loss of state funding, and state supervision until the state is satisfied that MDCPS is in compliance with the law? 8) Does the MDCPS policy that states it has “a zero tolerance for bullying” apply to just students and staff, or does it also apply to school site administrators and Superintendent Carvalho as well? 9) Does “Accountability” apply only to MDCPS staff, or does it also apply to school site administrators , school board members, and Superintendent Carvalho? 10) Governor DeSantis, are you the Governor for ALL Floridians, (including Florida’s most fragile and vulnerable citizens) or are you the Governor only for the wealthy people who contribute large sums of money to your election campaign? 11) Governor DeSantis, if you had a PMH son or daughter, would you want that child to be enrolled in Neva King Cooper School? 12) Have the bureaucratic snafus that allowed the Parkland massacre to occur been resolved, or could one or more Florida children die a violent and easily preventable death (such as choking to death on their food at NKC?)

Governor DeSantis, at this time you still have the luxury of preventing both a political catastrophe for yourself and the death or physical abuse of one or more Neva King Cooper children or staff. Today is July 6. You still have over a month to make the desperately needed changes I have suggested in this letter. If you fail to do so, I fear you will suffer a “Michael Dukakis Moment.” I wish you the best, my friend, and I hope you decide to do the right thing.


Bill Detzner

Bill Detzner 7722 S.W. 99 St. Miami, Fl. 33156 billdetzner@bellsouth.net

P.S. Governor, this may be a hard thing for you to understand (as a very powerful, privileged and wealthy man) but the peasants who are the parents of NKC students love their children as deeply as you love your children.

Mr. DeSantis, Are You A Governor, Or A Gangster?

9 August, 2019

A few months ago, Neva King Cooper School (NKC) school principal Dr. Tracy Roos and assistant principal Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer) faced an investigation into allegations that they had cheated on the Florida Alternate Assessment (FAA). The FAA is the yearly achievement test given to Profoundly Mentally Handicapped (PMH) students. Those allegations were so serious that had these two administrators been found guilty of this infraction, they could have potentially been terminated and lost their pensions as well. Fortunately for these two administrators, the State of Florida decided to pass the buck and allow Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) to investigate itself, despite the fact that MDCPS faced severe sanctions had it found two of its administrators guilty of cheating on this test. MDCPS had a clear conflict of interest. As the whistleblower, I BEGGED the Florida Office of inspector General to turn the invesdtigation over to an independent investigative body, such as the Florida Bureau of Investigation, or the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but this was not done. To the surprise of no one, MDCPS absolved Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) of all wrongdoing, despite considerable evidence to the contrary (such as the fact that staff were awarded bonuses for outstanding achievement on the FAA ONLY after Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) became the NKC administrators A reasonable and rational administrator, after being investigated for this potentially career ending charge, would temper his or her future actions, at least for a brief period of time following the investigation. Dr. Roos does not give the appearance of being a reasonable or rational administrator. I say this because just days after being let off the hook for alleged cheating on the FAA, Dr. Roos allegedly summoned Mr. Ray Morrison, an African American NKC staff member, for a closed door meeting. It is highly likely that Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer), the NKC assistant principal, also attended this closed door meeting. At that meeting, Dr. Roos allegedly demanded that Mr. Morrison give her an accounting of any conversation(s) Mr. Morrison had had with myself (Bill Detzner) during Mr. Morrison’s off duty hours. This is a highly illegal activity that Dr. Roos has allegedly done many, many times over the past 7 years with many different staff members, including myself. I can think of three possible reasons why Dr. Roos chose to engage in this clearly illegal activity just days after being absolved of potentially career ending charges.

The first possible explanation for this breathtaking lack of respect for obeying the MDCPS contract and state and Federal laws is that it is possible that Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) are unable to restrain themselves from engaging in clearly illegal activities, even after recently facing potentially career ending charges. The second possible explanation is that Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) have experienced few or no adverse consequences from their superiors , even after committing numerous egregious offenses. Indeed, Dr. Roos, shortly after allegedly illegally threatening to involuntarily transfer a grieving African American mother to another school shortly after the brutal murder of that woman’s daughter, found herself nominated as a candidate to the most prestigious award a MDCPS principal can earn . (the Principal of the Year Award). The third possiblity is that both possibilities are simultaneously true. Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) give the impression of being unable to restrain themselves from engaging in numerous egregious illegal behaviors. Additionally, Florida educational bureaucrats, both at the state of Florida level and at the MDCPS level seem to have little or no motivation to require these two NKC administrators to obey the MDCPS contract, Florida state law, or Federal law. I personally feel that the third possibility is the most likely scenario.

Although over the past 4 years, I have sent 9 certified letters to United Teachers of Dade (UTD) president Ms. Hernandez Mats, 33 certified letters to MDCPS school board members, and 9 certified letters to MDCPS superintendent Alberto Carvalho, I have received not a single word of response from any of these people. NOT. A. SINGLE. WORD. Additionally, I have also sent 3 certified letters to the Florida Office of Inspector General, 6 certified letters to Florida Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran, and 4 certified letters to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. ( I have retained my green cards to prove these people received my certified letters.) Neither Dr. Roos or Mrs. Fernandez behavior has improved even slightly or temporarily as a result of all those letters over a 4 year period of time.

Governor DeSantis, I am wondering if during the sham, make believe “investigation” of cheating on the FAA by Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez if a question very different from what I hoped was being asked was the actual focus of that investigation. The question that myself and the frightened, desperate parents of the severely mentally retarded students of NKC (most of whom literally cannot speak for themselves) HOPED was being asked was : Did Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez cheat on the FAA? The question the NKC stakeholders FEAR was asked was: Have the NKC stakeholders made a substancial financial contribution to Governor DeSantis reelection campaign? As the answer to that second question is “No”, the stakeholders fear we were given a sham, make believe investigation, with a predetermined not guilty verdict. Florida has a well deserved reputation as a “Pay to Play” state. Any party that has not made a substancial contribution to the pertinent Florida politician’s reelection campaign can expect little or nothing from that “public servant,” even if it is part of that politician’s job to perform the duty asked of him or her. In the sham FAA cheating investigation, although I listed 6 people the investigators needed to talk to, only 2 of those people were interviewed. Furthermore, those people were only asked very carefully worded questions that were designed to let the two NKC administrators off the hook. For example, the two people interviewed were asked if they had observed the STAFF cheating on the FAA. That was not my accusation. My accusation was that Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) might have cheated by erasing some incorrect answers on the answer sheets AFTER teachers had turned in the completed answer sheets and then filling in correct answers.

There is a second investigation pending against Dr. Roos for allegedly physically assaulting an African American profoundly mentally retarded child. I have had three or four in-depth conversations with the man conducting the investigation, so he knows who all the pertinent witnesses are. The concern that myself and the other NKC stakeholders have is that given the fact that none of us have made a substancial financial contribution to Governor DeSantis reelection campaign, this will also be a sham, make believe investigation, with a predetermined not guilty verdict. Then, when a severely mentally retarded child dies a violent and entirely preventable death of choking to death on his/her food, or Dr. Roos has yet another emotional breakdown, and allegedly physically assaults yet another PMH student, or another NKC staff member, Governor DeSantis can shake his head sadly and say, “This cannot be blamed on me, because I conducted not one but two [sham] investigations. and found no wrong doing”

Governor DeSantis, the desperate and badly frightened parents of NKC children fear that not only have you slammed the door in their faces, you have locked and bolted the door as well. Although you have known about the crisis at NKC since December 2018, and even though I have sent you 4 certified letters, and even though you have had 2 months between the end of the 2018-2019 school year and the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year, and even though the legislative session finished several months ago, leaving you with little to do besides cutting ribbons and going on a junket to Israel, you give the appearance of having done little or nothing to safeguard the lives of PMH children in that intervening time.. The new school year will begin in one week, and I guess to you it will be business as usual, and PMH children must face another school year with the threat of choking to death on their food (a form of Russian Roulette) or allegedly being physically assaulted by a principal who has allegedly confessed to suffering from an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and who has repeatedly demonstrated that she appears to have little or no ability to control her abusive and at times physically violent behavior. It will be the 8’th consecutive year that the student and staff inmates of NKC are under lockdown for the “crime” of attempting the [supposedly] legally protected action of exploring conversion from a public school to a charter school. It will be the 8’th consecutive year that NKC staff will be screamed at and spoken to in a very harsh and disrespectful way by both Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer). Although I have never been a prison inmate, I suspect that the way myself (prior to my retirement) and the other NKC serfs/staff are treated and spoken to by both Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez closely resembles the interactions between prison guards and prison inmates. There is one notable difference between the staff and residents of a prison and the administrators and serfs/staff of NKC. The difference is that although the serfs/staff of NKC are spoken to very harshly and disrespectfully by the two NKC administrators, those two administrators expect and get very servile, meek, and deferential treatment from the serfs/staff. As you already know, one of the alleged victims of Dr. Roos physical assault was a social worker employed at NKC. This person was not a UTD member. It speaks volumes about the fact that a SOCIAL WORKER, a “canary in a coal mine” if there ever was one, did NOT feel confident enough in the internal investigative MDCPS policing bodies to report this crime. MDCPS employees have the very well founded belief that the internal investigative bodies responsible for policing the district function NOT to protect employees, but to hide the abuse of employees by MDCPS administrators and to retaliate against those employees foolish enough to report that abuse. Governor DeSantis, if you or any person conducting this investigation is interested in interviewing this social worker, he/she is still a MDCPS employee at a different school. (I can’t imagine why this person chose to no longer work at NKC!)

Mr. Carvalho has been the MDCPS superintendent for over 10 years. He gives the appearance of being a very corrupt man. Many people say that MDCPS is in fact a criminal enterprise and that Al Carvalho runs the nation’s fourth largest school district the same way Al Capone ran his criminal enterprise. A Florida governor who genuinely wanted to pursue educational reform might want to conduct a district wide investigation of MDCPS. I think such an investigation would reveal a treasure trove of corruption by Al Carvalho and his top lieutenants. Governor DeSantis, are you a governor who is interested in educational reform?

As I was also once summoned to Dr. Roos office to illegally discuss who I was talking to in my off duty hours, I will describe my experience so you can understand what Mr. Ray Morrison, an African American NKC staff member was subjected to just a few weeks ago. These meetings closely resemble what you see on television drama shows when an alleged criminal is interrogated by police detectives. They are VERY, VERY unpleasant and intimidating meetings. An NKC serf/staff member who is subjected to one of these interrogations checks his/her dignity and self-worth in at the door. Please remember, the serf/staff member will be written up for insubordination if he/she either fails to attend or walks out of the illegal meeting. (If you are having trouble understanding why I call this an illegal meeting, try to imagine what would happen if Mr. Morrison or myself summoned either NKC administrator to such a meeting and in a very rude, harsh, and unpleasant voice demanded to know who this administrator was talking to in her off duty hours.) I guess the obvious question is: If it is illegal for staff to do this to administrators, why has Dr. Roos allegedly done this to staff over and over again for 7 years, with 9 unanswered certified letters sent to Ms. Hernandez Mats, and nothing done about it??? I am not the only one to bring the abuses of NKC administrators to the attention of Ms. Hernandez Mats. Another UTD member of NKC, at great personal risk to himself/herself, has had several in-depth conversations with Ms. Hernandez Mats about the numerous egregious contract violations of the two NKC administrators. Ms. Hernandez Mats has done NOTHING to address this UTD member’s concerns.

Both Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez will be present at this illegal interrogation meeting. This puts the serf/staff member in a VERY,VERY vulnerable position. Both Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fertnandez frequently lie and fabricate untrue and potentially career ending charges against serfs/staff. If the serf/staff member is insufficiently meek, servile, and penitent during this meeting,, he/she runs the risk of the two NKC administrators lying about what took place during the illegal interrogation. My blog mdcpsallegations.com has listed many examples of this. The serf/staff member had better assume an attitude of extreme meekness, and servility or he/she may be written up for insubordination or falsely accused of potentially career ending charges. I was asked if I was having conversations with Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Henny Cristobol ( the 2 NKC administrators that crime boss Al Carvalho illegally removed from NKC for pursuing the [supposedly] legally protected activity of exploring conversion to a charter school. If you want to read about the very brazen and egregious lawbreaking done by crime boss Al Carvalho in smashing NKC’s coversion attempt to a charter school, refer to DOAH 13-1492 Theoretically, I had the right to very politely inform Dr. Roos that my after hours activities and conversations were not open for discussion. The reality was that I feared that even though I had been a UTD member for 30 years, and the union steward at my school for 10 years, my UTD president, Ms. Hernandez Mats would not so much as lift a finger to protect me, and then stand by and do nothing when I was retaliated against if I was stupid enough to report Dr. Roos to UTD, or to decline to answer her questions about who I was speaking to in my off duty hours.

While I am talking about Ms. Hernandez Mats, a few months ago, the Miami Herald ran a story about a former MDCPS teacher who was accused of allegedly sexually molesting several of his students. Not only was this person a UTD steward, he was in the top echelons of leadership in UTD. Perhaps it is merely a coincidence, but the very serious charges against him were put on the back burner for a very long time, and he was allowed to remain in the classroom with students. Anytime a UTD steward got up at the monthly UTD stewards meeting to complain that Ms. Hernandez Mats was doing little or nothing to enforce the contract, this very large and intimidating man would allegedly get out of his chair and stand very close to that union steward and glower at them. The Miami Herald article seemed to wonder if there was a quid pro quo agreement between this man and the UTD leadership that these charges would be put on the back burner if this man agreed to attempt to intimidate anyone who criticized the UTD nonenforcement of the contract.

Dr. Roos, the next few lines of my blog are written exclusively for you. In the four years since I have retired, I have had NOT A SINGLE WORD, MEETING, OR COMMUNICATION OF ANY SORT with Mr. Ray Morrison. I WILL HAVE NO COMMUNICATION OF ANY SORT WITH MR MORRISON IN THE FUTURE. For this reason, I am not asking you, I am BEGGING you not to have any further interrogations against Mr. Morrison. The reason I am BEGGING you and not asking you is because I know that even though Governor DeSantis, crime boss Al Carvalho, the 9 school board members, and UTD President Hernandez Mats will all read this blog entry, it is highly unlikely that any one of them will so much as lift a finger to stop Dr. Roos from doing this clearly illegal action of interrogating the serfs/staff of NKC about their off duty actions and/or conversations. As a point of interest, MDCPS supposedly has “A zero tolerance for bullying!!!” I am hoping the readers of this letter are able to see the many, many violations of this rule that I have described in this letter.

Dr. Roos, as you well know, both you and Mrs. Fernandez are above the law and are highly unlikely to suffer even a mild rebuke, no matter how egregious your violations of the law are. (such as your openly discriminatory practices against African Americans.)

An exasperated NKC serf/staff member recently asked me if I thought Governor DeSantis would intervene if Dr. Roos posted a You Tube video of herself physically abusing a severely mentally retarded child. My reply was that unless the governor also received a generous contribution to his reelection campaign, the incident would probably be swept under the carpet, although it might be grounds for crime boss Al Carvalho to nominate Dr. Roos for the MDCPS Principal of the Year award.

Governorr DeSantis, although I have said this in the past, I feel I need to repeat it again for your deaf ears. There are no charter schools for severely mentally retarded children in Miami-Dade County. This presents the parents of NKC children with two HORRIBLE choices. The first choice is to send their child to NKC, where that child faces the possibility of an easily preventable horrible death from choking to death on his food, or being allegedly physically assaulted by Dr. Roos. The second choice is to keep their child out of NKC. This choice will result in the child being involuntarily removed from his/her home and placed into a foster home. As you know, some Florida foster homes are staffed by monsters who physically and/or sexually assault the children in their care. Given the fact that these are the only two choices available to NKC parents, I think a fair and reasonable person would draw the conclusion that NKC parents and their children are actually hostages. IF (and I want to emphasize that I am using the word “IF”) it is also true that you will not do your Constitutionally MANDATED duty to step in and protect the most vulnerable children in Florida until and unless a generous contribution is made to your reelection campaign, then I believe it would also be fair to refer to this “Campaign contribution” as a ransom. Hence, the question at the beginning of this blog post: Mr. DeSantis, are you a Governor, or are you a Gangster?

Given the fact that I have sent 33 unanswered letters to MDCPS school board members, over a 4 year period, and 9 unanswered certified letters to MDCPS crime boss Al Carvalho, a reasonable person would draw two conclusions. The first conclusion would be that MDCPS has no intention of protecting these extremely vulnerable children. The second conclusion would be that you as the Governor of Florida are OBLIGATED (campaign contribution or not) to step in and remove the two NKC administrators who have committed numerous egregious violations against the students, parents, and staff of NKC for SEVEN years. Since DOAH 13-1492 clearly shows that crime boss Al Carvalho illegally removed Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Henny Cristobol, I am hoping you will very strongly suggest to crime boss Al Carvalho that these two fine gentlemen be restored to their posts as the NKC administrators..

As I stated in the certified letter that I asked Randy Kosec to share with you (Governor DeSantis) and Commissioner Richard Corcoran, since neither the NKC stakeholders or myself have much money, I am going to post an entry on the “Go Fund Me” page asking people to contribute to raise enough money to motivate Governor DeSantis to execute his MANDATED Constitutional duty to protect severely mentally retarded students. I am going to ask the Democratic Party of Florida to give this as much publicity as possible. I am hoping that post will go viral. I am hoping to achieve one of two goals. The first goal would be to raise enough money to motivate you as the governor of Florida to take action to protect Florida’s most vulnerable and at risk children. If that cannot be done, I am hoping the amount of outrage my post generates will be enough to motivate you to protect these children. The heroic students of Marjory Stoneman Douglass have a wonderful slogan (i.e. “Never Again”) While I wholeheartedly support that slogan, I am wondering if your personal secret slogan is “Again and Again, unless I get a large financial contribution.” Your action or lack of action will show if my last statement is accurate.

If you issue a gag order against me, other people have volunteered to continue my blog. As you already know, the parents of NKC children have a fear that if Dr. Roos learns the identity of parents who are going public with their concerns, those parents fear that Dr. Roos or MDCPS will cause their children to be involuntarily removed from their homes and placed into foster homes. It will be just like in “The Bad Old Days.” Back then, when African American parents insisted that their children be treated with dignity and respect in their schools, a large burning cross was thrust on their lawn in an attempt to intimidate them into silence. While this shameful practice can no longer be done, child protective services can be used to accomplish the same goal. Governor DeSantis, if Dr. Roos and/or crime boss Al Carvalho resort to this tactic of using child protective services to remove severely mentally retarded children from their homes if parents have the temerity to insist that the school principal NOT physically assault NKC students, will you allow this to happen on your watch as Florida’s governor?

I will end this letter with a few questions for you: They are questions I have asked you before. 1) Do severely mentally retarded children have a right to be safe from physical assault by the school principal? 2) Do public school employees have the right NOT to be screamed at by the assistant principal? 3)Do African American staff have the right to expect that the FEDERAL laws that (supposedly) protect them from discrimination will be enforced in Florida’s public schools? 4) Do parents have a right to expect that their children will not be physically assaulted by the school principal? 5) When can the serfs/staff of NKC expect MDCPS highly touted “Zero tolerance for bullying” to be implemented for the employees of MDCPS?


