I have learned two new things I wish to bring to the attention of the readers of this email. The first is that NKC principal Dr. Roos is allegedly attempting to persuade the workman’s compensation office to deny compensation to the African American Custodian Dr. Roos allegedly assaulted. This raises a number of troubling questions. 1) Shouldn’t it be the Office of Workman’s Compensation, and not Dr. Roos who determines the eligibility of this person for workman’s compensation? 2) Is Dr. Roos sending these emails or making these phone calls to the Office of Workman’s Compensation during her working hours? (Hopefully, an investigative body having no connection to MDCPS will investigate this matter.) 3) Given the fact that Dr. Roos alleged physical assault of this woman temporarily made it impossible for this woman to perform her duties, is it morally, ethically, or legally permissible for Dr. Roos to also attempt to deny this woman any income with which to pay her bills? (Readers of this email might also wish to interview Mr. Javier Ruiz Lopez. Dr. Roos also allegedly recently attempted to prevent Mr. Luiz Lopez from securing workman’s compensation when Mr. Ruiz Lopez suffered an injury while working at NKC. Mr. Ruiz Lopez is Hispanic. This is yet another example of what appears to be discriminatory behavior by Dr. Roos against a minority employee.)
the second new fact that I have learned is the name of one of the NKC staff Dr. Roos allegedly “Asked” to write a report stating Dr. Roos did not physically assault the African American Custodian, even though this person did not witness the alleged physical assault. The only two people who actually observed this alleged physical assault were a bus aide and the NKC security person. The name of one person Dr. Roos allegedly “Asked” to write a false report, absolving Dr. Roos of blame is Mr. Luis Ibarra. My hope is that an investigative body that has no connection with MDCPS will interview Mr. Ibarra and ask him if Dr. Roos “Asked” him to write such a report. If Mr. Ibarra wrote such a report, my hope is that the investigative body will retain a copy of this report. It might also be prudent to ask all NKC school secretaries if they typed up any such reports from Mr. Ibarra and other NKC staff. Also, Mr. Ibarra might be asked if Dr. Roos threatened any reprisals against Mr. Ibarra if he failed to provide such a statement. If Dr. Roos coerced, or attempted to coerce any NKC staff member into providing false statements absolving Dr. Roos of guilt for this alleged assault, my hope is that the proper penalty will be levied against Dr. Roos. Investigators may also wish to ask the entire NKC staff if any of them were asked to provide false statements on Dr. Roos behalf.
I wish to VERY STRONGLY EMPHASIZE that if Mr. Ibarra or any other NKC staff member wrote false statements on behalf of Dr. Roos, NO PENALTY should be levied against them.
I worked for three years under Dr. Roos, and every day during that period, I feared that I would be summoned to Dr. Roos office to face false, career ending charges brought against me by Dr. Roos. I have previously stated that MDCPS has the appearance of being a criminal enterprise. A few examples will hopefully illustrate the pervasive fear of reprisal that MDCPS employees face on a daily basis, courtesy of both Superintendent Carvalho and Dr. Roos.
Dr. Roos allegedly used her hand to jerk the jaw of a person Dr. Roos was SCREAMING at in an upward motion until this person was involuntarily looking into Dr. Roos’ eyes. Dr. Roos then allegedly screamed, “You look at me when I am speaking to you.” This alleged victim was a Hispanic SOCIAL WORKER. This person was not a member of United Teachers of Dade. (UTD). THIS SOCIAL WORKER CHOSE NOT TO REPORT THIS PHYSICAL ASSAULT TO THE MDCPS INTERNAL INVESTIGATIVE BODY. If a SOCIAL WORKER does not have enough confidence in MDCPS to report a PHYSICAL ASSAUL against her, what does that tell the readers of this email about the ability of MDCPS to internally police itself?
Commissioner Corcoran, on bended knee, I am BEGGING you to bring in one or more investigative bodies independent of MDCPS. I am hoping this investigative body will do a comprehensive investigation of the entire MDCPS, in addition to investigating the ten year rape of NKC during the time Dr. Roos has been the principal of that unhappy place.
