November 18, 2021 Email to School Board Member Luisa Santos

Hello Ms. Santos. My name is Bill Detzner. I want to make you aware of a situation that recently happened in a MDCPS District Nine School. On November 10, 2021, Dr. Tracy Roos, the White principal at Neva King Cooper (NKC), a center exclusively for Profoundly Mentally Handicapped (PMH) students allegedly physically assaulted an African American custodian of that school. As a result of this alleged physical assault, the African American custodian is on workman’s compensation , and is asking that this incident be investigated. She has sent unanswered emails to both Dr. Roos and Ms. Garcia, who is Dr. Roos boss. There are two witnesses to this alleged physical assault. Ms. Garcia has been fully appraised of the situation.

This is just one of many alleged physical assaults Dr. Roos has been accused of. One alleged incident involved an African American Profoundly Mentally Handicapped student of NKC. I have described the numerous allegations of physical assault by Dr. Roos against both minority students and minority staff of NKC. My blog can be accessed at

My latest entry, posted November 18. is titled, “Dr. Roos Latest Alleged Physical Assault of an African American NKC Employee.” Reading that entry will give you a brief outline of the numerous allegations of physical assault that Dr. Roos has inflicted upon minority students/staff at NKC FOR SIX YEARS.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why Mr. Carvalho does not seem to be troubled that a white principal allegedly physically assaulted a helpless Profoundly Mentally Handicapped African American child who literally cannot speak for himself. Mr. Carvalho’s seemingly moral nihilism is why I am also going to seek the assistance of Black Lives Matter, the NAACP, the Atlanta Office of Civil Rights Enforcement, and other stakeholders that I am not going to reveal at this time. I am doing this because I have spent SIX YEARS sending Mr. Carvalho certified letters informing him of what gives the appearance of being overt and blatant racism displayed by NKC principal Tracy Roos.

As NKC is significantly higher than 50% of minority and low income students, it is astonishing beyond belief that Mr. Carvalho has allowed a principal who gives the appearance of being extremely racist to allegedly physically abuse both minority students and staff without doing anything to stop it, even though I have left a long paper trail that shows he has been made aware of this situation.

As every time an allegation of physical assault of a minority student or staff person by Dr. Roos appears to have been swept under the carpet by MDCPS, the fear of the parents and staff of NKC is that the job of Ms. Garcia is NOT to investigate this matter, but to sweep it under the carpet and allow Dr. Roos to continue to physically assault minority students/staff.

Mr. Carvalho might find this difficult to understand, but the parents and staff of NKC are getting VERY weary of Dr. Roos alleged physical assaults, with virtual impunity.

I will post this email to you on my blog, so it cannot be denied that both you and Mr. Carvalho have been fully appraised of the EXTREMELY volatile present situation at NKC.

Ms. Santos, I am asking you to do the following actions: 1) Please read my November 18 posting on my blog. 2) Please share this email with Superintendent Carvalho, and ask him to also read my November 18 blog posting. 3) Please send Mr. Carvalho a written memo asking him to consider terminating Dr. Roos as a MDCPS employee, and forfeiting her pension, if that option is legally possible (and not merely reassigning her to another post.) 4) Please consider authoring a resolution asking the school board to relieve Mr. Carvalho of his position as MDCPS superintendent, due to his gross negligence in protecting both minority NKC students and staff from alleged physical assault at the hands of principal Dr. Tracy Roos

Ms. Santos, I will close this email with a question for both you and Mr. Carvalho. My question is: Do you feel MDCPS has an obligation to protect African American Profoundly Mentally Handicapped students and minority staff members from physical assault by a MDCPS principal?