Bill Detzner

Bill Detzner 7722 S.W. 99 St. Miami, Fl. 33156 billdetzner@bellsouth.net

May 22, 2019 letter to Florida Educational Bureaucrats

Dear Governor DeSantis, Fl. Education Commissioner Corcoran, Superintendent Carvalho, 9 MDCPS School Board members, and Ms. Hernandez Mats,

Hello. My name is Bill Detzner. For the fifth straight year, I am writing a letter asking that at the end of the school year, Dr. Tracy Roos and Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer) be removed as the Neva King Cooper School (NKC) administrators and replaced with the two former NKC school administrators, Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Henny Cristobol. As I will refer frequently in this letter to incidents that I have described in detail in my blog, that blog can be accessed at mdcpsallegations.com

I want to very strongly emphasize that if Superintendent Carvalho is allowed to merely remove the present two NKC administrators and replace them with different administrators of his choosing, Mr. Carvalho’s new hand picked administrators may choose to continue the seven (7) year on-going rape of NKC, while continuing to expose the profoundly mentally handicapped (PMH) children to the danger of choking to death on their food at mealtimes, continuing to expose the severely retarded children of NKC to alleged physical assaults at the hands of the school principal, and continuing to punish the NKC staff for their (supposedly) legally protected decision to attempt to convert from a public school to a charter school. There are many reasons why Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Henny Cristobol are the best choices to replace the present NKC administrators. First, both of these gentlemen had been the NKC administrators for many years prior to their illegal removal. Profoundly Mentally Handicapped children have characteristics unique to them alone. An administrator who has not worked previously with this unique population would need a few years just to reach the level of competence that Dr. Fernandez and Mr. Cristobol already have. Dr. Fernandez and Mr. Cristobol can hit the ground running, where another principal will need a minimum of 2-3 years to reach the level these two previous NKC administrators already have. Also, both Dr. Fernandez and Mr. Cristobol have achieved some of the highest ratings in MDCPS in the annual staff satisfaction surveys among both staff and parents. Dr. Fernandez and Mr. Cristobol have also cultivated deep ties among businesses and stakeholders in the city of Homestead, where NKC is located. I say this because for years, every spring, under the leadership of Dr. Fernandez and Mr. Cristobol, NKC hosted a golf tournament, which raised thousands of dollars that were used to buy physical therapy equipment for our students. These two fine administrators also cultivated a warm relationship between NKC and the Ryder Corporation, a Fortune Five Hundred corporation. That relationship continues to this day. At one point, the Ryder Corporation gave a six figure check to NKC to install Smart Boards in every classroom in the school. At one point, Dr. Fernandez was lauded as the most effective administrator in MDCPS. Finally, and most importantly, returning Dr. Fernandez and Mr. Cristobol to their posts as NKC administrators would send a clear and unmistakable signal that MDCPS is FINALLY ending the SEVEN YEAR punishment imposed on NKC for engaging in the (supposedly) legally protected activity of exploring conversion from a public school to a charter school. (as documented in DOAH 13-1492) As Superintendent Carvalho and /or the Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) school board members are extremely unlikely to take the action of removing the present NKC administrators and replacing them with Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Henny Cristobol,, I am asking that Governor DeSantis and/or Commissioner Corcoran use their authority to order Superintendent Carvalho to take this action.

As there is at this point in time a 2 month gap between the end of the 2018-2019 school year and the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year, and as the 2019 legislative session has ended, the governor has a great deal of free time to attend to this pressing and urgent problem. If the Governor and or Commisioner Corcoran choose to do little or nothing at a time when the Governor’s chief duty seems to be cutting ribbons at various locations, the voters will assume the Governor has a reckless and negligent disregard for the safety of Florida’s most vulnerable citizens, severely mentally handicapped children.

Governor DeSantis, consider the following scenario. Two women stand accused of committing a murder. The state of Florida decides to allow these women to conduct the investigation of their guilt or innocence. If the two women find themselves guilty, they face substancial penalties. These two women have a clear conflict of interest, so naturally, they are going to find themselves not guilty, no matter how damming the evidence against them is. Any witnesses against these two women would be extremely reluctant to truthfully testify against these two women, knowing a not guilty verdict was preordained, and knowing that the two women would then be free to retaliate against witnesses at the conclusion of the sham “trial.” Any witnesses who did testify at this sham “trial” would have a very strong motivation to be less than truthful, or to be completely untruthful, just to protect themselves from retaliation. (Perhaps this was the thinking of both Mrs. Mary Surca and Dr. Diana Morales when the Office of the Inspector General dropped the ball and allowed Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) to investigate itself and question these two women) Only a madman or a very negligent person wouls allow a party accused of wrongdoing to investigate itself. Astonishingly, that is what the state of Florida did when it allowed MDCPS to investigate itself concerning alleged cheating on the Florida Alternate Assessment (FAA) by Dr. Roos and Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer). To quote from my May1,2019 letter to you “When I received the OIG email announcing that my claim had been investigated, found to be without merit, and dismissed, I phoned the OIG office and asked who conducted the investigation. The OIG person asked for my OIG correspondence number. When I gave him/her that number, he/she told me that MDCPS had been allowed to conduct the investigation , and that the OIG accepted the results of that investigation, wholly and without question…The second issue I am hoping you [Governor DeSantis] will ask the OIG about is the dispute as to whether or not FAA scores at NKC showed a dramatic Improvement when Dr. Alberto Fernandez ceased to be the NKC administrator, and Dr. Roos took over as the NKC principal. To quote from the email I received from OIG: ” The OIG also analyzed the test scores from 2013-2018and found the scores were anything but astonishingly high, let alone high.” When Dr. Alberto Fernandez was the NKC pribcipal, the students were tested for a period of many years on the FAA. Never once during that time was the staff ever offered a bonus due to high scores on the FAA. Diring two of the three years I worked at NKC under Dr. Roos, the staff won a financial bonus based on our school’s performance on the FAA. I want to emphasize that those bonuses are awarded SOLELY on the basis of outstanding student performance on this test. Governor DeSantis, can you please ask the OIC why the NKC staff was awarded bonuses for two years if a dramatic improvement in FAA scores did not occur once Dr. Roos and Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer) became the NKC administrators?”

Governor, a person who allowed such a sham “investigation” in this hypothetical murder trial would be rightly viewed as NOT wanting to learn the truth of the matter, and merely attempting to evade responsibility when further travesties of justice by these criminals occur in the future. At the conclusion of this sham “trial” when these two criminals were awarded their inevitable not guilty verdicts and released to continue their crimes, the highly negligent person who allowed this travesty to occur could shrug his shoulders and say, “Isn’t it awful? However, I am NOT to blame, because a “trial” was held, and the defendants were found not guilty.” Governor De Santis, the public would rightly conclude that such an official could care less about the public’s right to safety from harm by criminals. The public would rightly assume that the SOLE concern of the negligent person who allowed this travesty of justice to occur was to evade responsibility for being blamed for failing to take action to protect the public from the harm caused by these criminals, while giving himself the excuse of pretending to take action on behalf of the public. Governor, this is what many politicians do, and it is the reason the public has very little trust or respect for politicians. Governor DeSantis, with all due respect, this is what YOU appear to have done with regard to the sham “investigation” of cheating on the FAA by the two NKC administrators.

Governor DeSantis, I am going to ask you a very blunt question. If one or more of the severely mentally retarded children of NKC chokes to death on his/her food ON YOUR WATCH AS FLORIDA’S GOVERNOR, are you ok with that, provided you will not be held accountable, as your OIG held a sham “investigation” of wrongdoing by NKC administrators? Do you think Florida voters will buy that argument in the next gubernatorial election? As you are well aware, Dr. Roos has also allegedly physically assaulted an African American severely mentally retarded NKC student and a social worker. You are also well aware that Dr. Roos has allegedly confessed to suffering from an Obsesive Compulsive Disorder, and gives the appearance of having very poor control of her ability to control her destructive and antisocial actions such as alleged uncontrollable and prolonged crying jags she has had in front of staff. Governor DeSantis, if Dr. Roos again alleged physically assaults one or more staff members, or (may God forbid it) another severely mentally handicapped child, (in front of three witnesses, two of whom filed a formal report of this incident) who cannot speak to tell what happened to him/her, and who may be unable to defend himself/ herself in any way, are you ok with that, provided you will not be held accountable,as your OIG held a sham “investigation” of wrongdoing by NKC administrators on the FAA achievement test? In my blog, I described in great detail how Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer) allegedly filed potentially career ending charges against Mr. Rick Massa for his alleged cheating on the FAA test. She did so, knowing the charges were false, and that no cheating had occurred. She then allegedly perjured herself in her deposition in Mr. Massa’s resulting lawsuit. (If an investigative body INDEPENDENT OF MDCPS conducts an investigation of this, I can provide the name of a person who can verify that Mrs. Fernandez knowingly and willfully filed false charges of cheating by Mr. Massa on the FAA.) Governor DeSantis, if Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer) allegedly knowingly and willfully files false potentially career ending charges against one or more additional NKC staff members in the future, are you ok with this, provided you will not be held accountable, as your OIG held a sham “investigation” of wrongdoing by NKC administrators on the FAA achievement test?

A person may think that the danger of a child choking to death on his/her food while at school is extremely remote. In a school for normal children, this is indeed the case. (Although at my older brother’s Catholic all boys high school, a young man came within seconds of suffering permanent and irreversible brain damage when he accepted a dare and a bet that he could eat an entire hamburger, including the bun in one bite,) Due to both physical and cognitive disabilities, the chance of a severely mentally retarded child choking to death on his/her food are FAR, FAR greater than they are for a normal child. Indeed, some of our students have suffered this tragic fate in the group homes they reside in. While it is difficult to put an exact number on how much more at risk the student population of our school for severely retarded children is for choking to death on their food, as opposed to a normal child choking to death on his/her food, I would estimate that it is reasonable to say a severely retarded child is a thousand times more likely to choke to death on his/her food than a normal child is. While choking incidents are not a daily occurrence at NKC, they are not uncommon events either. In ANY choking incident, the sooner intervention occurs, the greater the chances of a happy outcome. In my blog, I described in great detail a choking incident that occurred in Mr. Rick Massa’s class. (Mr. Massa was a very strong supporter of converting NKC from a public school to a charter school). Although the child in question was so prone to choking incidents that his choking danger was listed in his Individual Education Plan (IEP), and although Mr. Massa took immediate and highly appropriate action that resulted in the child promptly ejecting the food he was choking on without losing consciousness, and promptly went back to eating his lunch, Dr. Roos nevertheless filed potentially career ending charges against Mr. Massa for negligence! As the entire staff gathers together in the cafeteria at mealtimes to feed the students, the entire staff witnessed that although Mr. Massa acted in a highly appropriate and indeed a heroic manner, the NKC principal attempted to have Mr. Massa terminated. (I strongly urge readers of this letter to read about this event in my blog, as Dr. Roos went to ASTONISHING lengths to have Mr. Massa terminated for saving a child’s life) As a result of what the rest of the staff witnessed in the cafeteria that day, the staff have a well founded fear that if a child in their class begins to choke on his/her food, even if the choking incident is not the fault of the staff member, and even if the staff member immediately intervenes and the child makes a complete recovery, Dr. Roos and/or Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) may use that as an opportunity to file career ending charges against the staff member. For that reason if a choking incident occurs, a staff member, fearing his/her job is on the line, may hesitate for30 seconds to a minute before summoning help from our on-site nurses, hoping the child spontaneously coughs up the food. That 30 second to one minute delay can literally mean the difference between life and death for a Profoundly Mentally Handicapped (PMH) child. (Sometimes it takes 2-3 minutes, or more to dislodge food that is deeply lodged in a person’s throat. I’ll discuss that in more depth later on.) Superintendent Carvalho has known about this danger for FOUR YEARS and done NOTHING to eliminate this easily preventable tragedy from happening. At NKC, BOTH NKC administrators appear to have made a decision to use choking incidents as a weapon to file potentially career ending charges against staff one or both administrators do not like.

Every meal that is served at NKC has the potential to result in a child choking to death on his/her food. For this reason, NKC staff monitor children very closely at mealtimes The ideal goal for staff is to maintain eye contact with students at all times during mealtimes. Regrettably, this cannot be done. Some of our students do not have the ability to feed themselves and need to be spoon fed by the staff. Staff do a visual check of their class after every spoonful of food they feed to such a child. Often classes have more than one child who needs to be spoon fed by the staff.There are additional distractions. Some students experience violent and prolonged seizures. These seizures come with no warning. If a child experiences a seizure during mealtime, the teacher will monitor the child having a seizure while the teacher assistant continues to monitor the rest of the class. If two children from the same classroom experience a seizure at nearly the same time ( an infrequent but occasionally occurring event) the teacher montors one student, while the teacher assistant monitors the other student. This leaves the remainder of the class unattended until a schoolsite nurse arrives. Other staff will attempt to monitor these unattended students as they feed and monitor the students of their own class until a school nurse arrives. NKC students have a very low frustration threshold. When they feel overwhelmed, they attempt to physically harm either themselves or their peers. If a child has an emotional meltdown, he/she may begin to beat his/her head against the nearest object, or beat his/her face with his/her fists. or the child may physically assault a peer Here again, the teaher or the teacher assistant will immediately intervene to prevent the child from physically harming either himself/herself, or a peer. This again results in a temporary diminished capacity to monitor the rest of the class. Finally, even though mealtimes are times of maximum danger for PMH students, astonishingly, both Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) will occasionally use mealtimes to summon staff to the office for trivial matters that could have easily been delayed for a more appropriate time. Both NKC administrators expect and receive extremely meek, servile, and defferential treatment from staff. Although I would have liked to have asked the NKC administrators to not summon me during mealtimes except in an emergency, making this request might have resulted in me receiving a letter of reprimand for isubordination! (Are you listening, Ms. Hernandez Mats?) Every time either Dr. Roos or Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) did this to me, I would be both frantic with worry the entire time my class had only my teaching assistant to watch them during mealtime, and seething with rage that an NKC administrator saw fit to put my class at risk for a trivial matter that could have easily waited for a more opportune time. Clearly, the welfare of NKC students was not and is not a priority for the present NKC administrators.

The smartest PMH students are the ones most at risk for choking to death on their food. They are smart enough to realize that a momentary lapse on the teacher’s attention is an opportunity for them to be sneaky and stuff ENORMOUS amounts of food into their mouths. Regrettably, they do not have the cognitive capacity to understand that their actions have consequences (i.e. cause and effect), and they do not ubderstand that quickly stuffing vast quantities of food into their mouths will cause them to choke. They will not grasp this concept, even if it is repeatedly explained to them. A student who experienced enormous distress from choking on his/her food will repeat that behavior in the future if given the opportunity because the child does not understand the adverse consequences of his/her actions.. A person may think that ending a choking incident can be done quickly and easily. One merely administers the Heinlich Maneuver, the person coughs up the food, and the danger has passed. This is true if the person is choking on only a small amount of food. However, if a person has stuffed vast quantities of food into his/her mouth, that food will become deeply lodged in a person’s airways, and need to be removed by hand. This process can take 2-3 minutes, or longer. In my blog, I described an incident where an NKC student had attempted to swallow an entire pancake in one bite and lost consciousness. It took Mr. Frank Lozada, an NKC teacher who was also a fully trained Fire Academy graduate who rode ambulances during the weekend between 2-3 minutes to clear this child’s breathing passages. Thus, an NKC staff person, fearing his/her job is at stake if one of his/her students begins to choke on their food may hesitate for 30 seconds to a minute before summoning help from our on site nursing staff. That thirty second to one minute delay can literally mean the difference between life and death for an NKC student. If you have read my blog, you know that I have proposed 3 steps that would quickly and easily end this entirely preventable danger to the lives of PMH students. Those three steps are: 1) Replace Dr. Roos and Mrs Fernandez (Screamer) with former NKC administrators Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Henny Cristobol 2) Have Superintendent Carvalho issue a memorandum to all NKC staff stating that in the future, NKC staff who properly execute their duties will not suffer adverse consequences. This memorandum will be meaningful only if Superintendent Carvalho chooses to honor his promise. 3) Reinstate the mandatory annual training in life saving techniques that all staff received when Dr. Fernandez and Mr. Cristobol were the NKC administrators. If you have read my blog, you know that for FOUR YEARS I have sent EIGHT unanswered certified letters to Superintendent Carvalho, BEGGING him to make these three changes (I have saved the eight signed and dated green receipt cards to prove he received my letters). Mr. Carvalho has declined to make ANY CHANGES AT ALL during this four year period.

A person may think that the fact that NKC has an on site nursing staff means that students who begin to choke on their food are at little or no risk of dying. This is untrue for two reasons. First, although the NKC nurses are deeply compassionate people who do an excellent job of both tube feeding the NKC students who need this service, and administering medication to students, they do not give the appearance of being trained in emergency life saving techniques, I say this because in the three emergencies where life literally hung in the balance that occurred during my time at NKC, the nurses just stood there and did nothing, because they did not know what to do. In all three instances, it was a teacher at NKC, Mr. Frank Lozada who saved the lives of the three people who nearly died at our school. Two of those incidents were choking incidents. The third incident was a staff member who suffered a massive heart attack and had no pulse and was not breathing. Regrettably, Mr. Lozada is one of the MANY,MANY staff who have left NKC due to the semmingly deliberately bullying, and abrasive personalities of both Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer). The second reason the nursing staff of NKC appears to be of questionable competence is because that staff is in a constant state of flux. Again, due to the extremely abrasive personalities of both Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer), nurses do not last long at NKC. At one point, Dr. Roos purged the entire NKC nursing staff en mass. It is possible that the NKC nursing staff is composed of nurses who have few other work options.

Both Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez give the appearance of being openly and blatantly racist. I have given several examples of this in my blog. I will briefly describe them here once again. For many years, we had an African American custodian at NKC named Mr. Jerry Terry. Mr. Terry was a conscientious 30 year employee who had a spotless record. As I said before, both NKC administrators are extremely rude, abrasive, insulting, and they frequently shout at NKC staff. During one such heated exchange between Mr. Terry and Dr. Roos, in the heat of the moment, Mr. Terry said some things that he probably shouldn’t have said, and he was involuntarily transferred to another school. I do not know why the fact that Mr. Terry’s 30 year unblemished record prior to Dr. Roos arrival, coupled with the fact that Dr. Roos has also had major clashes with numerous other NKC employees did not raise some questions about Dr. Roos fitness to be a school principal. Mr. Terry’s nephew, Mr. Ray Morrison , also an African American, has been an NKC employee for over 20 years. Prior to Dr. Roos arrival, Mr. Morrison also had a spotless record. On at least two occasions, Mr. Morrison has been the victim of a prolonged SCREAMING jag by assistant principal Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) Although Mr. Morrison REPEATEDLY asked Mrs. Fernandez to both lower her voice and to speak in a respectful voice. Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) declined to do either one of these things. Mr. Morrison, remembering what had happened to his uncle, and fearing he was in danger of sinking down to the level of assistant principal Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer), announced he was leaving Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) office, and that he (Mr. Morrison) would be happy to resume the “conversation” when Mrs. Fernandez had regained control of her emotions and was willing to address Mr. Morrison in a professional, polite, and courteous manner.

To put things into perspective, I (Bill Detzner) have also been the victim of one of Mrs. Fernandez(Screamer) tirades. I have described it in detail in my blog. Her tirade went on for twenty (20) minutes! On four separate occasions, I asked Mrs Fernandez (Screamer) to lower her voice. The first time, she briefly lowered her voice. The other three times, she simply ignored me. I literally was not allwed to speak. Every time I attempted to speak, Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) simply shouted me down. I am an army veteran. At no time during my boot camp basic training did a drill sargeat scream at me for more than two or three minutes, and never as loudly or as disrespectfully as Mrs. Fernandez did. In my blog, I also mentioned that because I am Caucasion, I did not experience nearly as much venom as African Americans experience at the hands of both Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer).

At the end of the school day, Mr. Morrison was summoned to a closed door meeting with Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer). If any of the readers of this letter think the purpose of that meeting was to offer Mr. Morrison an apology for Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) inexcusable behavior, and to assure Mr. Morrison that this inexcusable behavior would never occur again, you are a very naïve person. The purpose of that meeting was to inform Mr. Morrison that if he ever again excused himself from one of Screamer’s unprofessional screaming jags, he would suffer the same fate as his uncle.

One of the school secretaries is a woman named Ms. LaTanya Stephenson. She has been an NKC employee for over 20 years. She also has a spotless record. She is punctual, has excellent attendance, dresses very professionally, has excellent people skills and conducts herself at all times in a professional manner, and completes all of her duties in a timely and professional manner. Her computer skills are astonishing. When the school lead secretary retired, everybody just assumed that Mrs. Stephenson would get the promotion as the lead secretary. Unfortunately, Mrs. Stephenson appears to have one characteristic that seems to have disqualified her in Dr. Roos eyes. Mrs. Stephenson is an African American. Dr. Roos recruited a person from another school to become the new lead secretary of NKC.