Here is yet another example of the fear MDCPS employees have of reprisals for whistleblowing. When myself and a few other teachers FORCED MDCPS to open an internal investigation into cheating by Dr. Roos on the yearly achievement tests, several of my NKC colleagues pulled me aside and warned me that my whistleblowing was career suicide, as MDCPS would absolve itself of all blame, Dr. Roos would then retaliate against me, and UTD would turn a blind eye, and not lift a finger to protect me. All three of these predictions came to pass.
I was the UTD steward at NKC for ten years, and I can tell you that UTD does NOTHING to protect NKC members. NKC is a “no go zone” for UTD. For that reason, it would be wrong to charge Mr. Ibarra or any other person with wrongdoing if they provided false statements to Dr. Roos.
Two other examples of the DEEP, DEEP fear Dr. Roos has instilled into NKC employees are the false charges Dr. Roos levied against Mr. Rick Massa of reckless endangerment of a child (who Mr. Massa rescued from choking on his food), cheating on the yearly achievement test, and possibly sexually molesting a child. (I discuss this in great detail in my blog mdcpsallegations.com) All of these charges were later dropped for lack of evidence.
Still another example of the DEEP, DEEP fear Dr. Roos has cultivated can be found in DOAH 145-2439. This was the legal case where Dr. Roos was found guilty of illegally terminating the employment of Ms. Luz Morales, a Hispanic employee. (Hopefully, the readers of this letter are seeing a pattern of discrimination by Dr. Roos against both African American and Hispanic employees, during the entire ten years that she has been the NKC principal. Hopefully, the readers of this email will also see a pattern where time after time when MDCPS was allowed to investigate itself, Dr. Roos was cleared of all wrongdoing, and resumed her discriminatory practices against minority NKC employees. Hopefully, the readers of this letter will see that Superintendent Carvalho, by allowing Dr. Roos to continue these illegal practices, is as guilty of racial prejudice and discrimination as Dr. Roos is.)
However, I have digressed. The point I wished to make is that when I agreed to testify on behalf of Ms. Morales at her court hearing, I was once again pulled aside by other NKC staff and warned that I was risking my career, as MDCPS would retaliate against me, and UTD would turn a blind eye, and not lift a finger to protect me. This turned out to be what happened to me, and to every other person who testified on behalf of Ms. Morales.
If Mr. Ibarra, or any other person who allegedly wrote false statements on behalf of Dr. Roos when “Asked” to do so is punished for doing so, this would be a great travesty of justice, and yet another example of a minority employee punished for the misdeeds of Dr. Roos. As MDCPS gives the appearance of being a criminal organization, an employee who declines when “Asked” to perform an illegal action puts his/her career at risk, and has no entity to turn to for help (including UTD.)
Ms. Santos, as the school board member representing District Nine and NKC, I am asking you to do three things. 1) Please share this email with Superintendent Carvalho. 2) Please send a written memo to Mr. Carvalho, asking him to permanently remove Dr. Roos from NKC, for the protection of both African American Profoundly Mentally Handicapped children of that school, and the minority employees of that school. 3) Please author a motion for the school board to remove Mr. Carvalho as the MDCPS Superintendent, for egregious failure to protect minority children and staff of NKC over a period of nearly ten years. Ms. Santos, if you fail to take these actions, please keep in mind that stakeholders are attempting to invite Black Lives Matter, the NAACP, and other interested parties to provide their input into securing the safety of NKC minority students and staff.
Mr. Carvalho, I am asking you to resign as the MDCPS Superintendent and to immediately and permanently remove Dr. Roos as a MDCPS employee. A few years ago, you abruptly fired a principal for the offense of dirty bathrooms. Perhaps I am wrong, but it is my belief that the readers of this blog consider the alleged repeated physical assault of both minority students and staff by a school principal to be a more serious offense than dirty bathrooms.
Commissioner Corcoran, on bended knee, I am literally BEGGING you to task an independent investigative body (perhaps the Florida Bureau of Investigation, or the Federal Bureau of Investigation) to do an in-depth investigation of both NKC and MDCPS. If that investigation reveals that Dr. Roos merits termination of employment, with loss of pension, I ask that the proper penalty be assigned. If your investigation determines that Mr. Carvalho has failed in his duties as MDCPS Superintendent, I ask that you terminate him from his position, and place MDCPS under state supervision, until such time as MDCPS is in compliance with both Federal and Florida statutes.