I have described in great detail in my blog the incident involving Dr. Roos and two African American NKC employees. Those two employees are Mrs. Green and Mr. Aaron Jackson. Shortly after the murder of Mrs. Green’s daughter, Dr. Roos allegedly ordered Mr. Jackson, one of Mrs. Green’s good friends, to deliver Dr. Roos threat to have Mrs. Green involuntarily transferred to another school. When this action caused Dr. Roos to get into trouble, she (Dr.Roos) allegedly hastily summoned Mr. Jackson to her office for a closed door meeting and allegedly threatened Mr. Jackson with immediate job termination unless he immediately recanted his testimony saying Dr. Roos had ordered him to deliver Dr. Roos alleged threat to Mrs. Green. A few weeks after this event, which should have cost Dr. Roos her job, MDCPS saw fit to honor Dr. Roos by accepting her as a candidate for the most prestigious award a principal can earn. She became a candidate for the Principal of the Year Award. Although MDCPS promised to conduct a meeting with Ms. Green to discuss this incident, MDCPS cancelled this meeting twice, and the meeting was never held. Almost two years later, Mrs. Green is still waiting for MDCPS to address the abuse she suffered at the hands of Dr. Roos

As I described in my blog, a few months ago, Dr. Roos allegedly physically assaulted an NKC student. (Readers of this blog, if you like riddles, I have one for you. See if you can guess the race of the student Dr. Roos allegedly physically assaulted. I’ll give you a hint. The initials of this student’s race are A.A.) Yep, you readers are truly astute. This child is African American. Although MDCPS has a MANDATORY policy that a principal accused of physically assaulting a child be removed from campus until an investigation of that alleged incident is completed, (for the protection of the child) this was never done

As I described in my blog, MDCPS has an annual MANDATORY survey that EVERY employee is required to take. It is the annual staff satisfaction survey. Last year, the NKC administrators, possibly in an attempt to boost the phenomenally low scores they receive year after year on this survey, decided to illegally forbid teaching assistants from taking this survey. This meant that very few African Americans from NKC were allowed to take this survey.

Finally, as I mentioned in my blog, many of the African American Professionals refer to NKC as a “Plantation.”

Every day,The parents of NKC children are faced with a cruel choice.Their two choices are: 1) Send their children to school at NKCwhere the child faces the risk of possibly choking to death on his/her food, or exposing their child to the risk of allegedly being physically assaulted by Dr. Roos should she experience yet another emotional meltdown. 2) Keep the child out of school and have Child Protective Services forcibly remove the child from his/her home and placed in a foster home where the child runs the risk of being physically and/or sexually assaulted by an abusibe foster parent. There are no charter schools for PMH children in MDCPS, so these are the only two choices available to the parents of NKC children. Also, parents of NKC children are forced to pay the salary of a principal who has allegedly physically assaulted an utterly defenseless and speechless profoundly mentally handicapped child. This principal, along with assistant principal Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) , on a daily basis also allegedly exposes these children to an entirely preventable horrible death by choking on their food.

Governor DeSantis, you are a father. WHAT LEVEL OF RAGE WOULD YOU FEEL IF ONE OF YOUR CHILDREN WERE TO DIE A HORRIBLE AND CRUEL DEATH BY CHOKING ON HIS/HER FOOD AT SCHOOL? WHAT IF YOU KNEW THAT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL WAS FULLY AWARE OF THE SITUATION, COULD EASILY HAVE PREVENTED THAT SITUATION FROM HAPPENING, AND CHOSE TO DO NOTHING? (HINT: THINK MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS HIGH SCHOOL ) DO YOU THINK FLORIDA VOTERS WILL NOT TURN YOU OUT OF OFFICE IF YOU ALLOW A PROFOUNDLY MENTALLY HANDICAPPED CHILD TO DIE A HORRIBLE,SENSELESS, AND EASILY PREVENTABLE CHOKING DEATH? If you choose to do nothing, the chance of a PMH child suffering this fate on your watch is nearly 100%. Governor, I am hoping you will read that last sentence over again as many times as you need to. The next few sentences are also very important. WHEN that happens (not if, but when), I am going to take my blog to the Florida Democratic Party. They have enough “pull” to get excerpts from my blog published in every major Florida newspaper, and you will suffer a “Michael Dukakis Moment” in the next election.

Perhaps the noble slogan of “Never Again” that has been popularized by Parkland High School students ought to be changed to “Again and Again!” If an NKC child chokes to death on his food, it will be for the same reason 17 people needlessly died at M.S.D. That reason is that bureaucrats, who could have prevented the tragedy, did nothing.

Governor DeSantis, on bended knee I am BEGGING you to reopen the investigation of the alleged cheating on the FAA by Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez. Only this time, I am asking that a REAL investigation be done. I am asking that either the Florida Bureau of Investigation or the Federal Bureau of Investigation examine the NKC answer sheets for all the years answer sheets were used after Dr. Roos became the NKC principal. I am asking that the examiners look for frequent erasure marks on the answer sheets I am asking that the investigators interview ALL of the people that I asked to be interviewed. These people include Dr. Roos, Mrs. Fernandez, Mrs. Surca, Dr. Morales, Mr. Adrian Sanchez (the former assistant principal of NKC), Mr. Rick Massa (although he is now retired, Mr. Massa has exprtessed his willingness to be interviewed), Mrs. Luz Morales, and Mrs. Julie Besherat. I am asking that if it is determined that Dr. Roos and/or Mrs. Fernandez are found to have cheated on the FAA that the penalties prescribed by law for this offense be imposed on them. Also, if it is determined that the MDCPS authorities who investigated this alleged offense are found to have engaged in a cover up, that the proper penalties be assigned to them as well. If a cover up by MDCPS occurred, would that give the Florida authorities legal grounds to conduct a district wide investigation of MDCPS? If so, a good place to start might be the eight chronically failing MDCPS who suddenly all received passing grades on the standard achievement test a few years. If Governor DeSantis finds that the profoundly mentally handicapped children of NKC are in danger, and if Superintendent Carvalho refuses to take appropriate steps to safeguard those children, I am hoping the governor will see fit to remove the two NKC administrators from their posts, and Superintendent Carvalho as well if this needs to be done.

Governor DeSantis, I am going to ask you a few questions that nobody knows the answers to. 1) What is the present level of student violence in MDCPS? Is the level of student violence in MDCPS increasing, decreasing, or remaining stable? Are the strategies MDCPS is currently using to attempt to lower the level of student violence working effectively? A few years back, the government required all school districts to submit a report showing the level of student violence in the school district. The problem was that no penalties were imposed for school districts that falsified their figures. The result was that Superintendent Carvalho submitted a report with figures so low that on paper, MDCPS had nearly the lowest levels of violence in the entire nation. The falsification was so blatant that MDCPS became the butt of many jokes. Some people say that had Superintendent Carvalho faced severe penalties for submitting a vastly underreported level of violence in MDCPS, his report would have been far more accurate.

A person who wanted to measure the effectiveness of instruction in various schools would probably consult (among other things) the results of the standardized tests given every year. These test results are an accurate measuring tool only if the test results are accurately reported. Obviously, if cheating on these tests were to occur, the test results would show the school to be operating at a higher level than it actually was. The pressure to achieve high scores on these tests is significant for teachers, school administrators, and school superintendents. Additionally, cash bonuses are awarded for high performance, while schools that turn in low test scores for several consecutive years face the risk of being closed. The temptation and the motivation to cheat on these tests is very high. Therefore, severe penalties are assigned to individuals who are caught cheating on this test. I believe those penalties include job termination and forfeiture of pension. On the surface, this seems like a severe enough penalty to keep cheating at very low levels. However, this is true ONLY if these severe penalties are actually ASSIGNED when cheating has been detected. If detected cheating is merely swept under the rug, word gets around that the rules are not being enforced, and the level of cheating will rise dramatically. There are a few factors that almost guarantee that the level of cheating on these tests in MDCPS will be at an unacceptably high level. One factor is that tenure has been eliminated. A teacher can now be terminated at will at the end of the school year. MDCPS has a slogan. That slogan is “See something, say something.” What that slogan means is that if an employee sees something illegal happening, he/she should report it. Again, given the fact that tenure no longer exists, an employee who sees something illegal (such as cheating on the high stakes achievement test) and is foolish enough to report it is likely to end up unemployed at the end of the school year (in addition to the cheating or other illegal activity being swept under the rug.) A more honest slogan would be “See something, say something, lose your job.” A second factor baked into the cake and resulting in higher levels of test cheating is that educators surrender their right to free speech when they become school board employees. School staff who observe illegal activities at their schools are FORBIDDEN BY LAW from reporting these activities to the media. These school employees are directed to report these infractions to the internal investigative bodies of their school districts who will then complete a fair and impartial investigation (wink, wink) School employees who are foolish enough to employ this strategy very quickly learn the meaning of the slogan, “See something, say something, lose your job.” This rule forbidding school employees from going to the media and becoming whistleblowers insures that nearly 100% of public school wrongdoing goes unpunished and unreported. On very rare occasions, a person such as myself, who has retired from the school system and is a VERY patient and persistent person will fight the endless stalling and lying by school bureaucrats and FINALLY get an “investigation” by the OIG. As happened to me, the OIG will allow the school district that stands accused to conduct its own “investigation” into the matter and accept the results of that “investigation” wholly and completely. Thus, with a straight face, the OIG told me that the “investigation” did NOT show any kind of significant gain in FAA scores at NKC, even though the staff were awarded bonuses (for the first time ever) after Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez became the NKC administrators.These bonuses are awarded ONLY for outstanding achievement on the FAA. Governor DeSantis, if somebody told you that it was simultaneously snowing a blizzard while the temperature was well above 100 degrees, would you believe them? For this reason, I am again asking you to reopen the investigation of possible cheating on the FAA by NKC administrators. If cheating on the high stakes achievement test is punished, word will quickly get around, and this test will become an accurate tool for measuring the effectiveness of instruction. If “smoke and mirrors” is all a governor was interested in, that governor would allow cheating to be swept under the rug, and “accountability” would become a meaningless joke. In an era where American students are competing with students from around the globe, Florida cannot afford the luxury of lousy schools. Governor DeSantis, my hope is that educational reform is truly a priority for you.

A few years ago, Superintendent Carvalho became a candidate to become the second most powerful person in the US. Federal Department of Education. This is a very daunting and exhaustive process, as a candidate is put under a microscope, and his/her career is very closely examined. A person does not submit to this grueling process unless he/she is deeply committed to getting the job. When Mr. Carvalho had completed the entire process, he had a very curious epiphany and realized he didn’t want the job after all, because he realized he just couldn’t be away from the school children of MDCPS. While this may indeed be the reason Mr. Carvalho took himself out of consideration after completing the entire exhaustive process, another possibility might be that after vetting Mr. Carvalho, the examiners discovered Mr. Carvalho had more skeletons in his closet than there are in a cemetery, and allowed Mr. Carvalho to make this face saving statement. An audit of MDCPS might turn up some very interesting facts about the way Mr. Carvalho conducts the affairs of the school district.

It is ironic and sad that the students of NKC, who played no part whatsoever in the torpedoed NKC conversion attempt are the ones paying the heaviest price for NKC’s (supposedly) legally protected right to attempt to convert from a public school to a charter school. Perhaps this is Superintendent Carvalho’s punishment for the parents who enthusiastically supported NKC’s aborted conversion attempt. Perhaps Superintendent Carvalho is attempting to send a warning message to the parents of any other MDCPS who are thinking about exercising their (supposedly) legally protected right to explore conversion to a charter school

I am reserving my harshest criticism for the Florida legislators who passed a “law” forbidding retaliation against public school employees who attempt to convert to a charter school, yet provide NO PENALTIES WHATSOEVER for superintendents who break that law. Imagine what would happen if a “law” was passed that outlawed robbing banks, but provided no penalties whatsoever for those who break this law! It wouldn’t be long before bank robbers became so brazen that they didn’t even bother to hide their identities when breaking this “law”. They would soon be posting their lawbreaking activities on You Tube. If any of the readers of this letter take the time to read DOAH 13-1492, you will be amazed by both the fact that MDCPS broke every law on the books when they illegally smashed NKC’s conversion attempt to a charter school, and that they made no attempt whatsoever to disguise their numerous illegal actions. Given the fact that there are no penalties for breaking this “law”, there is no point in even trying to hide that law breaking. The staff of NKC has been put through hell for seven years . If you have read my blog, what has happened to NKC for the last 7 years can only be described as a rape. For this reason, I am asking Governor DeSantis, Commisioner Corcoran, and the Florida legislature to either totally repeal this “law” giving public schools the right to convert to charter schools or to put some SUBSTANCIAL penalties in for superintendents who violate this law.


Commisioner Corcoran, I am asking that you bring this letter toGovernor DeSantis attention at your earliest convenience. Superitendent Carvalho, I am asking that you remove Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez from their posts and replace them with Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Henny Cristobol. I am asking the nine school board members to write a letter to Mr. Carvalho asking him to immediately remove both Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez from their posts as the NKC administrators and replace them with Dr. Fernandez and Mr. Henny Cristobol. If Mr. Carvalho declines to do this and/or if you feel Mr. Carvalho is no longer fit to serve as the MDCPS superintendent, I am asking you to write a letter to Goernor SeSantis asking the Governor to relieve Mr. Carvalho of his duties. Ms Hernandez Mats, I am asking you to write a letter to Mr. Carvalho, asking that Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez be removed as the NKC administrators and replaced with Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Henny Cristobol.

I want to disclose a few things about myself before I close this letter. Both my wife and I are retired teachers of NKC. My wife was both a certified music therapist and the NKC music teacher, and I was an NKC classroom teacher for the majority of my career. career. As my wife and I have no children of our own, we have become very protective of the children of NKC. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am like a dog with a bone. As a retired man, I have unlimited amounts of time and energy to advocate for PMH children. This letter will be posted on my blog, along with every other letter I have sent to you.


Bill Detzner

Bill Detzner 7722 S.W. 99 St. Miami, FL 33156 billdetzner@bellsouth.net

May1, 2019 Letter to Governor DeSantis, the Florida Commissioner of Education, and the Office of the Inspector General,

Dear Governor DeSantis, the Florida Commissioner of Education, and the Office of the Inspector General,

Imagine the following scenario. A man stands accused of murder. The police ask the suspect if he committed the murder. The suspect denies committing the crime. The police then summon the murder victim’s family and tell the astonished family that since the suspect has denied committing the crime, the police have decided to drop all charges against the suspect and close the case. That is pretty much what happened to me when I appealed to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to investigate alleged cheating on the Florida Alternate Assessment (FAA) by the two administrators of Neva King Cooper School (NKC)

To refresh your memory, my name is Bill Detzner. My blog is mdcpsallegations.com, and I wrote you a letter in December 2018 detailing a long list of alleged illegal activities done by NKC principal Dr. Tracy Roos and assistant principal Mrs. Alicia Fernandez. (Screamer) . NKC is a school exclusively for Profoundly Mentally Handicapped (PMH) students. My OIG correspondence number is 2019020022.

Just a few of the many alleged incidents described in my blog are two alleged physical assaults by the school principal. One of these alleged assaults was against the school social worker. The other alleged physical assault was against a PMH student of the school! Two Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) bus drivers who observed this event filed formal charges against Dr. Roos. An African American who is a 30 year employee of MDCPS allegedly also witnessed this alleged incident but is too terrified of retaliation by MDCPS to testify as to what he/she observed.

In my blog, I also mentioned an alleged confession by the principal to me that she (Dr. Roos) suffers from an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. (I am using the word alleged even though I personally heard Dr. Roos make this statement to me.) In my blog I also mentioned many overtly racist actions (including allegedly forbidding the majority of African American employees from participating in the annual MANDATORY staff satisfaction survey)allegedly taken by both Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) against the African American staff of NKC.

I also cautioned that there is a constant danger of PMH children suffering a horrible and easily preventable death from choking to death on their food at mealtimes, due to what appears to be a decision by the 2 administrators to use the choking incidents that occur at NKC as a weapon to get rid of teachers that one or both of the two administrators at NKC do not like. I describe this in great detail in my blog (mdcpsallegations.com) In my blog, I have also described that Dr. Roos gives the appearance of becoming increasingly emotionally unstable (i.e. at least two alleged uncontrollable crying jags in front of the school staff). Dr. Roos behavior gives the appearance of becoming increasingly erratic and irrational.

Governor DeSantis, if Dr. Roos has yet another alleged emotional meltdown , snaps, and there is yet another allegation of Dr. Roos physically assaulting yet another staff member , or worse yet, another PMH student who literally cannot defend himself/herself or speak to tell what Dr. Roos has allegedly done to him/her, are you ok with the fact that it happened on your watch, and that you were fully appraised of the situation? I am again asking the question that I asked in my December 2018 letter that none of the three of you have answered. DOES A SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED CHILD HAVE A RIGHT TO BE SAFE FROM PHYSICAL ASSAULT AT THE HANDS OF A SCHOOL PRINCIPAL?

Every day, the parents of NKC children are faced with a cruel choice. Their two choices are: 1) Send their child to school at NKC where the child faces the risk of possibly choking to death on his/her food, or facing the risk of allegedly being physically assaulted by Dr. Roos should she experience yet another emotional meltdown. 2) Keep the child out of school and have child protective services forcibly remove the child from his/her home and placed in a foster home where the child runs the risk of being physically and/or sexually assaulted by an abusive foster parent. There are no charter schools for PMH children in MDCPS, so these are the only two choices available to the parents of NKC children. Also, parents of NKC children are forced to pay the salary of a principal who has allegedly physically assaulted an utterly defenseless and speechless PMH child. This principal, on a daily basis also allegedly exposes these children to an entirely preventable horrible death by choking on their food.

In response to my December2018 letter to you, the OIG sent me a letter asking for the names of people who could testify as to possible cheating on the FAA by the two NKC administrators. In my February 26,2019 letter to the OIG, I listed SIX people (in addition to the two NKC administrators) who I felt could shed some light on possible cheating on the FAA. To my astonishment and dismay, the 4 most important people on that list were never interviewed. In the order of the importance of their testimony, those 4 people who were NOT interviewed are 1) former assistant NKC principal Mr. Adrian Sanchez, 2) Mr. Rick Massa, 3) Ms. Luz Morales, and 4) Ms. Julie Besherat. Even more shocking, even though I warned you in my December 2018 letter that MDCPS is an extremely corrupt school district, and even though MDCPS has a clear conflict of interest in that the district will look very bad and face possible sanctions if it submits a report admitting the two NKC administrators cheated on the FAA, the OIG foolishly allowed MDCPS to investigate itself , even though I BEGGED the OIG to appoint an independent agency such as the Florida Bureau of Investigation, or the Federal Bureau of Investigation to conduct the investigation. Not surprisingly, on April 29, 2019, I received an email announcing that MDCPS had cleared itself of all wrongdoing, and the OIG therefore considers the case closed. Hence my analogy to the murder suspect who is cleared of all charges simply because he declares his innocence.

Governor DeSantis, can you please ask the OIG to clarify two unresolved issues regarding this recently completed investigation. The first issue is whether the OIG conducted the investigation independently, or whether it allowed MDCPS to investigate itself, and then accepted the results of MDCPS report wholly and without question. When I received the OIG email announcing that my claim had been investigated, found to be without merit, and dismissed, I phoned the OIG office and asked who conducted the investigation. The OIG person asked for my OIG correspondence number. When I gave her that number, she told me that MDCPS had been allowed to conduct the investigation, and that the OIG accepted the results of that investigation wholly and without question. When I protested to the OIG about this, they (the OIG) insisted the investigation was done solely by the OIG, and not by MDCPS The second issue I am hoping you will ask the OIG about is the dispute as to whether or not FAA scores at NKC showed a dramatic improvement when Dr. Alberto Fernandez ceased to be the NKC administrator, and Dr. Roos took over as the NKC principal. To quote from the email I received from OIG: “The OIG also analyzed the test scores from 2013-2018 and found the scores were anything but astonishingly high, let alone high.” When Dr. Alberto Fernandez was the KNC principal, the students were tested for a period of many years on the FAA. Never once during that time was the staff ever offered a bonus due to high scores on the FAA. During two of the three years I worked at NKC under Dr. Roos, the staff won a financial bonus based on our school’s performance on the FAA. I want to emphasize that those bonuses are awarded SOLEY on the basis of outstanding student performance on this test. Governor DeSantis, can you please ask the OIC why the NKC staff was awarded bonuses for two years if a dramatic improvement in FAA scores did not occur once Dr. Roos and Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer) became the NKC administrators?

Governor DeSantis, at BEST, this sham “investigation” by your OIG seems very slipshod and sloppy. At its worst, it gives the appearance of being an attempt to whitewash the on-going 7 year rape of NKC and give yourself plausible deniability of responsibility if Dr. Roos or Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer) commits one or more felony offenses such as allegedly physically assaulting a PMH child or cheating on the FAA. Governor DeSantis, if this happens, will you attempt to hide your negligence by claiming that you conducted a (lame) investigation, and your OIG found the charges to be without merit?

As I stated in my December 2018 letter to you, I am a political atheist. Governor DeSantis, if one or more NKC children chokes to death on his or her food, or is allegedly physically assaulted, I will move Heaven and Earth to get it into the papers that you were fully appraised of the events in my blog and did nothing to stop an entirely preventable tragedy.

The shooting of 34 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglass (17 of them fatally) has been called the most easily preventable school shooting ever. Nicolas Cruz gave clear and unmistakable warnings of his murderous intentions. The political repercussions of that event are still being felt. I am sure you will agree that it is much easier to be proactive and prevent a school tragedy than it is to deal with the political repercussions of failing to take appropriate action. Both Dr. Tracy Roos and Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer) give the appearance of being ticking time bombs. Governor DeSantis, you won the governors race by a slim margin. People feel ENORMOUSLY protective of severely mentally retarded children. If (may God forbid it) an entirely preventable tragedy happens at NKC, how do you think that will effect your poll numbers in the next election? If you remember the Presidential election between George H.W. Bush and Governor Michael Dukakis, the governor had what appeared to be an insurmountable lead over Mr. Bush. Then the press was given the story of Willie Horton and it was all over for the Governor’s Presidential ambitions. Governor DeSantis, I am hoping you are smart enough not to let NKC become your “Willie Horton moment.”

Governor DeSantis, on bended knee I am literally BEGGING you to reopen the investigation into possible cheating on the FAA by the two NKC administrators . I am BEGGING you to appoint an agency independent of MDCPS (such as the Florida Bureau of Investigation, or the Federal Bureau of Investigation)to do this investigation. I am BEGGING you to interview ALL of the people I mentioned in my February 26, 2019 letter to the OIG. I am BEGGING you to examine all FAA answer sheets (looking for frequent reassure marks) from the time Dr. Roos became the NKC principal to the present, and if one or both NKC administrators are found to be guilty of cheating on the FAA, I am BEGGING you to assign a penalty commensurate with the offense committed including but not limited to permanent forfeiture of BOTH Florida teaching licenses and pensions. Also, if the investigation determines that MDCPS officials willfully falsified their recent investigation, penalties commensurate with those violations need to be assigned.

If the governor sees fit to recommend that the two previous NKC administrators who were illegally removed in case DOAH 13-1492 (Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Henny Cristobol) are restored to their posts, I think that would be very helpful towards ending the 7 year crisis at NKC.

Commissioner Corcoran and Mr. Rawls, perhaps I am wrong here, but if Governor DeSantis receives a great deal of negative publicity because the two of you failed to take actions that could have prevented that negative publicity to the Governor, there is a possibility that the Governor may become very unhappy with the two of you.

I want to disclose a few things about myself before I close this letter. Both my wife and I are retired teachers of NKC. My wife was both a certified music therapist and the NKC music teacher, and I was an NKC classroom teacher for 25 years. As my wife and I have no children of our own, we have become very protective of the children of NKC. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am like a dog with a bone. As a retired man, I have unlimited amounts of time and energy to advocate for PMH children. Governor DeSantis, if the children of NKC continue to be exposed to entirely preventable danger at the hand of Dr. Roos and Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer), I will pay a visit to the Florida Democratic Party headquarters and every Florida media organization that I can think of to present my case. If, on the other hand, you choose to safeguard and protect the PMH children of NKC, I will simply disappear, never to be heard from again. (which is what I would prefer to do.)

This letter will be posted on my blog, along with all the previous communication I have had with you.

Respectfully, Bill Detzner

Bill Detzner 7722 SW 99 St. Miami, FL 33156 billdetzner@bellsouth.net 305-279-5488

December 16, 2018 letter.docxDecember 16, 2018 Dear Governor Desantis and Fl. Education Commissioner Corcoran, Hello, my name is Bill Detzner. As this is a public school problem, I am sending this letter to BOTH of you. I am a retired school teacher from Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS). Over a period of three and a half years, I have sent 51 (fifty-one) certified letters to MDCPS officials, (and kept the receipts to prove those letters were received.) I sent 7 of those letters to MDCPS Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, 9 to United Teachers of Dade (UTD) President Karla Hernandez Mats, 31 letters to MDCPS school board members, and 3 letters to Florida Education Commissioner Pam Stewart. I have received literally not a single word of response to those 51 certified letters. NOT. A. SINGLE. Word. (Superintendent Carvalho gives the appearance of being a “Kiss up, Kick down” bureaucrat.) That is why I am turning to you for help. When I finish this letter, I will also write to Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and numerous Florida newspapers. All of what I touch on in this letter is covered in great detail in my blog (mdcpsallegations.com). I will include this letter in my blog, so my readers will be aware of this, my second communication to you about the problems plaguing Neva King Cooper School (NKC) for the last six and a half years. NKC is a public school exclusively for Profoundly Mentally Handicapped (PMH) children, with IQ’s of 25 and below. During the 2011-2012 school year, NKC was facing the prospect of having a new, totally inappropriate curriculum unilaterally forced upon it, coupled with the fact that although the money allocated to MDCPS INCREASED every year, the money allocated to individual schools within the district DECREASED every year. As a result, NKC decided to exercise its (supposedly) legally protected right to convert from a public school to a charter school. Superintendent Alberto Carvalho blatantly and flagrantly broke many state laws in his successful attempt to smash NKC’s conversion attempt. You can read about this in DOAH13-1492. Although MDCPS was found guilty of numerous egregious violations of Florida law in illegally smashing NKC’s conversion attempt, the law provides for NO PENALTIES WHATSOEVER for superintendents who illegally smash public schools attempts to convert to charter schools. The law also provides for no penalties for superintendents who illegally retaliate (for six and a half years and counting) against school staffs who attempt to convert to charter schools. For this reason, the long suffering staff of NKC hopes the Florida legislature will revisit this legislation and either insert draconian penalties against superintendents who illegally smash conversion attempts, or totally repeal the “law” suckering public school teachers into putting their careers on the line in the naïve belief that they will be protected from retaliation if they attempt to convert their public school to a charter school. I am also hoping that after reading my blog, Governor Desantis will make the decision to withhold all or part of MDCPS funding until the district is in compliance with Florida law. Had the conversion process at NKC been allowed to occur, the school would have realized a HUGE budget surplus at the end of every school year (due to not having to subsidize the gargantuan (and still growing) MDCPS downtown bureaucracy.) This would have meant that although MDCPS educators had not been given a raise in many years, NKC could have afforded itself the luxury of granting its staff generous raises every year, while still maintaining a comfortable surplus in our school budget. Additionally, we would have had the freedom to present our students with a FAR better curriculum than the one the district ultimately imposed on us. It is the belief of many NKC staff that had MDCPS Superintendent Carvalho not brutally and harshly (not to mention illegally) smashed NKC’s conversion process and made an example out of NKC, within 5 years, an overwhelming number of MDCPS schools would have converted to charter schools, greatly reducing the power of both Superintendent Carvalho and UTD boss Ms. Hernandez Mats. I want to strongly emphasize that although many public schools throughout Florida have successfully transitioned to charter schools, only one conversion attempt (NKC) has ever been attempted in MDCPS. That attempt was so brutally and harshly crushed that unless Florida laws get some real teeth against retaliation, or Mr. Carvalho is replaced as the MDCPS superintendent, there will NEVER AGAIN be so much as even an attempt to convert a MDCPS public school to a charter school. I want to strongly emphasize that the NKC principal who attempted to convert to a charter school, Dr. Alberto Fernandez, had been rated by MDCPS as THE most effective administrator in the district. Additionally, year after year, Dr. Fernandez received nearly the highest approval ratings by both MDCPS officials and the annual staff and parent satisfaction surveys. The assistant principal at that time, Mr. Henny Cristobol was also rated as highly qualified by both staff and parents. Despite these impressive ratings, Dr. Fernandez and Mr. Cristobol were NOT returned to their posts at NKC after DOAH 13-1492 found they had been illegally removed from those posts. They were denied their wish to return to NKC despite the recommendation of the judge in DOAH 13-1492, and despite numerous letters. petitions, and requests made to Superintendent Carvalho by both staff and parents that this be done. I also want to note that BOTH of these administrators were removed DURING the school year, NOT at the end of the school year. I make this point because MDCPS may attempt to make the argument that removing the HORRIBLE present NKC administrators during the current school year is not a good idea. For the last six and a half years, Superintendent Carvalho has appointed principal Dr. Tracy Roos and assistant principal Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer) as the two NKC administrators. My blog (mdcpsallegations.com) is filled with example after example of BOTH of those administrators knowingly and willfully making false and potentially career ending charges against NKC staff and deliberately creating a hostile work environment at NKC for SIX AND A HALF YEARS. United Teachers of Dade (UTD) President Ms. Hernandez Mats is fully aware of this situation, as I have sent her 9 unanswered certified letters. Here are just a few of the egregious illegal retaliatory actions done by BOTH present NKC administrators. Assistant principal Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) allegedly knowingly and willfully filed potentially career ending charges against former NKC teacher Mr. Rick Massa, accusing Mr. Massa of cheating on the Florida Alternate Assessment (FAA), the high stakes annual achievement test that is given to Profoundly Mentally Handicapped (PMH) children. As my blog explains, another teacher was present in Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) office when Mr. Massa reported to Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) to show Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) that he (MR. Massa) received the testing materials with the correct answers already marked, presumably by the teacher who tested his class prior to turning the testing materials over to Mr. Massa. The teacher who witnessed the conversation where Mr. Massa showed Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) the testing materials he received with the correct answers already written in is a new teacher who will never have tenure and can be dismissed at the end of the school year throughout his/her career. This teacher, having a deeply justified fear that the MDCPS investigative bodies exist NOT to root out corruption, but to hide it and then to retaliate against the whistleblower at the conclusion of the sham “investigation” was too fearful of losing his/her job to testify as to what he/she overheard in Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) office. Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) then allegedly perjured herself in her deposition in the lawsuit that Mr. Massa filed against MDCPS. If the Governor is willing to call in an investigative body that is independent of MDCPS (such as the National Labor Relations Board, or the Florida Bureau of Investigation, or the Federal Bureau of Investigation), and if that investigative body will guarantee this person protection against retaliation by MDCPS, this person will testify as to what he/she heard that day in Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) office. As you may have guessed, Mrs. Fernandez has a nickname. Her nickname is Screamer. Whenever Mrs. Fernandez becomes upset at an NKC staff member (and she has an extremely low frustration threshold), she throws a screaming temper tantrum (UTD boss Ms. Hernandez Mats is well aware of this, but the fact that dues paying members of UTD who have the misfortune of working at NKC have been subjected to Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) temper tantrums for six and a half years does not appear to concern Ms. Hernandez Mats very much.) My blog describes an incident where Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) screamed at me nonstop for 20 (twenty) minutes! As I said in my blog, I got off with a measly 20-minute screaming temper tantrum because I am Caucasian. Although all of the NKC staff suffer a deliberately cultivated hostile work environment, African Americans suffer more frequent and longer hateful screaming tirades at the hands of Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer). As Superintendent Carvalho, the 9 school board members, and Ms. Hernandez Mats are well aware, the African American NKC staff refer to the school as a “Plantation” and believe (with ample evidence to back up this belief) BOTH Dr, Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) are openly hostile and racist to African American staff. As Superintendent Carvalho, the 9 school board members and Ms. Hernandez Mats also know, Dr. Roos illegally forbade almost al NKC African American staff from participating in the MANDATORY annual staff satisfaction survey. This frees both Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) to become even more hostile and hateful to African American staff in the future, as these staff are illegally forbidden to provide feedback in the MANDATORY annual staff satisfaction survey. Another example of Dr. Roos open hostility toward African American staff is her DISGRACEFUL treatment of both Ms. Green and Mr. Jackson, which I described in great detail in my blog. In a nutshell, Shortly after Ms. Green’s daughter was brutally murdered, (and her home seriously damaged by Hurricane Irma), Dr. Roos allegedly gave Mr. Jackson (an African American custodian at NKC and one of Ms. Green’s closest friends) an illegal order to deliver Dr. Roos threat to Ms. Green to have Ms. Green involuntarily transferred to another school. When it looked like Dr. Roos might suffer adverse consequences for this seemingly overtly racist action, Dr. Roos allegedly summoned Mr. Jackson to a closed-door meeting in Dr. Roos office and allegedly threatened to terminate Mr. Jackson’s employment unless he recanted his statement saying Dr. Roos had ordered him to deliver Dr. Roos threat to Ms. Green. If an independent investigative body is called in, they might want to hear what both Ms. Green and Mr. Jackson have to say about this. Although MDCPS was well aware of Dr. Roos flagrant and egregious violations of Ms. Green and Mr. Jackson’s rights, astonishingly, a few weeks later, MDCPS saw fit to nominate Dr. Roos for the prestigious Principal of the Year Award! As I stated in my latest blog entry, Ms. Green and possibly Mr. Jackson give the appearance of being in grave danger of facing job termination, should Dr. Roos receive one of her famous “anonymous” phone calls accusing these African American employees of physically and/or sexually abusing one or more NKC students. Dr. Roos also stands accused of physically assaulting an African American Profoundly Mentally Retarded NKC child. I talk about this incident at great length in my blog. Most PMH students have neither the ability to speak or communicate in any way or to defend themselves from physical assault, making them extremely vulnerable to physical abuse at the hands of unscrupulous adults. This African American student was returned to NKC at the end of the school day, as there was no one from his home to meet him at his bus stop. By the time the bus returned this child to NKC, his teacher had already gone home for the day, although Dr. Roos was still on campus. Although Dr. Roos is contractually OBLIGATED to accept custody of this child, she allegedly attempted to refuse to accept custody of the child. Both the bus driver and the bus aide allegedly escorted this student off the bus and left him next to Dr. Roos and began to drive away. At that point, both the bus driver and the bus aide allegedly observed Dr. Roos physically abuse this child. At that point, the two bus people stopped the bus, got off the bus, and confronted Dr. Roos and told her to stop physically abusing the child. The next day, these two bus personnel handed the assistant principal a referral, a legal document detailing the allegations against Dr. Roos. A third person who allegedly observed Dr. Roos physically abuse this African American child is an African American NKC staff member who is a 30-year MDCPS employee and a 30-year UTD member. This person is allegedly too terrified of retaliation from MDCPS goons/thugs to report what he/she observed. An independent investigative body may wish to ask this person what he/she observed that day. The mother of this child was outraged when she discovered the abuse her child had allegedly suffered. She threatened to both go to the press and to hire an attorney. Mysteriously, she very quickly became quiet. Dr. Roos allegedly phoned this woman and threatened to have the child removed from his home and involuntarily placed in a foster home unless the mother ceased defending her son against possible future acts of physical violence at the hands of this seemingly out of control principal. If an independent investigative body is called in, they might wish to ask this mother if she received threatening phone calls from Dr. Roos and/or the thugs/goons of MDCPS. Although MDCPS MANDATES that a principal accused of physically abusing a child be removed from campus, until an investigation is completed, this was not done, and Dr. Roos remains on campus, putting PMH students who can neither speak or physically defend themselves at risk for possible physical attacks at the hands of Dr. Roos. As I explained at great length in my blog, Dr. Roos gives the appearance of being subject to wild mood swings, and an inability to control her destructive urges. (Superintendent Carvalho was aware of this fact when he declined to remove Dr. Roos from campus AFTER Dr. Roos was accused of physically abusing a Profoundly Mentally Retarded child!) In my blog, I described how Dr. Roos once told me she suffers from an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. I also said that on at least two occasions, Dr. Roos suffered prolonged, uncontrollable crying jags in full view of the NKC staff. Governor Desantis, do Profoundly Mentally Retarded children, who are largely incapable of either speech or defending themselves have the right to be protected from physical assault by the principal of the school? If one of the primary goals of a school for PMH children is to protect them from physical abuse, does it make sense to leave a principal who has been accused of physically abusing a child in charge of the school? Has this principal set a good example of how Profoundly Mentally Handicapped children should be treated by staff? Are taxpaying parents who are paying the salary of the school principal (and the MDCPS officials including the Superintendent who decline to remove a principal who clearly represents a danger to PMH children) obligated to send their child to a school where that child is at risk for being physically abused by the school principal? (As the reader will discover shortly, the LEGAL answer to this last question is YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!) Given the fact that the MDCPS Superintendent, the 9 school board members, and Ms. Hernandez Mats have been fully appraised of this situation and have taken NO ACTION WHATSOEVER to safeguard these children, would the Governor, upon learning of this crisis situation, have both a legal and moral OBLIGATION to step in to insure the safety of these extremely fragile and vulnerable children? (Remember, MDCPS says it has ZERO tolerance for bullying.) Would the governor also have a legal and moral OBLIGATION to impose whatever penalties are commensurate with the violation of the law(s) that occurred including but not limited to termination of employment, permanent revocation of all Florida teaching/educational licenses for people found in violation of the law, including Superintendent Carvalho, the 9 school board members, UTD President Ms. Hernandez Mats, Dr. Roos, and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) A few years ago, NKC was involuntarily converted to a new curriculum (the Unique Learning System) that is so far above the intellectual capacities of PMH children that little or no learning will ever take place during the up to 19 years children will attend NKC. (When this new curriculum was first introduced, it was so unpopular with parents that they showed up with picket signs outside the school.) One mother stopped sending her child to school, saying her child was learning nothing and the new curriculum of NKC was a waste of her child’s time. Rather than improve the quality of the curriculum, MDCPS trotted out its favorite war club and threatened to place the child into a foster home unless the mother resumed sending her child to NKC! So, in answer to the earlier asked question about whether a parent is legally obligated to send their child to a school where that child is at risk for being physically assaulted by the school principal, the reader can see that the answer is a RESOUNDING “YES”, lest the child be involuntarily taken out of its home and placed into a foster home (where physical and/or sexual abuse is a possibility). Since parents do not have the ability to protect their severely retarded children from either a physically abusive principal or a HORRENDOUSLY inadequate curriculum, the logical choice is for parents to withdraw their children from the Hell Hole that NKC has become and enroll their children into a charter school for PMH students. The problem is that no charter school exists in MDCPS for PMH children. (Recall that in case DOAH 13-1492, Superintendent Carvalho illegally crushed NKC’s attempt to convert to a charter school. Governor Desantis, will you and the Florida legislature introduce legislation to compel MDCPS to allow a charter school to form for PMH students? Regrettably, physical abuse at the hands of a seemingly emotionally fragile principal is not the only safety danger NKC children face on a daily basis. Here is a thumb nail sketch of an event I described in great detail in my blog. A few years ago, a student in Mr. Massa’s class began to choke on his food. (This child is so prone to choking events that this fact is noted on his Individual Education Plan.) Mr. Massa took immediate and appropriate action and the child expelled the food he was choking on without losing consciousness. Nevertheless, Dr. Roos filed potentially career ending charges against Mr. Massa. The entire staff witnessed Mr. Massa’s appropriate and timely actions and saw that he was threatened with potentially career ending charges, despite doing everything he was supposed to do. As a result of this, NKC staff now have a very deep fear that if a child in their class begins to choke on their food (PMH children are very much at risk for this) even if that teacher takes immediate and appropriate action, the teacher may be at risk for losing his/her job if the teacher has knowingly or unknowingly displeased either Dr. Roos or Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) As a result, that teacher may hesitate for up to a minute (hoping the choking child coughs up the food he/she was choking on) before summoning help from our on-site school nurses. That one-minute delay may literally mean the difference between life and death for a profoundly mentally handicapped child. As I mentioned in my blog, it took a teacher (who is no longer a teacher at NKC due to Dr. Roos extremely abrasive personality) who was a fully trained Fire Academy paramedic who rode ambulances on weekends nearly three minutes to extract a pancake that one of our students nearly choked to death on. That particular choking incident happened BEFORE Dr. Roos decided to use choking incidents as a weapon to get rid of teachers who had somehow knowingly or unknowingly displeased her. If the teacher in this incident, fearing his/her job was at stake had waited an extra minute before summoning help, the child probably would NOT have been saved, but would have died. (A few years after graduating from NKC, that child suffered a fatal choking incident at his group home.) Again, to fully understand the situation depicted in this thumb nail sketch, you need to read my blog, where I discuss this problem in great detail. Every day that a parent sends their child to school at NKC, they are playing Russian Roulette with their children’s life. Shockingly, Superintendent Carvalho and the 9 school board members have known about this easily preventable artificially induced elevated risk of a horrible death via choking since June 2015, (I have included this letter in my blog) and have done NOTHING to safeguard Profoundly Mentally Handicapped children!!! (NKC staff and parents are wondering if this may be grounds for dismissal for the above-mentioned people from their posts) Timothy McVeigh, the monster who blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma (because he was angry at the government) killed many kindergarten children who were housed in that building. When asked how he could justify such cold-blooded murder, Mr. McVeigh merely shrugged his shoulders and called the deaths of these innocent children “collateral damage.” In one of my many unanswered letters to Superintendent Carvalho, I accused Superintendent Carvalho of being a kindred spirit to Mr. McVeigh because the Superintendent gives the appearance of being willing to put the lives of Profoundly Mentally Handicapped children at risk (I.e. collateral damage) in his effort to punish IN PERPETUITY the NKC staff who exercised their (supposedly) legally protected right to convert from a public school to a charter school. If one or more profoundly mentally handicapped children are harmed as a result of Superintendent Carvalho’s knowing and deliberate recklessness, will he merely shrug his shoulders and call it “collateral damage?” Only a sadist continues to beat a dog after its spirit has been completely broken. Is it possible that just as Dr. Roos gives the appearance of being unfit to be a school principal, Superintendent Carvalho gives the appearance of being unfit to head the nation’s fourth largest school district? In my blog, I described a second allegation of Dr. Roos physically assaulting a person. This incident involved an NKC staff member. I described this event in great detail in my blog. Dr. Roos allegedly was screaming at the staff member who was meekly staring at the floor. Dr. Roos then allegedly seized the staff person’s jaw and jerked this person’s jaw upwards until the victim was making involuntary eye contact with Dr. Roos. and screamed “Look at me when I am talking (i.e. screaming) to you.” Governor Desantis and Commissioner Corcoran, I am going to tell you something I have never mentioned in my blog (because I feared the goons/thugs of MDCPS would retaliate against the helpless serf this happened to) That person, who transferred to another school as a result of this alleged assault is a social worker. GOERNOR DESANTIS AND COMMISSIONER CORCORAN, IF A SOCIAL WORKER DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH CONFIDENCE IN THE INTERNAL INVESTIGATIVE BODIES OF MDCPS TO REPORT THIS INCIDENT DUE TO FEAR OF RETALIATION, DOESN’T THAT INDICATE MDCPS IS INCAPABLE OF POLICING ITSELF AND NEEDS TO BE TAKEN OVER BY THE STATE UNTIL INTERNAL CONTROLS ARE ESTABLISHED TO PREVENT MDCPS FROM RETALIATING AGAINST WHISTLEBLOWERS??? An investigative body independent of MDCPS may wish to invite this social worker to tell what happened to her that day in Dr. Roos office. Every year, PMH children with IQ’s of 25 and below are given an achievement test called the Florida Alternate Assessment. (FAA) When Dr. Alberto Fernandez was the NKC principal, our students scored very low on this test, year after year. When Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) became the NKC administrators, Profoundly Mentally Handicapped children have for the last 6 years achieved scores that are FAR above their ability levels. Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) receive financial awards every year for these statistically improbable scores. If an independent investigative body wishes to investigate this matter, I can provide the names of two people who may be able to shed some light on these astonishingly high scores. Governor Desantis, I am going to publish my letter to you on my blog, which is read by both NKC parents and staff, so they will know that you have been fully informed of the deplorable situation that has existed at NKC for SIX AND A HALF YEARS. Governor, prior to writing this letter, I did a little background research on you. You bear a startling resemblance to the President of France (Emmanuel Macron) in terms of your career trajectory. Like yourself, Mr. Macron’s rise to the top has been meteoric. Like yourself, Mr. Macron graduated from some of the most prestigious universities in the nation. At the age of 27, Mr. Macron was the European head of what is arguably the world’s most powerful bank (Goldman Sachs) Like you, in his early forties, Mr. Macron was elected to a very prestigious post. (In his case, the leader of the French Government) Until recently, Mr. Macron was widely viewed as one of the most powerful leaders in Europe. Today Mr. Macron is fighting an uphill battle for his political survival. (Hopefully, this is the point where the similarities between yourself and Mr. Macron will end.) Mr. Macron’s downfall happened because he chose to ignore very clear warnings he was given. Governor Desantis, like Mr. Macron, you are presently sitting on top of an ominously rumbling volcano. The name of YOUR deeply rumbling volcano is MDCPS. The public has a very deep feeling of protection and affection for mentally retarded children. If you choose to do nothing about the current intolerable situation at NKC, one or more Profoundly Mentally Handicapped children are going to go to the hospital, or the morgue. If that happens, I will move Heaven and Earth to get the story into the newspapers, and your political career may suffer irreparable damage. If, on the other hand, you take steps to insure that PMH children are safe and have access to a high quality curriculum, myself, NKC parents and NKC staff will loudly sing your praises. NKC parents and staff are wondering if it would be possible for BOTH Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) to be transferred out of NKC during the Winer Holiday (December 22-Jan. 6). As Superintendent Carvalho seems intent on punishing the NKC staff IN PERPETUITY, the staff are worried that Mr. Carvalho may replace the present administrators with different administrators who are as bad or even worse than the present ones. For this reason, as a show of good faith, the NKC staff is asking you to ask Mr. Carvalho to replace the present NKC administrators with the two administrators who were illegally removed from their posts. This would be Dr. Alberto Fernandez as the principal and Mr. Henny Cristobol as the assistant principal. Also, given the egregious level of offenses over a six and a half year period, all NKC stakeholders are hoping that penalties commensurate with violation (s) of the law will be assigned to everyone from Superintendent Carvalho on down if an independent investigative body determines law breaking has occurred. Finally, NKC stakeholders are hoping that all members of the Florida K-12 Education Committee will be provided with a copy of this letter at the next legislative session in March. As the readers of this letter can hopefully see, Superintendent Carvalho, the 9 MDCPS school board members, and UTD President Karla Hernandez Mats are the best argument for why charter schools need to replace public schools as quickly as possible. Governor Desantis and Commissioner Corcoran, the NKC stakeholders want to wish both of you a joyous holiday. Sincerely, Bill Detzner Bill Detzner 7722 SW 99 St. Miami, FL. 33156 billdetzner@bellsouth.net

7 December 2018 letter.docx7 December 2018 Hello 9 School Board Members, Ms. Hernandez Mats, and Alberto Carvalho. Hello, my name is Bill Detzner. Nobel Prize winning author Alexander Solzhenitsyn was once asked if he believed Communism could be reformed. He replied that Communism could never be reformed. It could only be replaced. That is the same feeling I have about “The People’s Republic of Miami Dade County Public Schools.” (MDCPS). The level of corruption and incompetence in MDCPS is so high that reform cannot come from inside the school district. Normalcy will return to “The People’s Republic of MDCPS” ONLY when an outside agency steps in and replaces all or most of the 11 people this letter is addressed to. MDCPS gives the appearance of being more of a criminal enterprise than the nation’s fourth largest school district. Superintendent Alberto Carvalho gives the appearance of being the Godfather of this criminal enterprise. Godfather Carvalho seems to be a virtual dictator, and the 9 school board members appear to be nothing more than a rubber stamp to the Godfather’s edicts. Ms. Hernandez Mats, the United Teachers of Dade (UTD) President, gives the appearance of being OWNED by the Godfather, lock, stock, and barrel. Consequently, this letter is written NOT with the hope that any desperately needed changes will be made, or that any of the 11 readers of this letter will have the decency or professionalism to respond. The two reasons I have for writing this letter are to deny the 11 readers the option of having the excuse of pleading ignorance of the latest Neva King Cooper School (NKC) crisis, and to present my case to the powerful people I hope will read this letter. A few, but not all of those people are Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, 60 Minutes T.V. show, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and various Florida newspaper investigative reporters. As I stated in my latest unanswered letter to you, NKC principal Dr. Tracy Roos seems to be lurching from crisis to crisis. Those crises seem to be increasing in both severity and frequency. I have not yet received all of my green return receipt from my last letter to you 11 people before I learned about the latest crisis, which is one of the reasons for this letter. MDCPS requires teachers and paraprofessionals to have up to three yearly Data Chats with school site administrators. These data chats are ONLY for the purpose of discussing an educator’s progress in meeting their yearly educational goals for the students in their classes. As the 11 readers of this letter have known for over 3 years, Dr. Roos frequently uses these conferences to ask staff members highly personal and inappropriate questions. For example, an openly gay male para-professional (who has since transferred to another school district) was asked by Dr. Roos about the details of his sex life during a conference. Although this man was a UTD member, he was so fearful that UTD would not only fail to defend him, but then throw him under the bus when the sham UTD investigation was completed and Dr. Roos and/or Mrs. Fernandez illegally retaliated against him that he failed to report the incident. Ms. Hernandez Mats, the knowledge that UTD members do not trust UTD to enforce the contract does not seem to cause you any concern. (I will discuss other incidents of your failure to enforce the contract later on in this letter.) During the latest round of data chats, DR ROOS ALLEGEDLY TOLD MANY STAFF MEMBERS THAT MS. GREEN, AN AFRICAN AMERICAN PARAPROFESSIONAL, IS THE BIGGEST TROUBLEMAKER AT NKC!!! THE NKC STAFF IS DEEPLY, DEEPLY, DEEPLY WORRIED THAT THESE HATEFUL REMARKS BY DR. ROOS ARE SETTING THE STAGE FOR DR. ROOS TO RECEIVE ONE OF HER FAMOUS ANONYMOUS PHONE CALLS ACCUSING MS. GREEN OF PHYSICALLY AND/OR SEXUALLY ABUSING ONE OR MORE NKC STUDENTS. AS GODFATHER CARVALHO HAS A WELL DESERVED REPUTATION FOR BEING AS BRUTAL AND HARSH AS POSSIBLE IN HIS REPRISALS, THE FEAR IS THAT GODFATHER CARVALHO WIIL UNJUSTLY FIRE MS. GREEN JUST PRIOR TO THE CHRISTMAS BREAK, FOR MAXIMUM SHOCK VALUE AND TO GENERATE THE GREATEST DEGREE OF FEAR AMONG THE NKC SERFS AND TO MAKE AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT HAPPENS TO “UPPITY AFRICAN AMERICANS” SUCH AS MS. GREEN WHO ARE BOLD ENOUGH TO INSIST THAT THEIR CONTRACTUAL RIGHTS BE RESPECTED. The serfs of NKC have this fear for Ms. Green’s future employment prospects because they remember the extremely harsh and brutal way Dr. Alberto Fernandez, Mr. Henny Cristobol, Ms. Luz Morales and Mr. Rick Massa were treated by Godfather Carvalho and the two hatchet women the Godfather placed in charge of NKC. (Dr. Roos and Mrs. Alicia Fernandez (Screamer)) Vladimir Lenin once remarked that the object of Terror is Terror, and Godfather Carvalho, you certainly give the appearance of sharing that viewpoint. To refresh your memories, Ms. Green was the NKC staff member whose daughter was murdered while Ms. Green’s five year old grandson was in the house. I discussed this in great deal in my blog (mdcpsallegations.com) Both NKC administrators (principal Dr. Tracy Roos and assistant principal Alicia Fernandez (Screamer)) expect and get extremely servile and meek interactions from NKC staff/serfs. When Ms. Green returned to NKC after her emergency leave, she (Ms. Green) spoke with Dr. Roos. Ms. Green, deeply, deeply shocked after the murder of her daughter, was polite and courteous, but not meek and servile while speaking to Dr. Roos. Apparently, the murder of Ms. Green’s daughter was NO excuse for Ms. Green to not be extremely meek and subservient when speaking to Dr. Roos (Ms. Hernandez Mats, the fact that KNC staff who are UTD members have been treated VERY, VERY disrespectfully for over 6 years by both NKC administrators does not seem to be much of a concern to you.) Dr. Roos then gave an illegal order to one of Ms. Green’s closest friends, an African American custodian named Mr. Jackson to convey Dr. Roos threat to involuntarily transfer Ms. Green to another school (during a time when Ms. Green was also dealing with damage to her home caused by Hurricane Irma.) When Ms. Green received Dr. Roos threat, Ms. Green had what some people might call “a Rosa Parks moment.” Ms. Green decided she was sick and tired of being disrespected. She then did something that the NKC serfs would call career suicide. Ms. Green reported Dr. Roos egregious blatant contract violations to the internal “People’s Republic of MDCPS” investigative bodies responsible for internally policing the district. As everybody knows, those people are paid to “hear no evil and see no evil”, and then retaliate against the whistleblower after the sham “investigation” is completed. True to form, the People’s Republic responded like the criminal enterprise it is. A meeting was called with officials from “The People’s Republic” and Ms. Green. Dr. Roos then allegedly lied and told MDCPS that Mrs. Green was absent on the appointed day. Ms. Green was then told to report to the assistant principal’s office where she sat for an hour waiting for a meeting that Dr. Roos knew was not going to occur. While Ms. Green suffered that humiliating event, Dr. Roos then allegedly summoned Mr. Jackson (the African American custodian who is one of Ms. Green’s closest friends) to Dr. Roos office for a closed- door meeting. At that meeting, Dr. Roos allegedly threatened this poor man with immediate job termination unless he recanted his allegations that Dr. Roos had ordered him to deliver Dr. Roos threat of an involuntary transfer to another school to Ms. Green. A second meeting was scheduled to address Ms. Green’s concerns. THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF MDCPS ALSO STOOD MS. GREEN UP AND FAILED TO ATTEND THIS MEETING. A THIRD MEETING WAS NEVER SCHEDULED, WHICH MEANS GODFATHER CARVALHO AND THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC HAVE NEVER ADDRESSED MS. GREEN’S CONCERNS TO THIS DAY!!! Regrettably, Godfather Carvalho was not yet done humiliating this grieving African American grandmother. Shortly afterwards, The People’s Republic of MDCPS saw fit to nominate Dr. Roos as a candidate for the prestigious Principal of the Year Award!!! One other detail needs to be noted about Ms. Green. As a paraprofessional, Ms. Green is paid a miserly salary. Out of her meager salary, Ms. Green frequently buys new clothes for NKC children who come from impoverished homes. The serfs of NKC feel outraged by the fact that although the 11 readers of this letter are aware that Dr. Roos has allegedly physically assaulted a staff member (who is still a MDCPS employee who has transferred to another school) AND ALLEGEDLY PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED AN UTTERLY DEFENSELESS SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILD, Dr. Roos has suffered no adverse consequences whatsoever as a result of two actions that should have resulted in her termination as an employee of “The People’s Republic of MDCPS.” On the contrary, she has been a nominee for the highest award a principal can achieve. Meanwhile, Godfather Carvalho, the 9 school board members, and Ms. Hernandez Mats give the appearance of giving the green light to Dr. Roos to initiate termination proceedings against a poorly paid employee who buys clothes for NKC children! While on the subject of rank hypocrisy, it is interesting to note that Dr. Roos saw fit to accuse this fine Christian churchgoing woman of being the biggest troublemaker at NKC!!! The serfs of NKC beg to differ on this point. The serfs feel it is Dr. Roos, (closely followed by assistant principal Alicia Fernandez (Screamer)) and not Ms. Green who are the biggest troublemakers at NKC (for six and a half years now) In the utterly lawless entity that is the nation’s fourth largest school district, there is a possibility that an administrator (Dr. Roos) who has allegedly physically assaulted both an NKC serf employee and an utterly defenseless severely mentally retarded child and who has has been nominated as a candidate for the prestigious Principal of the Year Award will be fully protected by the Godfather, while a paraprofessional (Ms. Green) who spends a significant portion of her paycheck buying clothes for impoverished children will have false charges of abusing children filed against her by either Dr. Roos or Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer). I am wondering if the 11 readers of this letter are aware of how outraged the NKC serfs will be if Ms. Green is dismissed from employment or involuntarily transferred to another school far from her home on the basis of false child abuse charges leveled by an administrator who has allegedly TWICE physically assaulted people? The serfs of NKC read my blog, so they know that the 11 readers of this letter are aware of these allegations. As the prime objective of “The People’s Republic of MDCPS” seems to be to make an example of any serf foolish enough to insist that his/her contractual rights are respected, (the object of Terror is Terror) the serfs of NKC feel that if charges of child abuse are leveled against Ms. Green, the punishment of Ms. Green will be swift and brutal, even if there is little or no evidence to back up those charges. Both Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez do not hesitate to lie and fabricate wholly false charges against NKC serfs. A serf who obeys every rule is not safe from termination if they have even inadvertently displeased either NKC administrator. Both NKC administrators seem to get enormous satisfaction out of deliberately cultivating as much stress and emotional turmoil as possible among NKC serfs. This is why a 30- year employee and 30- year UTD member who is a past recipient of the Teacher of the Year award had a nervous breakdown on campus while children were present in school last year. This is the reason why am NKC teacher with 17 years of experience simply retired last June. This is why NKC has some of the lowest staff satisfaction survey results for the last 6 years. Ms. Hernandez Mats, both myself and a very brave serf currently employed at NKC have been telling you about the deliberately cultivated hostile work environment that has existed at NKC FOR OVER SIX YEARS, AND YOU HAVE DONE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT IT!!! For this reason, many UTD members hope you will NOT run for reelection as UTD president. Several years ago, during the students’ lunch at NKC, I was approached by a frantic colleague. She told me there was a rat in her classroom trash can. She asked me if I would get rid of the rat for her as she feared for both her safety and her student’s safety. I left my class in the cafeteria with my extremely competent paraprofessional and hurried to my friend’s classroom. I try to be a compassionate person. If it had been possible for me to merely empty that trash can with the rat in it outside, I would have done so. However, I knew from past experience that if I took this action, the rat would be back inside the classroom before I was. Killing the rat was my only option, and I had only a few minutes to do it before my friend and colleague returned to her classroom. The rat was terrified. The ONLY thing it wanted to do was to be left alone. It ran around in frantic circles inside the trashcan and made squeaking noises. The first time I attempted to step on the rat inside the trash can, I missed. The rat’s demeanor underwent a drastic change. The rat realized that no matter what it did, it was about to suffer very unpleasant consequences. You might not believe that a rat is capable of growling, but I am here to tell you that is the case. The rat growled at me and showed all its teeth. While I think that all life is important, I place a very high premium on the safety of severely mentally retarded children (UNLIKE THE 11 READERS OF THIS LETTER), so as compassionately as possible, I killed the rat. My point in telling this story is that the serfs of NKC are also trapped rats at the mercy of a VERY, VERY vicious and vindictive Godfather, Dr. Roos, Mrs. Alicia Fernandez, the 9 school board members, and Ms. Hernandez Mats. The serfs know that no matter how much they plead, grovel, and beg for mercy, they are going to be punished in perpetuity by the 11 readers of this letter. Dr. Roos, Mrs. Fernandez (Screamer) and possibly some or all of the 11 readers of this letter give the appearance of deriving enormous pleasure out of making the NKC serfs’ work experience as stressful and unpleasant as possible. In perpetuity. NKC serfs are viewed by NKC administrators (and possibly the readers of this letter) as adversaries, as prey, and as fish in a barrel. It is difficult to believe that the readers of this letter are unaware of the fact that the serfs of NKC (due to the illegally hostile work environment that exists at NKC) have completely abandoned their plans to convert to a charter school. The fact that the HORRENDOUS persecution of the NKC serfs has continued FOR OVER THREE YEARS AFTER THE READERS KNEW THEY HAD COMPLETELY SMASHED THE NKC CONVERSION ATTEMPT seems to indicate that the Godfather and the 9 school board members seem to find the idea of shooting fish in a barrel to be entertaining. Godfather and school board members, only a sadist continues to beat a dog after its spirit is completely broken. As long as the two present NKC administrators continue to knowingly and willfully file deliberately false career ending charges against NKC serfs, there will be no peace at NKC. Just as that rat in the trash can fought for its life when it had no other alternative, the serfs of NKC have been given no other alternative but to fight to retain employment that allows them to pay their bills. Are you listening, Ms. Hernandez Mats? I AGAIN call on you to ask the National Labor Relations Board to do a system wide audit of the People’s Republic of MDCPS. Godfather, although you do not give the appearance of being either a decent or compassionate man, you do give the appearance of possessing a high degree of intelligence. Having said that, have you put two and two together and figured out that the severe problems that have plagued NKC for over 6 years will continue in perpetuity unless BOTH Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez are replaced as the NKC administrators? Have you figured out that the NKC serfs are too terrorized to ever again consider converting to a charter school? If so, are you wise enough to concede that the best way to permanently solve the quagmire at NKC is to reinstate Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Cristobol as the NKC administrators? You have known for three and a half years that all the conversion supporters have been terrorized into transferring to other schools or taking early retirement. You have known for three and a half years that the NKC serfs who are still present in that unhappy place that you continue to pummel are people who were neutral about conversion, opposed to conversion, or replacement personnel for the people who were illegally persecuted out of NKC. You 11 readers have known FOR THREE AND A HALF YEARS that the movement to convert NKC has been PERMANANTLY crushed, yet the punishment continues unabated and undiminished. Indeed, the punishment has actually ACCELERATED. I say this because it is not only the NKC staff who are being persecuted in perpetuity. The 11 readers of this letter have seen fit to extend that persecution to both NKC parents and severely mentally retarded children. I say this for two reasons: 1) For three and a half years Godfather Carvalho has knowingly and willfully put the children of NKC at risk for choking to death on their food as a result of the decision to use choking events as a weapon to get rid of teachers the NKC administrators do not like. 2) For about a month, Godfather Carvalho, knowing that 2 MDCPS employees have written up Dr. Roos for allegedly physically abusing an utterly defenseless severely mentally retarded child (and knowing there is a third witness to this event who is a 30 year MDCPS serf, and a 30 year member of UTD who is so intimidated that he/she is afraid to step forward and make a statement about what he/she saw) has chosen to ignore MDCPS rules that mandate that an administrator accused of child abuse be removed from campus until an investigation is completed. Ms. Hernandez Mats, here is yet another UTD employee who does not trust UTD to enforce the contract or protect him/her from illegal reprisals by MDCPS. The readers of this letter are also aware that Dr. Roos allegedly physically assaulted an NKC serf/employee in the past. The readers of this letter also know that Dr. Roos also gives the appearance of being in extremely fragile emotional health as evidenced by the crying jags and irrational behavior and actions described in my blog, Also, Dr. Roos allegedly confessed to me that she (Dr. Roos) suffers from an obsessive -compulsive disorder. In spite of this, in violation of MDCPS own rules and guidelines, Godfather and the 9 school board members have chosen to place all of the severely mentally retarded children of NKC at risk for further allegations of abuse at the hands of Dr. Roos. My hope is that the 11 readers of this letter realize that this extremely rash and reckless decision is a dereliction of your primary duty to protect the children who have been entrusted to your care. Furthermore, as severely mentally retarded children often cannot speak (so they cannot report abuse) and are often incapable of defending themselves from physical aggression, your decision to continue to allow Dr. Roos to remain in charge of NKC, given the fact that she gives the appearance of being both a very vicious and vindictive person, and a person who seems to be incapable of controlling her destructive urges seems to be beyond sacrilegious. Recently, I saw a news report of a school that was under lockdown due to criminal activity that occurred near that school. This seemed like a very prudent protective measure. The school doors were locked to protect innocent children from harm. In contrast, every day at NKC, the school doors are locked to keep a principal INSIDE who gives the appearance of being emotionally unstable, and who has been accused of physically assaulting a severely mentally retarded child. Godfather and 9 school board members, do you also intend to punish, in perpetuity, severely mentally retarded children and their parents? Are you able to see that these people had no part in the attempt to convert NKC to a charter school? Will you continue to punish these people anyway? The staff of NKC are asking that BOTH present NKC administrators be immediately relieved of their duties and be reassigned somewhere where they have no contact with children until AN INVESTIGATIVE BODY INDEPENDENT OF MDCPS (such as the National Labor Relations Board) completes its investigation. If this investigative body determines these two administrators have committed an offense (such as perjury or cheating on the Florida Alternate Assessment,) the proper penalty needs to be imposed. The staff of NKC is asking that Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Mr. Cristobol be restored to their posts as the NKC administrators. If Superintendent Carvalho is unwilling to take these steps, the NKC staff is asking that the other 10 readers of this letter write a letter to Governor Ron DeSantis and ask the governor to remove Mr. Carvalho of his post. (If the 9 school board members are too busy hitting up vendors for reelection contributions to do this, I have already made the new governor aware of my blog) My hope is that at least one of the 11 of you is smart enough to figure out how bad this letter is going to make you look once it hits the press. In the three years that I worked at NKC under Dr. Roos, she (Dr. Roos) ALWAYS retaliated against anyone who caused Dr. Roos to look bad, even if it was totally the fault of Dr. Roos that she looked bad. Dr. Roos gives the appearance of believing that nothing is her fault and that one or more people (other than herself) are to blame for all of Dr. Roos failures. Even though Dr. Roos allegedly committed two EGREGIOUS contract violations, (allegedly attempting to refuse custody of a severely mentally retarded child who was returned to NKC, and allegedly physically assaulting an utterly helpless severely mentally retarded child.) it is quite possible that Dr. Roos has blamed the child for the fact that Dr. Roos looked bad. (I won’t say Dr. Roos is blaming this child for her getting into trouble because Dr. Roos seems to have suffered no adverse consequences WHATSOEVER for her egregious contract violations) If Dr. Roos responded the way she has always done in the past, she retaliated against this child. As this child is severely mentally retarded, the only retaliation he will understand is ONE OR MORE FURTHER acts of physical abuse. If Dr. Roos chooses to punish this child (for Dr. Roos’ contract violations) by inflicting physical pain on him, the child, being severely retarded, will not even understand why he is (again) being physically abused. Just so you understand, even if staff hear screams of pain coming from this child while in Dr. Roos office, it is highly unlikely that any staff member will report this incident. For over six years, NKC serfs have seen that when Dr. Roos is reported for contract violations, not only is she not punished, she is handsomely rewarded, and the whistleblower then punished. (Ms. Hernandez Mats, stand up and take a bow. It is your failure to respond to the numerous certified letters I have sent you that have made this possible.) A few years ago, it was revealed that one possible reason the Miami Herald never carried a negative story about MDCPS was because Mr. Carvalho, a married man, was having an extramarital affair with the Miami Herald education reporter. Ms. Hernandez Mats, I don’t know what your story is, but for whatever reason, you give the appearance of being owned, lock, stock, and barrel by Mr. Carvalho. Although your salary is paid by the members of UTD, you give the appearance of exclusively doing Mr. Carvalho’s bidding. Ms. Hernandez Mats, does Mr. Carvalho own you? The president and vice president of the PTA of MDCPS also deserve to be recognized at this time, as I have also heard not a word in response to the four e-mails I sent them regarding this issue. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that I also got no response to the lengthy email I sent to FEA President Fed Ingram. Readers of this letter, if this utterly defenseless severely retarded child has suffered ADDITIONAL physical abuse at the hand of Dr. Roos AFTER you became aware of the abuse allegation against her, the fault lies entirely with you because with your eyes wide open, YOU made the decision to violate MDCPS policies of removing an administrator accused of child abuse from campus until the conclusion of an investigation. There is also the possibility that Dr. Roos might retaliate more than once against this child. Dr. Roos gives the appearance of having a great deal of contempt for anyone who appears to be weak and/or vulnerable, and who is more vulnerable than a severely mentally retarded child who cannot speak or physically defend himself against a physical assault? So please be aware of the fact that there is a possibility that Dr. Roos may choose to physically attack this child more than once. Please also be aware of the fact that Dr. Roos may take Godfather’s and the nine school board members’ decision to turn a blind eye to an alleged physical assault on a severely mentally retarded child as a green light to physically assault other severely mentally retarded children who have the misfortune of being students at NKC. Godfather, one of “The People’s Republic of MDCPS” favorite slogans is that it has “a zero tolerance for bullying.” I am wondering how you and the school board members square this slogan against the fact that all of you have chosen to turn a blind eye to the allegation that Dr. Roos allegedly abused a member of the most fragile and vulnerable population of all, namely a severely mentally retarded child? Even worse, you appear to be giving Dr. Roos the green light to continue this alleged behavior. In an earlier (unanswered) letter to you, I asked if you thought NKC parents view you as allies or adversaries. The readers of this letter appear to live in an ivory tower, so it might come as a surprise to you to learn that many NKC parents view all of you as adversaries. Ultimately, all bureaucracies come to serve only themselves, and not the constituencies they are assigned to serve. I am also puzzled by “The People’s Republic” slogan of “If you see something, say something.” Godfather, any MDCPS employee stupid enough to take this statement at face value will face severe retaliation from MDCPS, with no adverse consequences for that retaliation. (Isn’t that right, Ms. Hernandez Mats.) The ONLY reason I have not been massively retaliated against for my numerous (unanswered) letters to you is that I am retired. If “The People’s Republic” is serious about “See something, say something,” why have my over 50 letters to you over a three- year period generated not a single syllable of response from you, or any change in the policies of MDCPS? The African American mother of this allegedly abused child was (justifiably so) LIVID when she found out what had allegedly been done to her son. She threatened to get a lawyer and go to the press. Mysteriously, this woman very quickly got very quiet. In the old days, it was very easy to quiet “Uppity African Americans” who insisted that their rights be respected. Hooded white figures planted a burning cross in the dead of night on the lawns of such people. While the laws (thankfully) no longer allow this kind of intimidation, an equally sinister form of intimidation is used to silence people bold enough to attempt to enforce their rights. The burning cross has been replaced by the phone call. When this severely retarded and utterly defenseless child’s mother attempted to protect her child by threatening to go to the press, Dr. Roos allegedly phoned this woman and threatened to have the child removed from his home and put into a foster home unless the woman shut her mouth! Godfather, did one or more of your MDCPS taxpayer supported goons also make one or more threatening phone calls to this woman? Here is the situation. The mother of this child (and the parents of other NKC children) are working hard at their jobs so they can pay taxes that will be used to pay the salary of a PRINCIPAL who stands accused of physically assaulting a child! The obvious choice is for parents to refuse to send their child to a place where the child may be exposed to being physically assaulted by the principal (or choking to death on their food, because the principal is using choking incidents as an excuse to fire NKC serfs). However, a few years ago, when an NKC parent took this step (because she rightly observed that the new NKC curriculum was utterly WORTHLESS for NKC students) Dr. Roos told this desperate parent to either send the child to school, or have the child removed from his home and put into a foster home. The other obvious choice is for parents to take their child out of NKC and enrolled in a charter school for severely mentally retarded children. However, due to the fact that the Godfather illegally smashed NKC’s attempt to convert to a charter school (DOAH 13-1492), no charter schools exist for desperate parents of severely mentally retarded children who see the totally ineffective school NKC has become under Dr. Roos and Alicia Fernandez (Screamer). Godfather, are you and the 9 school members able to see that the ten of you people are the best argument for why many, many more charter schools are DESPERATELY needed, just as soon as possible? Are you able to see why you and the 9 school board members are the reason why the law that allows public school to convert to charter schools needs to have teeth put into the law, so that superintendents who illegally smash these attempts suffer draconian penalties for doing so? Godfather and school board members, the hostile work environment you have willfully and deliberately cultivated at NKC for the last 6 years is not the worst thing you have done to that once high performing school. A FAR worse thing was the school board’s decision to remove both the M.O.V.E. and Small Step Curriculums (SSC) and impose on us (with no input from the NKC staff) the utterly worthless Unique Learning System Curriculum (ULS). Many NKC students are wheelchair bound. If they sit in their wheelchairs all day long, over a period of years their body slowly freezes into a permanent sitting position, causing EXCRUCIATING pain in adulthood. The M.O.V.E. curriculum stressed getting these children out of their wheelchairs and into physical therapy equipment, preventing muscles from atrophying. How has your decision to remove the M.O.V.E. curriculum and subjecting these children to excruciating pain in adulthood (without even consulting us) improved the lives of these children? One of the major aspects of the SSC was an emphasis on toilet training. After graduation from NKC, the number one goal of the NKC staff was to place our children into a sheltered workshop. A sheltered workshop will not accept a child who is not toilet trained. This means that upon graduation, severely mentally retarded children, who have committed no crime, will be given a life sentence, with no hope of parole, of being warehoused 24/7 in a cheerless group home because they are not toilet trained and thus ineligible for placement in a sheltered workshop. How does robbing the brightest of our students of their opportunity to be placed into a sheltered workshop improve their quality of life? How does condemning these children to sitting in their own urine and feces for hours at a time because they were not given a chance to master toilet training improve the quality of their lives? How does this improve their sense of dignity and self-worth? Are the needs of vendors to achieve profits from the utterly worthless ULS curriculum more important than the rights of severely mentally retarded children for a chance to improve their degree of dignity and independence? If this is the case, shouldn’t the motto of MDCPS be changed from “Giving Our Students the World” to “Giving Our Vendors the World?” My hope is that tonight, all 11 readers of this letter will take a good, long, hard look at themselves in the mirror. If you see a terrible coward, a deeply evil person, or possibly both of these things staring back at you, that’s a promising sign. If you do not see at least one of these three things, you are far sicker than you realize. Godfather, years from now, will you be remembered as the worst superintendent MDCPS has ever had? Will all of your accomplishments (such as having no failing schools in the district) be revealed to have been achieved by “cooking the books?” I recall that Dr. Rudy Crew (the superintendent who proceeded you) had barely submitted his resignation when the school board, with no outside search, and no input from the public, announced that you had been chosen as the new superintendent. Many people feel that the pervasive corruption and cronyism that has plagued MDCPS for decades can only be resolved by a reformer hired from outside the district, after a lengthy search, with input from all significant stakeholders. Do you worry that readers of my blog will conclude that many of the district’s policies (such as forbidding most of the African American staff of NKC from participating in the MANDATORY annual staff satisfaction survey) will be perceived as discriminatory in nature? Does it bother you that many African American employees of NKC accuse Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez of operating NKC as a plantation? (with your full knowledge and approval.) Godfather, do you worry that a powerful person will read my blog and decide to intervene on behalf of severely mentally retarded children? Do you worry that such a person may conclude that a superintendent who is not willing to protect severely mentally retarded children is unfit to remain as the superintendent? I suspect that a great deal of the incredible arrogance the 11 readers of the many, many unanswered certified letters I have sent seems to lie in the belief that no powerful person will ever come to the rescue of severely retarded children. If God is willing, this belief will be proven to be false. I will close with a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King. “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetuate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” Sincerely, Bill Detzner Bill Detzner/7722 S.W. 99 St./ Miami. Fl. 33156

November 2, 2018 letter

2 November 2018

Hello 9 School Board Members, Ms. Hernandez Mats and Mr. Carvalho.

My name is Bill Detzner. I have sent many unanswered certified letters to all of you. I sent 7 of those letters to Ms. Hernandez Mats, 6 to Mr. Carvalho, 5 to Mr. Feldman, 3 to Mr. Gallon, and 1 to every other school board member. The only change in behavior I have seen from Neva King Cooper School (NKC) principal Dr. Roos and assistant principal Alicia Fernandez as a result of those letters is a dramatic change for the WORSE in the treatment of both NKC staff and students. I am sending you this latest letter ONLY so you will not be able to bleat that you didn’t know of the terrible things that continue to happen at NKC.

The latest catastrophe at NKC is that principal Dr. Roos allegedly physically assaulted a Severely Mentally Retarded (SMR) African American boy about a week and a half ago. I discussed this at great length in my blog: mdcpsallegations.com. You will find a description in my 10/31/2018 entry (“Fourth Email To PTA President For MDCPS Nancy Lawther.”) As usual, the MDCPS investigative people gave the appearance of wanting solely to intimidate witnesses into silence and covering this up. For example, the mother of the alleged physically abused child was LIVID and threatened to get a lawyer and go to the NAACP. She very quickly went completely silent. Is it possible that Dr. Roos and/or MDCPS phoned this woman and threatened to have the child removed from his home and put into a foster home unless the woman agreed to stop advertising uncomfortable facts about NKC? If so, this would not be the first time Dr. Roos has allegedly used this threat to silence a parent who had incriminating evidence against her. For the record, there is a 30- year MDCPS employee at NKC (he/she has also been a UTD member for over 30 years) who witnessed Dr. Roos allegedly physically abusing this SMR child. This person is too frightened to tell what he/she observed. The allegedly dirty/corrupt MDCPS police officer who conducted the sham “investigation” of this latest incident is partly responsible for the fear of this witness. This witness is also intimidated by the fact that Dr. Roos, despite being accused of physically abusing a SMR child, remains on campus as the NKC principal.

During the 2011-2012 school year, NKC attempted to exercise its (supposedly) legally protected right to explore converting from a public school to a charter school. The law stipulates that the superintendent cannot interfere with this process. Godfather Al Carvalho was desperate. He needed an excuse to very quickly smash this attempt, lest many other MDCPS schools follow NKC’s lead and also convert to charter schools. The allure would have been difficult to resist. As a result of no longer having to support the obscenely overstaffed downtown bureaucracy, NKC would no longer have its step raises denied, year after year. We would have been able to grant ourselves handsome raises every year and have MUCH greater freedom in choosing our own curriculum, plus we would have had enormous cash surpluses at the end of every school year. The Godfather rightly feared that these three enormous benefits would cause a stampede of schools converting to charter schools, putting the Godfather (and the school board, and the UTD president) out of a job.   The Godfather’s excuse for smashing the conversion attempt was that he feared the 2 NKC administrators were attempting to INTIMIDATE staff into supporting the conversion process. Yet after the 2 administrators were illegally permanently removed from the NKC campus, and staff (knowing these 2 administrators would never again return to NKC) were asked how many of them felt intimidated by the previous NKC administrators, NOT A SINGLE STAFF PERSON SAID THEY HAD BEEN INTIMIDATED BY THE TWO EXILED ADMINISTRATORS. Given the HORRENDOUS amount of what appears to be retaliation the NKC staff have suffered in the ensuing 6 years, it seems very hypocritical of MDCPS to say they were concerned about alleged intimidation of the NKC staff by the school site administrators. (Later in this letter, I will give examples of how the illegal 6- year retaliation against the NKC staff violates MDCPS (supposed) “zero tolerance for bullying.” Godfather Carvalho realized that it was not enough to smash the NKC conversion attempt. His goal (which he has achieved) was to make the retaliation against NKC so brutal and so prolonged that no school in MDCPS would ever again even consider converting to a charter school

On many occasions I have referred to MDCPS not as a school district, but as a criminal enterprise, with Al Carvalho as the Godfather, (and Ms. Hernandez Mats as one of the Godfathers most senior and trusted lieutenants, thug, and henchwoman.) A criminal enterprise cannot work without a climate of intense fear. Victims will not submit to the Godfather’s rule unless they fear the consequences of not doing so. Intimidation cannot be accomplished without breaking numerous laws. The Godfather does not want to go to prison for breaking laws, so he has his thugs do the dirty work for him. The understanding is that if the thugs get caught, they take sole responsibility and let the Godfather off the hook. If they are prosecuted, the Godfather will do everything in his power to intimidate witnesses, cover up the crime, obtain either no media coverage or favorable media coverage, and provide the finest legal help to try to beat the charges. If the thugs go to jail, their families will want for nothing during the entire jail sentence, provided the thugs keeps their mouths shut and continue to protect the Godfather. Once released from prison, the thugs are guaranteed a job with a generous salary. Once a thug has performed a certain number of dirty deeds for the Godfather, he becomes a “made” man, which means the Godfather will do ANYTHING in his power to protect his “made” men. The Godfather does this not out of gratitude, but out of necessity. The Godfather knows that nothing will dilute his power as quickly as an inability of the Godfather to protect his “made” men. If the Godfather’s thugs cannot depend on the Godfather to protect them from the consequences of their illegal activities, they will become risk averse. If the Godfather tells them to “whack” (i.e. murder) someone, the thugs, fearing a long prison sentence, may merely threaten the victim, putting the Godfather at risk. Readers of this letter, would it be fair and accurate to surmise that NKC principal Dr. Roos and NKC assistant principal Mrs. Alicia Fernandez are Godfather Al Carvalho’s “made” women at NKC? I am guessing that neither myself or any person reading this letter thinks the fact that these two thugs (I mean administrators) were assigned to NKC was a random event. I suspect that superintendents throughout the country assign certain thugs/administrators to a school that has caused them problems, with instructions to do ANYTHING (legal or otherwise) to rid those schools of employees the superintendent doesn’t like. The tacit understanding is that the superintendent will look the other way when the thug/administrator deliberately lies and/or frames a “problem” employee or does other things that are clearly illegal to get rid of “problem” employees. The tacit understanding is that if the rogue administrator gets caught, the administrator will take the fall and the superintendent will deny all knowledge and involvement. The superintendent will do everything in his/her power to protect the thug/administrator should he/she get caught. Even if the thug/administrator is found guilty, the thug/administrator will merely be shuffled off to a new post, often with both a promotion and a raise. The idea is to make the choice to be a thug/administrator as appealing as possible by minimizing the risk, minimizing the penalties if caught, and offering enormous rewards if the thug is successful in his/her dirty work. If the administrator gets rid of the employees the superintendent doesn’t like, he/she will get glowing evaluations, and fast tracked to positions and salaries the thug/administrator could never have dreamed of had he/she remained an honest administrator. Consider some of the illegal things “made” women Dr. Roos and Alicia Fernandez have done while cleaning house for Godfather Carvalho. 1) On the recommendation of Dr. Roos, Luz Morales was illegally terminated as a teacher (DOAH 145-2439). Ms. Morales was reinstated as a teacher and awarded 50% of the salary she was denied during the time she was illegally terminated. The case against Ms. Morales was so weak that MDCPS called NOT A SINGLE WITNESS to defend its inexcusable action. This cost the school district a great deal of money, but since it is the taxpayers money and not Godfather Carvalho’s money, it is of no concern to the Godfather. 2) Dr. Roos and Alicia Fernandez charged Mr. Massa with 7 potentially career ending charges. Mr. Massa’s lawsuit was settled out of court. Although I will never know the terms under which that lawsuit was settled, my guess is that this lawsuit cost MDCPS a great deal of taxpayer money. Alicia Fernandez allegedly knowingly and willfully falsely charged Mr. Massa with cheating on the Florida Alternate Assessment (FAA). In her deposition in the resulting lawsuit, Mrs. Fernandez allegedly perjured herself. If an investigative body independent of MDCPS investigates this, I can provide the name of a person who can shed some light on this. 3) This crime was committed by Godfather Al Carvalho. In DOAH 13-1492, MDCPS illegally removed Dr. Alberto Fernandez and Henny Cristobol from their posts as NKC administrators after they exercised their (supposedly) legal right to explore conversion to a charter school. This crime (of Godfather Carvalho) cost the taxpayers $250,000. 4) Dr. Roos allegedly physically assaulted an NKC staff member. She (Dr. Roos) was not prosecuted for this 5) Dr, Roos allegedly recently physically assaulted a Severely Mentally Retarded child. MDCPS gives the appearance of doing everything in its power to sweep this under the carpet.

6) Just days after the murder of the daughter of an African American NKC employee, Dr. Roos allegedly ordered an African American custodian to deliver Dr. Roos threat to have this woman involuntarily transferred to another school. When it looked like Dr. Roos might suffer adverse consequences for this action, Dr. Roos allegedly threatened the African American custodian with immediate job termination unless he immediately recanted his story. In a REAL school district, these two HORRENDOUS actions would have cost Dr. Roos her job. However, in “The People’s Republic” of MDCPS, a grateful Godfather Carvalho (or perhaps someone acting on orders from the Godfather) shortly afterward rewarded his faithful thug/administrator with the highest award an administrator can achieve. Dr. Roos became a candidate for the prestigious Principal of the Year Award. 7) Although it is MANDATORY that all staff participate in the annual staff satisfaction survey, Dr. Roos (possibly in a vain effort to boost the abysmally low approval ratings she gets year after year) forbade almost all African Americans from taking this survey. Um, Godfather and school board members, it is possible that you may not yet be aware of this, but the Voting Act of 1965 gave ALL people the right to vote (Yep, African Americans too). I know that this may be a difficult concept for you to grasp, but when you forbid people to vote based on their race, it is called discrimination, and believe it or not, it is illegal. Astonishingly, Federal laws apply everywhere, even in The People’s Republic of MDCPS! Of course, as this law was passed in 1965, it is possible that the Godfather and the school board are not yet aware of this “recent” legislation. 8) It is possible that the ASTONISHINGLY high results Severely Mentally Retarded children have achieved for several years at NKC since Dr. Roos and Mrs. Fernandez became the administrators were achieved by cheating. Should an investigative body INDEPENDENT of MDCPS investigate this, I know 2 people who may be able to shed some light on this matter

Godfather Carvalho knows that there are other schools with staff who may displease him, and he wants to be sure he has a ready force of thugs/administrators to brutally crush any dissent, however mild. To do this, potential thugs must retain their confidence in Godfather Carvalho’s ability to protect them, no matter how egregious their law breaking is. Thus, the Godfather will fight like a tiger to keep both thug/administrators at NKC NO MATTER HOW SERIOUS THEIR LAWBREAKING IS. If he cannot keep them at NKC, his next goal will be to merely shuffle them off to a new post, with both a promotion and a raise. If an equilibrium between staff and administrators is ever to be reestablished in MDCPS, this absolutely MUST NOT happen. The ONLY way rogue administrators (gosh, I hope I didn’t just repeat myself) and rogue superintendents will ever be brought back under control is if they begin to suffer penalties (up to and including imprisonment) commensurate with the crimes they commit. Another concern is that even if Godfather Carvalho is forced to remove one or even both of the two thugs currently in charge of NKC, he will merely replace them with two new thugs, as bad or worse than the thugs presently there. For this reason, the NKC staff is asking that Dr. Fernandez be reappointed to his post as the NKC principal, and Henny Cristobol be reappointed to his post as the NKC assistant principal.

The biggest reason that the equilibrium of power sharing between employees and administrators in MDCPS has become so HORRIBLY out of alignment is that there is no longer a REAL teacher’s union. Ms. Hernandez Mats is unashamedly and unabashedly the Godfather’s personal poodle. When the Godfather backed out of his promise to become the New York City education czar. Ms. Hernandez Mats used UTD money to throw a party for a superintendent that many of her membership consider to be the WORST superintendent MDCPS has ever had. Ms. Hernandez Mats, why is NKC a “no-go” zone for UTD? How many other “no-go” schools are there in MDCPS? Why have you answered none of the SEVEN (7) certified letters I have sent you? Why do UTD people almost never visit NKC? Ms. Hernandez Mats, as you know, a thirty- year NKC teacher had a nervous breakdown right on campus last spring, during the school day. That person is a former winner of the teacher of the year award, and an outstanding teacher in every regard. That teacher was and still is a UTD member. Do you know why that teacher had a nervous breakdown on campus? It happened because for over 6 years, the campus that neither you or any other UTD people dare to visit has become a HELLHOLE. At NKC, making sure you completely observe every single rule completely is NOT a guarantee a staff member won’t find himself or herself the victim of potentially career ending charges that have little or no basis in fact filed by these two thugs/administrators. Ms. Hernandez Mats, do you ever wonder why this former teacher of the year, and 30- year employee who is an exemplary teacher in every regard did not reach out to you prior to his/her nervous breakdown? I think you already know the answer to that question. This teacher did not call on UTD for help because this teacher knows that UTD does NOT have his/her back. This teacher correctly surmised that had he/she asked UTD for help, UTD would have pretended to see no problem and then stood back and pretended not to see when the two thugs/administrators of NKC retaliated at the conclusion of the sham UTD “investigation.” Karla, recently, Dr. Roos was accused of physically abusing a Severely Mentally Retarded child. That alleged abuse was allegedly witnessed by an African American NKC employee WHO HAS BEEN A MEMBER OF UTD FOR THIRTY YEARS. That person has a very deep love for Severely Mentally Retarded children. That person DESPERATELY wants to do anything in his/her power to protect these extremely vulnerable children who LITERALLY cannot speak for themselves. Karla, do you know why this UTD member has (very wisely) decided to keep his/her mouth shut? Do you know why this person has decided not to testify about the crime he/she allegedly saw Dr. Roos commit against a helpless and vulnerable Severely Mentally Retarded child? That person is too terrified to step forward because (after being a dues paying member of UTD for THIRTY YEARS) that person correctly surmises that Karla Hernandez Mats does NOT stand up for the rights of dues paying UTD members. Ms. Hernandez Mats, many UTD members believe that not only will you NOT stand up to defend UTD members, but you are in fact one of Godfather Carvalho’s closest and most trusted lieutenants, and that you will do almost ANYTHING to protect your Beloved Godfather, even if it means turning your back on a THIRTY- YEAR dues paying member of UTD. Ms. Hernandez Mats, do you have any idea how tortured this individual who has a DEEP. DEEP love for Severely Mentally Retarded children is feeling? Due to the fact that you simply will NOT exercise your DUTY to protect UTD members, this THIRTY -YEAR dues paying member of UTD is forced to choose between continuing to have a job with MDCPS or standing up for the rights of a Severely Mentally Retarded child. No matter which choice this person makes, he/she is going to be torn apart. Ms. Hernandez Mats, today I listened to the fourth robo-call I have received from you, urging me to vote for UTD candidates and issues. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I listened to your very cheery, chipper voice. While I hope I am wrong, my belief is that you don’t care at all about the welfare of UTD members , just as long as you continue to be paid your SIX FIGURE SALARY, and just as long as you get the chance to continue to help your Beloved Godfather, even if you achieve the Godfather’s goals on the backs of dues paying UTD members. Ms. Hernandez Mats, although the UTD serfs at NKC have gone through HELL for over SIX YEARS, my guess is that you sleep like a baby every night. While I hope I am wrong, I get the feeling that you and the Godfather are soulmates. I say this because both of you give the appearance of not being concerned with anything other than your own well- being. Here is a question for you, Ms. Hernandez Mats. The dues paying members of NKC are aware of the fact that UTD is going to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for them, year after year. Yet year after year, they continue to pay their dues. Why do you suppose this is so? They do so because they see what happened to Mr. Rick Massa. Mr. Massa was NOT a member of UTD, and within a period of a month and a half, the poor man found himself charged with SEVEN (7) potentially career ending charges (all based on slim or nonexistent evidence) by the two thugs/administrators of NKC. Ms. Hernandez Mats, NKC staff belong to UTD NOT because they believe in it, but because they fear the two thugs/administrators who rule NKC will abuse them even more if they don’t belong to UTD. Ms. Hernandez Mats, you remind me of the thugs who charge mom and pop businesses a “protection fee” not to burn the business down. Ms. Hernandez Mats, would it be fair and accurate to say that both yourself and UTD are parasitic, taking from your victims while giving nothing in return? As a final aside, Mr. Massa was at one time a UTD steward. Later he realized what a worse than useless organization UTD is and quit. I was a UTD steward for 10 years. I also now believe that UTD is a worse than useless parasitic organization.

At one time, I and most of my NKC colleagues believed that NKC was one of the finest facilities in Florida, or perhaps even the entire USA for Severely Mentally Retarded children. It was an honor to work there, and I looked forward to coming to work every day. Unlike the present, where the thugs/Administrators view staff as adversaries and prey, the staff and administrators viewed each other as colleagues and allies in an effort to improve the quality of life for Severely Mentally Retarded children. All that changed when the Godfather illegally smashed NKC’s attempt to explore conversion to a charter school. The first change was that the 2 highly effective curriculums in use, (the Small Step Curriculum (SSC) and the M.O.V.E. curriculum were discarded (against the nearly unanimous wishes of the NKC staff) in favor of the utterly useless Unique Learning System (ULS), a curriculum that is FAR above the cognitive abilities of Severely Mentally Retarded children. This means that our students may sit in our classrooms for up to 19 years and learn very close to nothing at all. The only explanation I can think of for this disastrous change that the SSC earned nothing for the vendors who sell to MDCPS, while the ULS costs taxpayers a small fortune. Large profits for vendors mean large political contributions for school board members reelection campaigns. My guess is that the fact that students may sit in a classroom for up to 19 years while learning nothing is not nearly as important as school board members being reelected to cushy, well paid positions. The mission statement for MDCPS is “Giving Our Students the World.” Perhaps a more honest mission statement would be “Giving Our Vendors the World.” Many of our students are wheelchair bound. Students who sit in their wheelchairs all day long for several years have their bodies slowly “freeze” into a permanent sitting position. This can cause EXCRUCIATING pain in adulthood. When we used the M.O.V.E. curriculum, we got students out of their wheelchairs and into very expensive physical therapy devices that stretched their muscles and kept those muscles from atrophying. That very expensive physical therapy equipment is now stored away, gathering rust and dust. Under the two thugs/administrators who now terrorize NKC, students remain in their wheelchairs ALL DAY LONG! I once heard Dr. Roos BOAST that NKC wheelchair bound children are no longer removed from their wheelchairs. That is NOT something I would be proud of. Another important component of our curriculum was toilet training. Nothing will more adversely affect a child’s sense of self-esteem than an inability to control his/her bladder and bowels. Conversely, a child who has mastered this skill enjoys an ENORMOUS boost in self- esteem. (Also, students who have not mastered toilet training will NOT be accepted into sheltered workshops.) In prior years, we were able to place our top students into sheltered workshops. Sheltered workshops give special needs people a great boost in self-esteem. As a result of the completely useless ULS curriculum, virtually NONE of our students will qualify for a sheltered workshop after they graduate from NKC. This means that all NKC children, who have committed no crime, are now condemned to a life sentence, without the possibility of parole of being warehoused 24/7 in a group home once they graduate from NKC. Again, I realize that the profits of the MDCPS vendors, and the reelection campaign contributions school board members receive from those vendors FAR outweigh any benefit for Severely Mentally Retarded children. Toilet training used to be an important part of the NKC curriculum. When I left NKC, we were FORBIDDEN to toilet train our students. Again, toilet training does not generate revenue for vendors, and I guess that the humiliation of sitting in wet and soiled clothing is not as important as vendor revenue.

When NKC was FORCED to adopt the completely useless ULS curriculum, (this caused parents to picket our campus with signs) one parent became so disgusted that she no longer sent her son to school, saying he wasn’t learning anything, and NKC was wasting her child’s time. This gave MDCPS two alternatives. It could either present a curriculum helpful to the child, or it could put the hammer down. As MDCPS always does when presented with these two options, the school district put the hammer down. This mother was told to either have her child in attendance every day, or have the child forcibly removed from his home and involuntarily placed into a foster home. Thus, a precedent was established. No matter what, you either send your child to NKC, or the child will be placed into a foster home. Then, ”The Carvalho Tax” was imposed. As Mr. Carvalho and the school board have known for OVER THREE YEARS, NKC students are exposed to an entirely preventable elevated risk of choking to death on their food, because Dr. Roos, Mr. Carvalho, and the 9 members of the school board appear to be willing to use Severely Mentally Retarded children as bait, in an effort to dismiss staff that have fallen out of favor with the two thugs/administrators who rule NKC. (I have discussed this issue at great length in every letter I have sent to Godfather Carvalho and/or school board members. Those many letters can be found on my blog (mdcpsallegations.com) So the parents of NKC have a choice to make. The choice is to either keep their child out of school and have a 100% chance of losing the child to a foster home, or playing Russian Roulette with the possibility of the child choking to death on his/her food. As the percentages are lower for playing Russian Roulette, parents send their bait (I mean children) to NKC. However, MDCPS has recently upped the ante. As I described in my 10/31/2018 blog entry, Dr. Roos, who gives the appearance of being in extremely fragile emotional health, recently allegedly physically assaulted a Severely Mentally Retarded child. For reasons known only to God, MDCPS has chosen to leave this seemingly extremely emotionally unstable woman in charge of the students of NKC. (Godfather and school board members, have you noticed that Dr. Roos transgressions seem to be increasing both in severity and frequency? Does this worry you? What happens if Dr. Roos sends a child to the hospital, or worse yet, to the morgue? In that case, not even the extremely compliant Carvalho Herald (I mean the Miami Herald) may be able to keep a lid on the story.) So, in addition to the entirely preventable elevated risk of children choking to death on their food, parents now have to worry about their Severely Mentally Retarded child being attacked by the seemingly emotionally fragile principal of NKC School! MR CARVALHO AND THE 9 SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS, DOES MDCPS HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO PROTECT SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN FROM BEING ATTACKED BY THE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL? If (may God forbid it) one of the readers of this letter has a Severely Mentally Retarded child as a member of the family, would that person be comfortable sending that child to school at NKC? If you were the parent of an NKC child, or an NKC staff member, would you regard the superintendent and the school board as allies or as obstacles? Would it be fair and accurate to say that NKC is being run for the benefit of Mr. Carvalho and the school board, and not the benefit of the Severely Mentally Retarded children who attend that school?

Back in the 1950’s a young Nelson Mandela presented a proposition to the evil Apartheid government of South Africa. He said, “Give Blacks one third of the seats in Parliament, and I will permanently disarm the African National Congress (ANC) army. Furthermore, we will write into the Constitution that this one third percentage will NEVER be changed, so the Apartheid majority will be preserved forever.” Mr. Mandela made this offer not because he felt it was fair, but because he felt it was the best deal he could hope to achieve. Although the ANC fighters were tough, brave, and gallant, the South African Army was equipped with the most advanced military hardware the world had at that time. It was truly a fight between an elephant and an ant. The South African government was evil, arrogant, amoral, and respected only might and power. (One might say the South African government is just like Godfather Carvalho and the MDCPS school board is today.) The South African Government basically laughed at Mr. Mandela’s offer and told him to go to hell. Years later, when the Apartheid government was on the verge of collapse, its representatives approached Mr. Mandela and asked him if that deal was still on the table. Mr. Mandela chuckled and told them that unfortunately, that deal had expired just yesterday! (Lest my words be mistaken, I want to state for the record that I am NOT comparing myself to Mr. Mandela. On the worst day of that great man’s life, he was a better man than I will ever be.) The situation between NKC and MDCPS is much the same as it was for Mr. Mandela and the Apartheid government. Just as a once hopeless situation for Mr. Mandela and the ANC eventually turned into a wonderful future, I think things will eventually turn out well for the persecuted staff of NKC. As you recall, the Apartheid government fell due to the economic sanctions imposed against it. Last January, I wrote to every Florida politician who sits on the K-12 education committee. I asked that funding for MDCPS be withheld until the People’s Republic of MDCPS observes Florida and Federal laws. I will continue to send those letters every year when the Florida legislature meets. Also, I will write to the new Florida Governor and ask him to send independent investigators to do a district wide audit of The People’s Republic of MDCPS. Finally, I am actively trolling every national media source I know to get this explosive story of neglect out to the public. I am wondering if any of the readers of this letter are able to understand how explosive my blog will be to the general public?

If the readers of this letter will go back and read the first letter I sent in June 2015, (it’s on my blog mdcpsallegations.com) you will see that the tone of my letter was very respectful and deferential My sole request was that Dr. Roos be replaced as the NKC principal, and I gave numerous examples of her horrific failures as an administrator. I figured that being the end of the school year, this would be extremely easy for MDCPS to implement. When I got no response whatsoever from ANY of the five people I wrote to, I knew what kind of people I was dealing with. So here we are in 2018. MDCPS has had 4 summers to replace the thugs/administrators who have run NKC into the ground and declined to do so.

Godfather Carvalho, the voters of Miami-Dade County are about to bestow a terrible gift upon you. Although you do not give the appearance of being a decent or moral man, you appear to be a master politician. You have capitalized on the public’s well- founded fear of school shootings to place a measure on the ballot placing a policeman or policewoman in every school. You, of course, will be in charge of those police. The ever generous (and ever gullible) taxpayers will probably approve this measure because of their genuine wish to safeguard children. However, as you and I know, every well- meaning school law can be perverted to increase the power of education bureaucrats. Take the law protecting children against school teachers who are sexual predators. If that law is enforced as it was intended, it is a wonderful law. Having said that, the teachers Of MDCPS (and probably most other school districts in the country) have a bitter riddle. That riddle is: “What do you call an educator who disputes any policies of a school bureaucrat?” The answer, of course, is a child molester. In the same way, the primary function of all those new police at your disposal will NOT be to safeguard children, but to insure educators instantly and completely carry out all edicts from both yourself and school site administrators. Staff who balk at a particularly odious edict may get a warning of a glowering cop, with arms folded across his or her chest. Further reluctance on the part of the educator may result in the police officer observing that educator committing a career ending offense. As with everything else in the People’s Republic of MDCPS, promotion for MDCPS police officers will result not from merit, but from a willingness to instantly and without question carry out the edicts of the bureaucrats. I am very, very happy that I am no longer a MDCPS serf. (I mean employee)

My final thought in this letter is that Godfather Carvalho pretty much runs MDCPS singlehandedly. The school board gives the appearance of being nothing more than the Godfather’s rubber stamp, a fig leaf so that the Godfather can pretend that decisions are made by the educational politburo (Of one person.) If there were only 7 school board members, I guess you people could be thought of as the 7 dwarves. (Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey, Doc, and Bashful.) There is no doubt in my mind as to which one of you is Bashful. Mr. Feldman, you win that contest hands down. The students of NKC are in YOUR district, Mr. Feldman. I have sent you FIVE (5) certified letters and I haven’t heard so much as a peep from you. Mr. Feldman, for goodness sake, are you able for just once in your life to stop being the Godfather’s most reliable “Yes” man? Are you able to gather what little courage you seem to have and get up off your knees and stand up for children in YOUR district who literally cannot speak for themselves??? Mr. Feldman, I am not naïve enough to think that you would stand up for Severely Mentally Retarded children because it is the decent or moral thing to do. I am asking you to do this because if you don’t do this, the public may elect a school board member who really DOES care about the welfare of SEVERELY Mentally Retarded children. Think what that would mean. You would lose that extremely generous salary the taxpayers are giving you. You would also lose the fawning attention you receive by virtue of the fact that you are a school board member. Most frightening of all, you would no longer have your picture taken with people who really ARE movers and shakers in the field of education. Mr. Feldman, as long as you act in the best interests of Severely Mentally Retarded children, I really don’t care what your motivation for those actions is.


Bill Detzner

Bill Detzner/7722 S.W. 99 St./Miami, Fl. 33156

Email to FEA President Fed Ingram 11/02/2018

Hello, Fed. Congratulations on being elected President of the Florida Education Association. Fed, I need your help. My name is Bill Detzner. My website is mdcpsallegations.com I was the UTD steward for 10 years at Neva King Cooper School (NKC) I was the steward during your tenure as the UTD President. In a nutshell, NKC has been persecuted and under lockdown for over 6 years as a result of NKC attempting to assert its (supposedly) legally protected right to convert from a public school to a charter school. I have sent 7 unanswered certified letters to Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, and another 7 unanswered certified letters to UTD President Karla Hernandez Mats. Among my accusations are an alleged physical attack by the school principal against a Severely Mentally Retarded African American student, illegally forbidding most of the African American staff from participating in the MANDATORY annual staff satisfaction survey,  and the principal threatening an African American woman whose daughter had been murdered just days before with an involuntary transfer to another school. (If you do not have time to read my entire blog, my latest entry, (Fourth Email To PTA President For MDCPS Nancy Lawther 10/31/2018) should give you a bird’s eye view of the situation. Fed, I am sending you this email and posting this email on my blog so that when this story breaks (I am trolling every national media source I know)you will not be able to say you were unaware of the situation. Here is what I am asking of you: 1) If it is within your power, can you remove (or recommend removal) of UTD President Karla Hernandez Mats for non-performance of her duties? 2) If it is within your power as FEA President, can you place the maximum sanction you are capable of against MDCPS Superintendent Alberto Carvalho for abuse of his position? 3) Will you please send me a list of all the actions you intend to take as a result of reading my blog? 4) If it is within your power as FEA President, will you recommend that the National Labor Relations Board and/or the Federal or Federal Bureau of Investigation do an in-depth audit of the entire MDCPS district? 5) Will you forward copies of this email to both Ms. Hernandez Mats and Mr. Carvalho? 6) Will you, as FEA President also recommend that BOTH current NKC administrators (Principal Dr. Tracy Roos and assistant principal Alicia Fernandez) be immediately and permanently removed from their posts? Will you recommend that these two people be replaced by former NKC principal Dr. Alberto Fernandez and assistant principal Henny Cristobol as the new NKC administrators? 7) Will you ask that the two present NKC administrators principal Dr. Tracy Roos and assistant principal Alicia Fernandez be investigated by a body INDEPENDENT of MDCPS for cheating on the Florida Alternate Assessment (FAA) ? (I can provide the names of 2 people who can shed some light on this.) Will you also ask this investigative body to investigate Alicia Fernandez for knowingly and willfully filing false charges against Mr. Rick Massa for cheating on the FAA and then perjuring herself in her deposition in the resulting lawsuit? (I can provide the name of a person who can shed some light on this.) If an independent investigative body find the two present NKC administrators guilty of one or more offenses, will you recommend that they receive a penalty commensurate with their offense(s)? 8) Will you recommend that principal Roos be removed from the NKC campus until a comprehensive investigation is completed by an agency independent of MDCPS for possible child abuse? There is an NKC African American employee who has been both a MDCPS employee and a UTD member for over 30 years. He/She allegedly saw the alleged child abuse occur, but is too terrified to come forward. If an independent agency (perhaps the NAACP) were able to guarantee his/her safety from retaliation by MDCPS, he/she might be willing to testify. Thank You for your help in this matter.

Fourth Email To PTA President For MDCPS Nancy Lawther, Oct. 31, 2018

Hello Nancy, and hello also to your PTA vice president who has also received every email I sent you. I am disappointed that neither one of you have answered my previous 3 requests for help for Severely Mentally Retarded (SMR) children. I am hoping you will respond to this 4’th email and act to protect children so vulnerable that they literally cannot speak for themselves. I want to bring an event to your attention that is so shocking that only a very cold hearted person would fail to respond to it. (My hope is that neither one of you is a very cold hearted person.) About a week and a half ago, at the end of the school day, a bus returned to Neva King Cooper School (NKC), returning a Severely Mentally Retarded child to NKC. The child was returned to NKC because there was no one at the child’s home to receive the child. The child was returned to NKC AFTER 3:05 P.M., so the child’s teacher had already gone home for the day, as staff are dismissed at that time. The contract very clearly states that if a child is returned to school after staff have gone home, the principal (Dr. Tracy Roos) is legally OBLIGATED to accept custody of that child. Nevertheless, Dr. Roos allegedly attempted to refuse to accept custody of this Severely Mentally Retarded child. The bus driver and the bus aide informed Dr. Roos that they (the 2 bus people) had been told by their supervisor to release the severely mentally retarded child to the principal and return the school bus to its parking lot. Allegedly, the 2 bus personnel assisted the Severely Mentally Retarded child off the bus (They said it was them, and NOT Dr. Roos who off-loaded the student.) At that point Dr. Roos (possibly believing nobody was watching) allegedly PHYSICALLY ABUSED the child. This incident was witnessed by THREE individuals. The first two witnesses were the bus driver and the bus aide. The third witness was an African American staff member of NKC who has been an employee of Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) for over 30 years. This person has also been a member of United Teachers of Dade (UTD) for over 30 years. The two bus personnel wrote up and pressed formal charges against Dr. Roos. THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME DR ROOS HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING A PERSON. My blog (mdcpsallegations.com) describes in great detail Dr. Roos alleged physical assault of an NKC staff member. This staff member did not report this incident to the MDCPS investigative bodies, probably because he/she feared the incident would be covered up and the employee retaliated against. This person transferred to another school and is still a MDCPS employee should an investigative body want to investigate this. Superintendent Carvalho, UTD president Hernandez Mats, and all 9 school board members are all well aware of this incident. In my blog, I discussed that Dr. Roos allegedly told me that she (Dr. Roos) has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) My blog also discussed Dr. Roos 2 uncontrollable crying jags at faculty meetings (one of which I personally witnessed.) Dr. Roos gives the impression of being an extremely emotionally unstable person. She also gives the appearance of being an extremely vicious and vindictive person who seems to derive extreme pleasure in getting revenge against any person who  has caused Dr. Roos to look bad, even if it is solely the fault of Dr. Roos that she (Dr. Roos) has done something to make herself look bad. I have explained all of this to Mr. Carvalho, the 9 school board members, and Ms. Hernandez Mats in the numerous unanswered letters I have sent them. A MPCPS police officer also participated in the sham “investigation” that was done in regard to this incident. This MDCPS police officer is the spouse of an NKC teacher who is allegedly Dr. Roos best “snitch” on campus. A few years ago, the teacher who is allegedly a “snitch” for Dr. Roos had a dispute with a paraprofessional he/she worked with. (an African American woman) This teacher allegedly talked his/her MDCPS police officer spouse into paying an unauthorized visit to the NKC campus in an attempt to intimidate the African American paraprofessional. The police officer allegedly parked his/her police car illegally on campus, allegedly went onto the grounds of the campus (without announcing his/her presence or purpose to the principal), without signing in, and went to his/her spouse’s classroom  and silently stood in the open classroom door with his/her arms folded across his/her chest for several minutes, glaring at the African American woman who reported this rogue cop to Dr. Alberto Fernandez, (the NKC principal at the time) Dr. Fernandez ordered this rogue cop to leave the campus and never return unless on official business. In another incident, Dr. Roos was attempting to terminate an employee she did not like. Dr. Roos attempted to pressure other NKC employees into saying one or more of us had witnessed this staff member physically abusing a child. NKC staff members are very protective of Severely Mentally Retarded children and we will not tolerate staff who abuse these children. (Of course, if NKC ADMINISTRATORS abuse severely mentally retarded children, staff are too fearful for their jobs to turn in the offending NKC administrator.) I will discuss that later. Anyway, (most but not all) NKC staff are also unwilling to willfully lie and say that they observed a staff member do something illegal if that alleged illegal action did not actually occur. As no staff saw the alleged physical abuse occur, nobody stepped forward to level willfully false charges against the serf who had incurred Dr. Roos wrath. That was the point where Dr. Roos had her first alleged uncontrollable crying jag that I personally witnessed. At that point, Dr. Roos called in this same MDCPS police officer to see if additional pressure would cause staff to level knowingly false charges. This police officer began one-on-one questioning with a staff member who stated SEVERAL TIMES that he had not witnessed any physical abuse at NKC. At this point, the police officer began shouting and banging his/her hand on the table and accusing the staff member of lying! This is the police officer who did the sham “investigation” of Dr. Roos alleged abuse of a Severely Mentally Retarded child. Both members of this husband/wife team of MDCPS employees are widely considered by most NKC employees to be completely under the control of Dr. Roos. The cameras that were in the bus loading area were in the sole custody of Dr. Roos and this police officer. It was not surprising that it was ruled that the cameras did not show evidence of Dr. Roos physically abusing this Severely Mentally Retarded child. One other incident needs to be discussed to show why this 30 year MDCPS employee who is African American was too terrified to step forward and testify as to what he/she saw Dr. Roos do. As I described in my blog, last year, shortly after the daughter of an African American NKC staff member was murdered, Dr. Roos allegedly ordered an African American custodian (who is a very close friend of the woman whose daughter was murdered) to verbally convey Dr. Roos threat to have this African American woman involuntarily transferred to another school. When it looked like Dr. Roos might suffer negative consequences for this action (shortly afterwards, Dr. Roos was nominated as a candidate for the prestigious Principal of the Year Award). Dr. Roos summoned the African American custodian to her office for a closed door meeting and allegedly threatened this man with immediate termination of his job unless he recanted his story that Dr. Roos had ordered him to deliver this threat to his friend. Nancy, are you aware of the fact that last spring, Dr. Roos allegedly illegally forbade most African American staff from participating in the MANDATORY annual staff satisfaction survey? Do the two of you see that in incident after incident Dr. Roos gives the appearance of being very racist and performing harmful hateful actions against African Americans. The Severely Mentally Retarded child Dr. Roos allegedly abused is African American. Given the fact that MDCPS has a policy that MANDATES that an administrator accused of physically abusing a child be removed from that campus until the investigation is complete (for the protection of the child) , and given the fact that MDCPS is aware that this is NOT the first time that Dr. Roos has been accused of physical assault, and given the fact that MDCPS is well aware of the fact that Dr. Roos gives the appearance of being in extremely fragile emotional health, and given the fact that Dr. Roos gives the impression that she is unable to control her destructive urges, and given the fact that Dr. Roos has a long history of actions against African Americans that appear to be racist and discriminatory in nature, and given the fact that the child who allegedly suffered this abuse is African American, and given the fact that this child does not have speech and therefore cannot tell anyone if Dr. Roos allegedly physically abused him, doesn’t it seem odd to you and your vice president that MDCPS failed to follow its own policy of  MANDATORY removal of an accused abusive administrator from the campus??? I think there are 2 reasons why MDCPS failed to implement its own MANDATORY guidelines: 1) MDCPS is a criminal enterprise and they do whatever they need to do to sweep their criminal activities under the carpet 2) Keeping Dr. Roos on campus is a very effective way of silencing this terrified African American 30 year employee and 30 year UTD member until the incredibly short deadline for prosecuting offenses of this nature passes. This person is well aware of my blog. This person has personally witnessed the brutal and willful rape of NKC employees for the last 6 years. This person is well aware that although all NKC employees are treated very poorly, African American employees are treated the worst of all. This person knows that although UTD has been fully informed of the rape of its NKC members for 6 years, UTD has done NOTHING to defend those members. This person witnessed the fact that after Dr. Roos committed an offense so serious that it should have resulted in Dr. Roos termination of employment.  (threatening an employee with an involuntary transfer shortly after the murder of that employees daughter) Dr. Roos was not only NOT punished, she was nominated for the highly prestigious Principal of the Year Award. This person saw that the only person who was punished in this incident was the African American custodian who was threatened with immediate job termination. This person knows that if he/she were foolish enough to report Dr. Roos physical abuse, he/she would be reporting that incident to the MDCPS police officer who is widely viewed by NKC staff as being very corrupt and entirely under the control of Dr. Roos. I worked for Dr. Roos for 3 years, and I know what she is capable of. In the time I worked there, Dr. Roos NEVER ONCE failed to achieve revenge against a person who had caused her to look bad, even if it was entirely the fault of Dr. Roos that she looked bad. This Severely Mentally Retarded child does not have any physical speech and cannot tell anyone if Dr. Roos (again) physically abuses him. Given the fact that this child is Severely Mentally Retarded, Dr. Roos cannot inflict mental or emotional abuse against him. The only tool left in her toolbox is physical cruelty. Here is one (of many) options available to Dr. Roos for illegally punishing this child for the “crime” of having nobody at home one day at the end of the school day. Dr. Roos could simply order this child’s teacher to deliver the child to her office. Once the child is behind closed doors, Dr. Roos seems to have a green light from Superintendent Carvalho, the 9 school board members, and Ms. Hernandez Mats to physically abuse this Severely Mentally Retarded child with virtual impunity. Even if staff hear the child’s screams of pain and terror, who will be brave enough to risk their job by reporting an action that will result in no adverse consequences to Dr. Roos??? You see, Nancy, (and your vice president) that child is not the only one who has no voice. The staff of NKC also have no voice. UTD will NOT exercise its MANDATORY duty to protect its members from unlawful actions by MDCPS. I have sent 7 unanswered certified letters each to both Superintendent Carvalho and to Ms. Hernandez Mats. The staff of NKC is asking you (for the 4’th time) to ask Superintendent Carvalho to immediately and permanently remove both NKC principal Tracy Roos and assistant principal Alicia Fernandez from their posts (Mrs. Fernandez allegedly knowingly and willfully filed false charges against an NKC employee for cheating on the Florida Alternate Assessment (FAA) test and then allegedly perjuring herself in her deposition in the resulting lawsuit. (If an independent investigative body investigates this, I can provide a former NKC staff member who can verify this) Both Dr. Roos and Alicia Fernandez allegedly  cheated for many years on the FAA (I can provide the names of 2 people no longer at NKC who can shed some light on this. ) As the NKC staff feel they have been punished for over 6 years for engaging in the (supposedly) legally protected process of exploring converting from a public school to a charter school, and given the fact that the NKC staff are deeply fearful that Superintendent Carvalho intends to punish them in perpetuity, they are asking that former principal Dr. Alberto Fernandez and former assistant principal Henny Cristobol be restored to their positions. Given the fact that the NKC staff is fearful that the MDCPS internal investigative bodies are extremely corrupt, the staff is hoping that an independent body such as the National Labor Relations Board or the Federal or Florida Bureau of Investigation will do a district wide audit of MDCPS. The NKC staff is hoping that the PTA of MDCPS will endorse all of these actions in a written memorandum to Superintendent Carvalho, or whatever part of these requests fall under the PTA jurisdiction. Nancy, a politically ambitious person might be motivated to seek the position of the MDCPS PTA president only to buff up his/her resume in anticipation of a career as an educational bureaucrat. Such a person would do ANYTHING, even overlooking the physical abuse of a Severely Mentally Retarded child in order to remain in the good graces of a powerful political patron  such as Mr. Carvalho. I am hoping you are not that kind of person. When you accepted this post, one of your duties was/is to protect the rights of children, even if carrying out your duties caused you to become unpopular with powerful educational bureaucrats. Nancy, you should know that the explosive allegations in my blog are not going to go unnoticed forever. I an currently trolling every nationwide media source I can. When this story breaks, if you choose to do little or nothing, how will that effect the careers of you and your vice president? Nancy, it is time to put on your big girl pants. Here is the present situation at NKC. Staff are well aware that it is illegal to physically abuse a child, ESPECIALLY a Severely Mentally Retarded child. However, MDCPS says there is an exception to this rule. MDCPS says that (in violation of Federal law) an administrator may abuse one OR MORE? Severely Mentally Retarded children, WITH VIRTUAL IMPUNITY! Think of that. The school principal, who is supposed to be the school leader, stands accused of child abuse, and it seems highly likely that she is indeed guilty of that offense. Not only that. Given Dr. Roos seemingly fragile emotional health, it seems likely that an incident like this (or worse) is likely to happen again, possibly in the near future. DO MDCPS OFFICIALS HAVE A DUTY TO PROTECT EXTREMELY FRAGILE SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN FROM PHYSICAL ABUSE AT THE HANDS OF THE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL? If this is no longer the case, DOES THE PTA STILL HAVE THIS DUTY? It gets worse. Although Superintendent Carvalho and the 9 school board members are COMPLETELY aware of what is going on, they give the appearance of attempting not only to cover this up, but to allow Dr. Roos to potentially physically abuse one or more NKC students in the future. The NKC staff and parents who read my blog are aware of this situation. As you know, I am going to post this email on my blog.

October 24 Email to NAACP

Hi Ebony. Would you please be kind enough to forward this email to Ruban Roberts? There has been a new development at  Neva King Cooper School (NKC.) A few days ago, the school principal, Dr. Tracy Roos allegedly physically assaulted an African American severely mentally retarded student in front of witnesses who submitted formal charges against her. By the way, this is not the first time Dr. Roos has been accused of physically assaulting a person. A few years ago, an NKC employee alleged that Dr. Roos had physically assaulted that employee. The employee was so fearful of retaliation by MDCPS (who act more like a criminal enterprise than a school district)  if he/she reported the incident that the employee did not report the incident to MDCPS authorities and transferred to another school. That person is still a MDCPS employee and is a very kind person who cares very deeply about severely mentally retarded children. If this person finds out about this alleged physical assault against an NKC student, that person may be willing to come forward and tell about Dr. Roos alleged first physical assault.  Although it is MANDATORY that Dr. Roos be assigned alternate duty at another location until the investigation is complete, (for the safety of the child) Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) is refusing to do this, and Dr. Roos remains the principal at NKC. This means the child’s parents must either keep their child out of school and risk having the child removed from his home and placed in foster care, or send him back to NKC where a principal who has personally told me she (Dr. Roos) has an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Additionally, Dr. Roos gives the appearance of being unable to control her vicious and vindictive impulses and has a long history of retaliating against anyone who has caused her (Dr. Roos) to look bad. Thus it is entirely possible that if this child is returned to NKC, Dr. Roos may again physically assault him. As you can see, returning this child to NKC, where Dr. Roos is still the principal is not a good idea. While allowing this child to transfer to another school  (which may result in a longer bus ride each way for a child who did nothing wrong) is one solution, it still leaves Dr. Roos (who most of the NKC staff regard as very racist) (i.e. last spring, she illegally forbade most of the African American NKC staff from taking the MANDATORY staff satisfaction survey.) in charge of a school containing other African American severely mentally retarded children. Again, given the fact that Dr. Roos has said she has OCD, this places these children at risk for being physically assaulted by Dr. Roos. For this reason, the NKC staff is hoping that the NAACP will see fit to insist that Dr. Roos be relieved permanently of her duties at NKC. As Superintendent Carvalho has punished NKC for six years ( I talk about this at great length in my blog mdcpsallegations.com) the NKC staff is very fearful that Mr. Carvalho will appoint a new principal to NKC who is as bad or even worse than Dr. Roos. For this reason, the NKC staff has asked me to ask the NAACP if this organization would consider asking Mr. Carvalho to reinstate the previous administrators who are Dr. Alberto Fernandez (principal) and Henny Cristobol (assistant principal) One other problem that results from allowing Dr. Roos to remain at NKC is the issue of witness intimidation. You see, in addition to the bus driver and the bus aide who witnessed Dr. Roos alleged physical assault of this student, an African American woman and NKC staff member who has been a MDCPS employee for over 30 years also witnessed this event. She is terrified to come forward to report what she saw, probably because she remembers what happened to the African American custodian who came forward last year and reported Dr. Roos for threatening another NKC African American woman whose daughter had just been murdered with an involuntary transfer to another school. Dr. Roos summoned the custodian to her office for a closed door meeting and threatened the man with immediate termination of his job unless he immediately recanted saying that Dr. Roos had ordered him to threaten one of his closest friends with an involuntary transfer to another school. MDCPS is more like a criminal enterprise than it is a school district, and I think the reason MDCPS is violating its MANDATORY rule that a principal accused of child abuse be removed from campus pending the results of the investigation  is because MDCPS knows that if Dr. Roos is removed from NKC, the third witness to Dr. Roos child abuse will lose her fear of testifying what she saw Dr. Roos do.